YouTube fraudster and fake investment guru Tom Nash (suspected real name Tomer Nesher) has made numerous false claims about his credentials and experience for several years.
These false claims created the perception that he possess high-level experience and credentials in the capital markets and specifically in the area of securities analysis.
For example, Tom Nash claimed that he was a senior analyst at a top 4 Wall Street firm for more than ten years prior to quitting his job to become a YouTuber for the sole purpose of exposing fake gurus.
Yes, that's correct.
Nash claimed he quit his allegedly "high status, high paying job as a senior analyst at a top Wall Street firm" in order to help people who watch YouTube by exposing fake gurus.
Let me be clear.
You'd have to be a complete idiot to fall for that pitch.
Then again, the YouTube audience consists primarily of idiots.
The main problem with this ridiculously hilarious sales pitch (aside from the fact that Nash never worked as a Wall Street analyst) is that he forgot to expose himself as one of the fake gurus.
No one exposed Tom Nash as a liar and fraud other than me. Even today, there's no one who is really going after Nash even though he continues to run his con game.
Self-proclaimed "fake guru detective" Coffeezilla on his YouTube channel didn't expose Nash either.
See here for more on Coffeezilla.
Based on Nash's false claims of having worked as a Wall Street analyst, as well as being promoted as a legit investment analyst by bogus fake guru detective Coffeezilla, Nash has not only reeled in well over $2 million of fraudulent income from advertisements, affiliate links, endorsements, and ebegging (Patreon) he has caused countless individuals to lose large amounts of money as a result of his incompetence.
And let's not forget that Nash also pulled in at least $50,000 as a paid shill for the now defunct cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme FTX run by Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF).
First and foremost, this means Nash was a business partner of SBF.
Second, it means Nash served as a paid promoter of a Ponzi scheme.
Finally, because FTX offered unregistered securities to the public, Nash was involved in soliciting unregistered securities.
Nash continues to evade legal representatives leading a class-action lawsuit related to this fraud.
I'm wondering why the SEC has not yet sued Nash and all other promoters of FTX for securities fraud.
It's critical to keep in mind that Nash's victims only trusted him because they were led to believe he was a former senior Wall Street analyst, as he claimed. Therefore, his false claims regarding his credentials and work experience are directly related to his fraudulent activities, which assisted in recruiting victims to fund the SBF FTX Ponzi scheme.
When Nash opened his current channel on YouTube (he had a few other channels focusing on YouTube and Fiverr marketing techniques) he began by criticizing obvious scammers like Dan Bilzerian and Grant Cardone among others.
He went this route because it was a hot new genre on YouTube so it would attract views.
At this time, Nash claimed to be a former corporate analyst who quit his job in order to expose gurus for the benefit of the public; another hilarious pitch that only a fool would believe.
But when the 2020 COVID pandemic struck, Nash saw how big-time views were going to videos talking about Tesla and other stocks. So Nash started making stock videos.
Soon after he realized this would now be his focus given the popularity of the topic.
It was then that Nash began claiming that he was a former senior Wall Street analyst at a top 4 firm for more than ten years.
He would sometimes claim he worked at a top 3 or top 5 firm.
By then, Nash had removed most of his videos criticizing gurus, probably in part because many of these videos included his storyline where he stated he was a former corporate analyst.
He might have also removed these videos because he didn't want people to realize he turned into the exact type of filth he criticized...another scamming fake guru.
Finally, Nash also claimed to have worked as an analyst at the NYC branch of a top hedge fund based in Europe, as well as in the investment banking department.
Nash's lies were all over the place. Yet, his subscribers never suspected a thing.
Nash claimed a long history of success as a senior Wall Street analyst.
Yet, he never showed any evidence of these claims.
He never showed any evidence that he ever worked as an analyst.
If you worked as a senior analyst at a top Wall Street firm (or any firm for that matter) for more than ten years, you'd have hundreds of research reports and presentations to show people. Nash has no research reports to show because he has never published any.
As a result of his various bogus claims, it is a fact that Tom Nash has committed outright fraud. And he has done so many times.
But his naive followers never questioned him.
In the video below, take note as Nash shills for the scam site TipRanks.
He claims hedge funds use website traffic data to make investment decisions.
And because TipRanks has this data, Nash claims TipRanks is a "crystal ball" for earnings results.
These statements completely ridiculous.
People who fell for Nash's lies about his credentials and background were led to believe his unsubstantiated claims regarding TipRanks.
The goal was not to present an accurate and objective assessment of TipRanks. The goal of course was for Nash to make money from affiliate sales for TipRanks, an Israeli-based website that has a long history of making false and deceptive claims.
The truth doesn't matter on YouTube because YouTube serves as the kingpin in fraud.
And every person with a YouTube channel who monetizes their content is in fact a business partner with the YouTube crime syndicate.
This points to a very disturbing reality which no one else is talking about.
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