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Fraud Talk - Graham Stephan, Tom Nash, Coffeezilla (April 4, 2024)

Also see 

FTX Paid Whore Tom Nash Claims FTX is Fine One Day Before Collapse (Nov 12 2022) 

Cathie Wood Pumper, Tom Nash Exposed as a Fraud by Leading Investment Expert

YouTube Fraudster and Fake Analyst Tom Nash is a Paid Pumper for Israeli Scam TipRanks

Exposing YouTube Fake Investment Gurus Series: Introduction to Tom Nash

Tom Nash is a Fake Investment Guru, Idiot, Liar and Fraud

Meet Kevin and Tom Nash Are Frauds

Fake Investment Guru Fraud, Tom Nash is Even More Clueless Than I Thought

Tom Nash, Fake Analyst Fraudster and Investment Idiot Pumps Peloton (PTON) at the Top

Tom Nash, YouTube Fraudster Hides Another Video After Stock Collapse $BNGO

Fraud Talk - Graham Stephan, Tom Nash, Coffeezilla (April 4, 2024)

Fake Analyst Tom Nash Shills for Scammy Website TipRanks

Liar, FTX Shill and Fake Analyst Tom Nash Shills for Bogus Site TipRanks to Help You Lose Money

Fake Investment Guru Tom Nash Claims No One on Wall Street Pays Attention to P/E Ratios

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This publication (written, audio and video) represents the commentary and/or criticisms from Mike Stathis or other individuals affiliated with Mike Stathis or AVA Investment Analytics (referred to hereafter as the “author”). Therefore, the commentary and/or criticisms only serve as an opinion and therefore should not be taken to be factual representations, regardless of what might be stated in these commentaries/criticisms. There is always a possibility that the author has made one or more unintentional errors, misspoke, misinterpreted information, and/or excluded information which might have altered the commentary and/or criticisms. Hence, you are advised to conduct your own independent investigations so that you can form your own conclusions. We encourage the public to contact us if we have made any errors in statements or assumptions. We also encourage the public to contact us if we have left out relevant information which might alter our conclusions. We cannot promise a response, but we will consider all valid information.

Exposing YouTube Fake Investment Gurus Series: Kenan Grace

The following video was originally published on March 17, 2022.  This clown represents the stupidity of typical fake investment guru on YouTube who pumps out complete disinformation while promo...

Exposing YouTube Fake Investment Gurus Series: Introduction to Tom Nash

If anyone can spot a financial/investment con artist or scammer, it's Mike Stathis. Using his advanced understanding of the capital markets as well as his inner knowledge of media tactics, Mike has...

Susan Wojcicki Transformed YouTube into World's Largest Portal for Scams and Scam Artists

After 25 years as a top level employee at spy organization and criminal enterprise Google, along with nine years as YouTube’s CEO, degenerate tyrant and chief-censor-of-the-truth, Susan Woj...

Another Jewish YouTube Fake Investment Guru Scam Artist Felix and Friends

This creepy, pedo-looking weirdo is just one more in what seems like an endless list of scam artists on YouTube posing as investment experts.  If you charge for investment mentoring, education,...

YouTube is a Disgusting Scam Site and Everyone Who Hosts Ads is a Scam Artist

All content is okay with YouTube as long as it doesn't violate it's own definition...

YouTube is Gradually Becoming YouPorn: Prostitutes Live Stream for Donations

In the past I've shown how YouTube has turned into the world's largest portal for scams and fake news. Keep in mind that promoting scams is perfectly okay with the crime bosses running YouTube becau...

YouTube Fraudster and Fake Analyst Tom Nash (Tomer Nesher) is a Paid Pumper for Israeli Scam TipRanks

Also see  FTX Paid Whore Tom Nash Claims FTX is Fine One Day Before Collapse (Nov 12 2022)  Cathie Wood Pumper, Tom Nash Exposed as a Fraud by Leading Investment Expert Exposing Yo......

YouTube Con Man Anik Singal Teams Up With Career Con Robert Kiyosaki to Scam Stupid People

YouTube is nothing but disinformation and scams and should be shut down. 

YouTube Allows Scammers and Losers to Suck People Into Crypto Scams

The Aussie bogan loser in the video below was luring naive and foolish people into crypto scams just months before several coins and exchanges collapsed.  There are tens of thousands of losers...

George Gammon, YouTube Con Man Holding the Typical Bogus Event Featuring Clowns and Cons

We previously exposed YouTube con man George Gammon nearly two years ago. YouTube Real Estate Clown George Gammon Changes to Doom Porn and Gold Pumping to Get Views  Today we see how Gammo...

YouTube Partners With Illegal Brothels in Thailand for Profit

YouTube is a disgusting criminal operation run by Jewish filth. ...

Meet YouTube Liar and Con Man Kevin Paffrath

I first began my mission helping investors steer clear of Wall Street because I learned first hand how the game was played after having worked in the industry.  My mission has been to help inves...

Jewish Con Tai Lopez Advertises Stupid Investment Scheme on Jewish-Run Scam Portal YouTube

Perhaps you remember the Jewish con, Tai Lopez. That's right. I said Jewish. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I have never seen any group of people possessing such a high affinity for sc...

Jewish Fear-Mongering Con Artists Presented by Fake News Scam Portal, YouTube

What do you get when you combine Porter Stansberry, David Morgan and Daniela Cambone, with a cheap car and YouTube?  You get the typical gold-pumping, fear-mongering fake news disinfo horse shit...

Jewish-run YouTube Allows Masturbation Education Videos

Remember, you're (unknowingly and perhaps unwillingly) funding these videos because they are tagged with advertisements.  That means you are paying a higher price for basic goods and services s...

Jewish Criminals Running YouTube Promote Black Gutter Trash Culture

Is this the best of what black Americans have to offer? I don't think so. Why promote this victimization, gutter trash nonsense when so many black people are trying to lift themselves out of pover......

Digital Nomad Using YouTube to Sell Hooker Contacts

YouTube is a Jewish-run criminal organization operating under the umbrella of Jewish mafia-run Google. YouTube and Google have been committing advertisement fraud for years, which seemingly impacts on...

Meet Stephan James, Typical YouTube Liar and Con Man

YouTube is filled with thousands of con artists like James who play the "fake it till ya make it" game. This practice has morphed into a disgusting epidemic of epic proportions largely as a result of...

Producer Michael: Another of the Countless YouTube Liars and Frauds

It's so obvious (to me anyway) that this parasite. producer Michael is a pathological liar and fraud. He's even afraid to tell you his name for some reason. I don't need to go through all of his vid......

YouTube Real Estate Clown George Gammon Changes to Doom Porn and Gold Pumping to Get Views

The following example serves to illustrate that George Gannon has largely been unsuccessful in his desperate attempts to gain traction (i/e views which translates into advertisement revenues) on YouTu......

YouTube Ad Fraud: Gold Pumping Clown Claims Stock Market is Rising Because Fed is Buying Stocks

The video posted below is representative of the kind of nonsense that should be removed by the crooks working at YouTube. Sadly, there's virtually an endless supply of videos that are much worse than...

Jewish Criminal Firm YouTube Shows Future Scammers How to Become Crooks Via Jew Tai Lopez Model

If you have the money, you too can swindle millions of suckers making false claims, lying and pitching trash on YouTube. All you have to do is pay the criminally insane Jews running JewTube for advert...

A Typical Dunning Kruger Moron on YouTube

He seems like a nice, well-intentioned guy. But let's face it. The guy is a moron. He's actually hilarious to listen to in my opinion. The bottom line is that this guy needs to learn when to keep...

YouTube Profits from Porn, Pedophilia, Scams and Fake News

For many years now I have been exposing the plethora of scams and fake news that has become synonymous with YouTube. I've also pointed to the disturbing trend of pornography and even pedophilia that...

Looking for Hookers? YouTube is the World's Best Guide

Are you planning a trip to Bangkok? Okay, great.  Are you a loser?  If so, you might be looking to pay for sex with a prostitute. Note that prostitution is illegal in Thailand. In fact, it...

Greg Hunter Runs a Fake News YouTube Channel Filled With Jewish Charlatans

The following video was first released back in 2014. It represents a quick and unscripted analysis of the fake news BS artists featured on Hunter's fake news, fear mongering JewTube channel. First, I...

Exposing YouTube Porn: Jewish Mafia-Run YouTube Tags Advertisements to Soft Core Porn Claiming It's "Educational"

When the Jewish mafia scam known as Adsense tags ads to content located on one of its sister scam portals such as YouTube, it means you are paying higher prices for toothpaste, toilet paper, food and...

Blast from the Past: Survey of Gold Pumping Cons & Clowns on YouTube

This video was originally created in late 2013 (not certain). 

A Typical Idiot on YouTube Who Gets His Talking Points from Alex Jones and Peter Schiff

Folks, I could exhaust literally all of my time merely introducing you to all of the idiots on YouTube who think they are in some way qualified to discuss economics,  investments and the capital...

Stefan Molyneux: Jewish Liar, E-Begging Con Man & Cult Leader to YouTube Idiots

One does not need to have been exposed to the ridiculous nonsense coming from the Jewish pseudointellectual pinhead Stefan Molyneux in order to realize that he is a complete charlatan. It's eas...

More YouTube Con Men (Part 7)

Here we take a closer look at a media loser who was canned from CNN and is now paying his bills as a paid promoter of precious metals. This loser's name is Greg Hunter. Hunter confirms what I h...

More YouTube Con Men (Part 6)

More of the previous YouTube con man we previously exposed. Notice how *********** is promoting this con man. Remember, the apple never falls far from the tree, and you are judged by the company you...

VIDEO TEASER: More YouTube Con Men (Part 1)

Recently, we released a 50pp article discussing YouTube con men. This article should serve as a nice resource for many of my most insightful articles previously published on gold, the economy, the m...

EXPOSED: Paid Off Gold Pumping Con Man Dupes YouTube Sheep

The following videos illustrate the kind of deception used by those who are pumping gold and silver. We have already told you why these doomsday, gold-pumping con men have moved to some developing n...

More YouTube Con Men (Part 4)

This series on YouTube con men continues with a 3-video segment on one of the biggest chumps I have ever seen on TV discussing topics he was unqualified to discuss.   More YouTube Con Men...

More YouTube Con Men (Part 3)

This series on YouTube con men continues with a 3-video segment on one of the biggest chumps I have ever seen on TV discussing topics he was unqualified to discuss.   More YouTube Con Men...

More YouTube Con Men (Part 2)

This series on YouTube con men continues with one of the biggest chumps I have ever seen on TV discussing topics he was unqualified to discuss. But that was the objective; to interview some mor...

More YouTube Con Men (Part 1)

In this article (of over 50pp) and accompanying 30-minute video below, Mike exposes another YouTube con man who is in all of the precious metals pumping circuits.   Combined with over 100 lin...

  • Don't Shoot the Messenger: How Con Men Use Optmism to Take You