Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Two Financial "Experts" Discuss Bangkok Discos Demonstrating their Lack of Credibility

Over the years, the media has turned financial news and commentary into trash TV. Have you noticed that the clowns the media calls “experts” resemble many of the inept goofballs from one of the media’s other scams known as “reality TV?”  
Have you noticed how CNBC has been making Jim Cramer remix clips and pumping them all over the internet as a way to position him as an "entertainer?" 
I guess when you have caused millions of sheep to lose their retirement savings, you can no longer position Cramer as an expert. At some point, CNBC excutives figure their only option is sell him as a form of entertainment to be made fun of. This is the network's last ditch effort to save itself from complete ruin as its viewership sinks to record-lows.
Folks, NEVER allow the media to turn something very serious and important into entertainment. That includes finance and investments as much as it does medical care. If you buy into these scams created by the media, you will get hosed. That's a guarantee.
Have you ever wondered why the financial media is more concerned with creating financial “celebrities” out of bozos and con men rather than delivering its audience quality insight from real experts with proven track records?
If you haven’t thought about these things, yet you pay attention to the media, you probably haven’t done too well in the investment world. Think about it.
And if you do not yet realize why the media positions broken clocks and idiots as experts, well then you haven't spent enough time on this website learning from the true expert, Mike Stathis.

Check here to download Chapter 12 of Cashing in on the Real Estate Bubble.

View Mike Stathis' Track Record here, herehere and here.




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