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Predictions & Insights from America's Financial Apocalypse

America’s Financial Apocalypse remains as the most accurate, comprehensive and insightful book predicting a depression for the U.S. even nearly ten years after it was first published in 2006.

Not only did it predict the Dow Jones Industrial Average collapsing to 6500 (which it did), the book's author, Mike Stathis also recommended investors begin buying into the Dow on March 2009.

Prior to that time he had NOT issued a market buy recommendation.

That's what you call a hit-miss ratio of 100%.   

In fact, we believe this book will remain very relevant for anothertwenty years. This is specifically why Mike has not even bothered to write another book related to this topic; he already covered everything.

Others feel the need to release 2.0 versions of their book because they missed so much and got so many things wrong the first time.

These are the same guys who are in the book-writing business. They come up with new versions of the same books every year or similar books with the same nonsensical theme.

These guys are not only hustlers. They are a joke so much as figures like Kim Kardashian.

Some financial professionals spend all of their time marketing. Others spend all of their time doing research. In the end, the track record is the only thing that matters.

Most people fall for marketing scams because they lack the basic intellect required to think clearly. After all, marketing scams are what have made corporations like McDonalds, Subway and Starbucks so large. 

In this book, Mike...

(1) Predicted the collapse of the commodities bubble in 2008/2009 and told readers that would be the time to buy - Chapter 14

(2) Warned that the credit rating agencies were passing AAA ratings to risky mortgage debt – p. 219

(3) Warned of the lack of adequate regulatory authority over the MBS market positioned it for a massive collapse – p. 222

(4) Predicted a mortgage-related derivatives meltdown resulting in losses in the trillions of dollars – p. 221

(5) Predicted the banks would suffer due to the implosion of the MBS market – p. 223

(6) Warned that once the MBS market collapsed it would lead to a massive sell-off in global stock markets - p. 223

(7) Advised readers to short LEND, FRE, NFI, FMN, FRE, banks and homebuilders (Cashing in on the Real Estate Bubble)- Chapter 12

(8) Predicted that Fannie and Freddie would be bailed out by taxpayers – p. 221 

(9) Predicted real estate prices would decline by 30%-35% on average (50-60% in certain regions) – p. 223

"I would estimate at its bottom, the deflation of the housing bubble will cause a 35 percent correction for the average home. And in “hot spots” such as Las Vegas, Northern and Southern California, and South Florida, home prices could plummet by 50 to 60 percent of their peak values." (Cashing in on the Real Estate Bubble) --pp. 67-8

(10) Predicted Dow 6500 - Chapter 16, pp. 336-342

(11) Warned that the collapse of the real estate bubble and stock market would lead to the “Poor Effect” – p. 201

(12) Provided exhaustive evidence of a massive real estate bubble ready to burst – Chapter 10 – the most exhaustive and insightful analysis anywhere

(13) Warned that GM and GE would also collapse due to the real estate implosion – p. 223

(14) Warned of the implosion of the ABS market – p. 223

(15) Presented irrefutable evidence there would be a depression – Entire Book

(16) Predicted there would be a "New Deal" – p. 346

(17) Warned about the entitlements tsunami that would lead to massive tax hikes -- Chapter 11

(18) Detailed "free trade" as America's #1 chronic macroeconomic problem - numerous chapters

(19) Addressed healthcare as the second biggest long-term problem faced by America and detailed the problems - Chapter 7

(20) Recommended gold and silver - Chapter 17

(21) Advised investors to trade the volatility of gold rather than buy and hold – p. 381

(22) Advised investors to invest in oil trusts as a way to deal with the high volatility of oil - Chapters 17 and 18

(23) Recommended going to cash and waiting for the disaster - Chapter 17

(24) Mentioned the possibility that the Fed would intentionally create massive inflation in order to pay off the huge national debt – p. 362

(25) Provided a generic asset allocation for conservative, moderate and aggressive investors – in each case, Cash was the #1 asset (so they would be able to buy after the market crashed). p. 383

Other assets recommended were oil trusts, gold, silver, Chinese funds (note my warning that China’s economy would correct, indicating a time to buy below), healthcare, TIPS, Dollar hedge with the euro – p. 383

(26) Predicted an inflationary depression followed by brief periods of deflation if things got really bad (we experienced high inflation during the first half of 2008 and deflation during Q4, 2008) -- Chapters 16 and 17

(27) Discussed effective ways to manage risk – pp. 376-385

(28) Detailed how the government manipulates economic data (GDP, inflation, unemployment) and WHY - Chapter 11

(29) Explained how gold was a hedge against deflation, not inflation – pp. 360-362 -- he followed up on this in detail to help the sheep who are being taken by the gold bugs despite the fact that he forecast gold to soar to above $1400 and perhaps $2000 in this book.

(30) Explained how America today (2006) shared many similarities to pre-depression America – Chapter 16, pp. 343-346

(31) Warned of the possibility of China dumping U.S. Treasuries or using this threat for economic (such as unfair trade and currency manipulation) and political leverage pp. 308-309, 312

(32) Explained how corporate America is destroying the middle class – Chapter 12, pp. 322-325, 257-262

(33) Detailed America’s two-decade period of declining living standards – pp. 243-248

(34) Explained how the SEC permits legalized insider trading via corporate executives and corporations – pp. 255-256

(35) Proved how the economy under Bush was a disaster and was set to implode – Chapter 15

(36) Explained how the SEC is useless and serves as a partner in crime with Wall Street – Chapter 12

(37) Explained how the dollar is backed by oil and how the Saudis have a huge amount of control of the fate of the U.S. economy, pp. 310-311

(38) Predicted that most baby boomers would never be able to retire due to the stock market collapse – Chapters 8 and 13

(39) Exposed the myths and discussed the real problems with Social Security – increased dependence and loss of buying power – Chapter 8

(40) Exposed the fraud behind the for-profit college system

(41) Detailed America's wealth and income disparity (the media only started talking about this in 2010)

(42) Provided a rough asset allocation guideline (via table) showing specific sectors relative to the type of investor (e.g. conservative, moderate and aggressive). - Chapter 18

(43) Recommended trading the volatility in gold and silver via ETFs - Chapter 17

(44) Discussed how to protect against inflation and deflation - Chapter 18

(45) Discussed investment opportunities in healthcare, alternative healthcare, oil, alternative energy, precious metals and emerging markets - Chapter 17 & 18

(46) Predicted the rental market boom that would occur once the real estate bubble popped and the recovery began (Chapter 10) 

(47) Predicted the boom in reverse mortgages after the real estate bubble popped and the recovery began (Chapter 10)

(48) Predicted a real estate derivatives meltdown (Chapter 10)

(49) Predicted inflationary period followed by deflation.

“…the U.S. might continue its trend towards inflation merely due to continued high oil prices and weakness of the dollar. And only after some disaster such as a Fannie Mae blowup might deflation appear. Regardless of the magnitude of any economic correction, the next decade or two more will most certainly be characterized by extreme inflation. A severe catastrophe might usher in a deflationary period as an after-effect, but only after inflation has caused significant damage. Thus, the possibility of deflation will most likely be determined by the sequence of events, as well as the extent of the economic correction, while high inflation is a virtual certainty.”  


Source: America’s Financial Apocalypse: How to Profit from the Next Great Depression (2006)


The following is only a VERY SMALL and PARTIAL LIST of accurate forecasts and insights from America's Financial Apocalypse (2006).

Because we do not have the time to go through the book and list more, if you feel there are some important additions to this list, please email us with your entry and page number.

Has there ever been another investment book like this? Probably not.

Some Videos Showing Stathis' Track Record:

FACT: Mike Stathis is the leading expert on the economic collapse.

This claim is backed by verifiable data that has been published by numerous sources, beginning with Mike's 2006 book America's Financial Apocalypse, his 2007 book Cashing in on the Real Estate Bubble, and his numerous articles (which he began writing in May 2008) and his investment newsletters and video presentations, which began in June 2009.

Blast From The Past - Mike Stathis Predicted The Real Estate Derivatives Meltdown In 2006

The first thing you might want to do before continuing is to watch the video on this page. CLICK HERE.

For a partial list of forecasts and investment recommendations from America's Financial Apocalypse, click here.

Ever since 2011, we have offered a $100,000 prize to the first individual who can demonstrate that there is at least one individual who can merely match the written track (including published research videos and webinars) record of Mr. Stathis.

Over the years, this prize (sometimes referred to as a challenge) was increased to an award as high as $1,000,000. 

For details, please see here, herehere, and here.

This prize/challenge finally expired on April 2021 because no one was successful in this challenge. We continue to believe we hold the leading investment analysis track record in the world (spanning the U.S. capital markets).  

View Mike Stathis' Track Record here, herehere, here, here, here and here.

Check here to download Chapter 12 of Cashing in on the Real Estate Bubble.

This is the chapter that shows where Mike recommended shorting Fannie, Freddie, sub-primes, homebuilders, GM, GE, etc.


The charts below summarize our forecasting track record through 2015.

Materials backing these records can be found (in part) by checking the following links. 


Mike Stathis Warned About the 2022 Bear Market Before it Began

Can You Beat the S&P 500 Index? You Can If You Have Access to Our Research

Mike Stathis Predicted the Coronavirus Bear Market and Nailed the Bottom

Mike Shows You How to Make 100% in 2 Weeks and 200% in 6 months

Did You Own the Best Stock of 2016? Intelligent Investors Did

Mike Stathis is the Only Person to Have Nailed the First and Second Interest Rate Hikes

Mike Stathis Nails the Stock Market Breakout from November 2016 Months in Advance

Our Interest Rate Forecasts Have Yielded HUGE Gains 

Mike Stathis Was The Only Person To Have Nailed The First Rate Hike

Our Clients Avoided Being Exposed To The Market Collapse

Mike Stathis Predicted The August 2015 Stock Market Collapse

Guess Who Advised His Clients To Go To Cash BEFORE The Market Collapse?

The Media Has Banned The World's Leading Investment Forecaster

World's Best Market Forecaster Continues To Be Banned By The Media Crooks

Stathis Nails The Dec 2014 Market Selloff With Stunning Accuracy

Mike Stathis MUST Have A Crystal Ball. He Nailed The Market Correction AGAIN (excerpts only)

Excerpts Of The October 2014 Economic And Securities Supplement Audio 2

Who Do You Think Nailed the Latest Market Selloff AGAIN?

Stathis Nails the Market Correction in April 2014

Mike Stathis Nails The Stock Market Correction AGAIN, Top To Bottom

Where Is The Stock Market Headed? Let's Ask The World's Best Market Forecaster

Stathis Nails the Gold & Silver Trade Again

We Predicted The Market Selloff Yet Again

We Nailed The Gold Breakout

More Proof Wall Street Research Is Useless

ANOTHER Security From Our Recommended List Gets Bought Out

We Predicted The Market Correction AGAIN

Does AVA Investment Analytics Have Insider Information?

We Pin-Pointed the Past Two Market Tops And Bottoms

Does AVA Investment Analytics Have Insider Information?

4-Day Gains of 30% for 2011 and 2010 Performance

Another Huge Winner in a Few Weeks

Newsletter Stock Recommendation Soars More Than 25% in Just 3 Days

Can a Book Serve as a Crystal Ball?

Since The Market Lows, Only One Man Continues To Shine

Mike Stathis' Near-Perfect Market Forecasting Record

Another Security from the Intelligent Investor Soars

How to Short Stocks: Critical Lessons from the Intelligent Investor

The Case for Market Timing

Mike's Top 3 Stocks for Long-term Growth

Where Is The Stock Market Headed?


As the facts demonstrate, Mike Stathis is the leading expert on the economic collapse.

The following content represents a small fraction of Mr. Stathis' published track record.

His track record SINCE the collapse began can be found in part through publications in the public domain, but most of his track record is contained in our investment newsletters (see below).

Excerpts of these publications will be posted only when doing so does not provide insight for free (i.e. after the time has passed that investors could have acted on his recommendations).


Newsletter Performance Highlights: 

[1]   [2]   [3]   [4]   [5]   [6]   [7]   [8]   [9]   [10]   [11]   [12]   [13]   [14]  [15]  [16]  [17]  [18]  [19]  [20]  [21]  [22]  [23]  [24]  [25]  [26]


Video Presentation Highlights: 

[1]  [2]  [3]  [4]  [5]  [6]  [7]  [8]  [9]  [10]    

In the past, we also gave away some nice freebies as well:

[1]   [2]   [3]   [4]   [5]   [6]   [7]   [8]   [9]   [10]  [11]   [12]   [13]   [14]   [15]   [16]  [17]  [18]  [19]


We publish four (4) monthly research publications which provide the highest quality analysis (without any of the BS) found anywhere:


Stathis Shows Ackman, Soros And Bass Who The Boss Is



Mike Stathis is the Only Person to Have Nailed the First and Second Interest Rate Hikes

Dividend Gems Subscribers Are Treated To Yet ANOTHER HUGE BUYOUT - Kraft

Dividend Gems Scores Another Huge Winner

Dividend Gems Scores ANOTHER Huge Payday

We Sold CenturyLink BEFORE It Collapsed

Warren Buffett Follows Our Lead On Heinz

Did You Own The BEST PERFORMING Stock In 2011? WE DID

Dividend Gems Destroys The S&P 500 Index AGAIN

Dividend Gems Holds Up As The Stock Market Collapses

Dividend Gems Continues To Smash The S&P 500 Index

Dividend Gems Outperforms Again

Dividend Gems Shines As The Market Corrects

The Impressive Performance Of Dividend Gems


MARKET FORECASTER TRACK RECORD (check this link for more)

Mike Stathis is the Only Person to Have Nailed the First and Second Interest Rate Hikes

Mike Stathis Nails the Stock Market Breakout from November 2016 Months in Advance

Our Interest Rate Forecasts Have Yielded HUGE Gains

Mike Stathis Was The Only Person To Have Nailed The First Rate Hike

Our Clients Avoided Being Exposed To The Market Collapse

Mike Stathis Predicted The August 2015 Stock Market Collapse

Guess Who Advised His Clients To Go To Cash BEFORE The Market Collapse?

The Media Has Banned The World's Leading Investment Forecaster

World's Best Market Forecaster Continues To Be Banned By The Media Crooks

Stathis Nails The Dec 2014 Market Selloff With Stunning Accuracy

Mike Stathis MUST Have A Crystal Ball. He Nailed The Market Correction AGAIN (excerpts only)

Who Do You Think Nailed the Latest Market Selloff AGAIN?

Stathis Nails the Market Correction in April 2014

Mike Stathis Nails The Stock Market Correction AGAIN, Top To Bottom

Where Is The Stock Market Headed? Let's Ask The World's Best Market Forecaster

Market Guidance: Past, Present And Future  (pre-newsletter, also see America's Financial Apocalypse)

The Case For Market Timing

A Lesson In Market Forecasting

Where Is The Stock Market Headed?

We Pin-Pointed The Past Two Market Tops And Bottoms

We Predicted The Market Correction AGAIN

Mike Stathis' Near-Perfect Market Forecasting Record

Since The Market Lows, Only One Man Continues To Shine

AVAIA Market Forecast And Recommendations SPOT ON, AGAIN

We Predicted The Market Selloff Yet Again


February 7, 2011

Excerpt from February 2011

August 5, 2013

August 19, 2013 Update


WTI & Brent Crude:*

August 5, 2013

August 19, 2013 Update


Henry Hub Natural Gas:*

August 5, 2013

August 19, 2013 Update


Gold & Silver:*

Mike Stathis Nails The Gold And Silver Trade Again (Oct - Nov 2015)

Guess Who Nailed The Most Recent Gold Trade AGAIN

Mike Stathis Nails The Latest Gold & Silver Trade (Jan-Feb 2015) Updated

Stathis Nails The Gold & Silver Selloff AGAIN - Jul - Sep 2014

March 25, 2013 Gold Analysis & Forecast

August 5, 2013

August 19, 2013 Update

The REAL Precious Metals Expert Shows You How it's Done

Stathis Nails the Gold & Silver Trade AGAIN

August 2012 - We Nailed The Gold Breakout

Mike Stathis Sets The Record Straight And Cleanses Your Mind


Some Videos Showing Stathis' Track Record:

Proof That Mike Stathis Has The Leading Track Record On The Economic Collapse

Stathis Nails The Dec 2014 Market Selloff With Stunning Accuracy

The Media Has Banned The World's Leading Investment Forecaster

World's Best Market Forecaster Continues To Be Banned By The Media Crooks

Mike Stathis MUST Have A Crystal Ball. He Nailed The Market Correction AGAIN (excerpts only)

Mike Stathis Nails The Stock Market Correction AGAIN, Top To Bottom

Where Is The Stock Market Headed? Let's Ask The World's Best Market Forecaster

FACT: Mike Stathis is the leading expert on the economic collapse.

He has enabled his clients to profit BEFORE, DURING and AFTER the collapse.

No One in the world can match his track record from 2006 to current and he has backed that claim with a $100,000 guarantee.

The first thing you might want to do before continuing is to watch the video on this page. CLICK HERE.


View Mike Stathis' Track Record here, herehere, here, here, here and here.


By Category


Global Economic Analysis & Forecasts (excerpts):

US Market Forecasts (excerpts):

Our Clients Avoided Being Exposed To The Market Collapse

Mike Stathis Predicted The August 2015 Stock Market Collapse

Guess Who Advised His Clients To Go To Cash BEFORE The Market Collapse?

The Media Has Banned The World's Leading Investment Forecaster

World's Best Market Forecaster Continues To Be Banned By The Media Crooks

Stathis Nails The Dec 2014 Market Selloff With Stunning Accuracy

Mike Stathis MUST Have A Crystal Ball. He Nailed The Market Correction AGAIN (excerpts only)

September 7 & 12 Forecast (excerpts only)

July 11, 2014 Forecast (excerpts only)

April 2014 Forecast (excerpts only)

January & February 2014 (excerpts only)

June 12, 2013

June 24, 2013 Update

September 12, 2013

December 2013/January 2014 (Excerpts Only)

January through February 2014 (Excerpts Only)

July through August 2014 (Excerpts Only)


Emerging Markets Forecasts:**

June 12, 2013

Revisiting the June 12, 2013 EM Forecast

Note that our emerging market forecasts are just as accurate as our US market forecasts but we just have not had enoughh time to create and post excerpts showing our spectacular accuracy. We hope to devote more time for this task in the future.


Commodities Forecasts:*

February 7, 2011

Excerpt from February 2011

August 5, 2013

August 19, 2013 Update

Note that our commodities are just as accurate as our US market forecasts but we just have not had enough time to create and post excerpts showing our spectacular accuracy. We hope to devote more time for this task in the future.


WTI & Brent Crude:*

August 5, 2013

August 19, 2013 Update

Note that our commodities forecasts are just as accurate as our US market forecasts but we just have not had enough time to create and post excerpts showing our spectacular accuracy. We hope to devote more time for this task in the future.


Henry Hub Natural Gas:*

August 5, 2013

August 19, 2013 Update

Note that our natural gas forecasts are just as accurate as our US market forecasts but we just have not had enough time to create and post excerpts showing our spectacular accuracy. We hope to devote more time for this task in the future.


Gold & Silver:*

Mike Stathis Nails The Gold And Silver Trade Again (Oct - Nov 2015)

Guess Who Nailed The Most Recent Gold Trade AGAIN

Mike Stathis Nails The Latest Gold & Silver Trade (Jan-Feb 2015) Updated

Stathis Nails The Gold & Silver Selloff AGAIN - Jul - Sep 2014

March 25, 2013 Gold Analysis & Forecast

August 5, 2013

August 19, 2013 Update

The REAL Precious Metals Expert Shows You How it's Done

Stathis Nails the Gold & Silver Trade AGAIN

August 2012 - We Nailed The Gold Breakout

For a partial list of forecasts and investment recommendations from America's Financial Apocalypse, click here.

Track Record from America's Financial Apocalypse


First, I will summarize some of his forecasts made in the public domain once he began releasing content into the public domain in May 2008.


  • In August 2008, when everyone else was focusing on Fannie and Freddie, Stathis already knew they would collapse long before. Instead of worrying about them, he issued a report into the public domain warning of an earnings meltdown resulting in a stock market collapse once 2008 Q4 earnings were reported. When were Q4 earnings reported?  The first three months of 2009, when the stock market collapsed! 

    "Please do not forget that Washington through its rebate checks, and the Fed through its endless printing of money, have made their most desperate attempts to delay a recession. While they have failed in my opinion, the real severity is coming soon. Make no mistake about it, S&P earning estimates for Q4 won’t even come close to estimates. By the time Washington reports the required (and laughable) 'two consecutive quarters of negative GDP' it uses to officially acknowledge a recession, it will be too late for investors who followed this herd mentality. Sure, it’s possible that we will see the market rally over the next couple of months. If so, you would be wise to sell. More aggressive traders might consider shorting it entirely once it tops out based on the 1-year resistance trend line."
  • On September 11, 2008, just a couple of weeks before the banking meltdown, Stathis warned the entire system was going to implode, and warned that the CDS market would cause the damage. 
    "And if you think Bernanke’s printing presses have an endless supply of ink and paper, just wait until the real crisis appears. So you had better get ready because it’s coming. It is virtually inescapable. And it’s going to cause devastation around the globe. Of course I’m taking about the likely implosion of the CDS market."
  • In the same publication, Stathis warned that the Fannie/Freddie bailout would be only the beginning of many more to come.

  • "The bailout buffet won’t end with Fannie and Freddie. There’s a lot more where that came from because the “Fed’s food court” remains open, as does that of the U.S. Treasury. In fact, the autos are in the process of being bailed out with $50 billion in “loans.” I expect the airlines to also receive some form of a bailout as well."

  • In the same September 11, 2008 publication, Stathis predicted that the long-term problems would be the focus down the road; problems he addressed in detail in America's Financial Apocalypse. In 2010, these longer-term problems finally surfaced as the main issues discussed.

    "Combined with the staggering deficits for Medicare and Social Security, America’s economy will be in the gutter for many years to come even after the banking and real estate troubles cool down. No one else is talking about these issues because they’re wrapped up in the daily drama. But save this article and others I’ve written because I’ve been mentioning the longer-term problems ever since writing my book. In a few years, more people will begin to address these issues once they are transformed into daily drama."

    In September 11, 2008, he predicted the U.S. would experience the worst recession in decades.

  • Called the bottom in the Chinese market in November 2008 and advised investors to start buying

  • Warned of further downside in the US market in Nov. 2008, told investors to focus on cash but gave some blockbuster stock picks - AA, the HMOs; he later advised picking up DOW    
  • Mr. Stathis was also the ONLY person in the world to have recognized that the Bank of America/Merrill Lynch deal was forced/coerced upon Lewis by the Fed and U.S. Treasury.

    And he discussed just days after the deal was announced.

    Note at the end of this article, he also warned that Washington Mutual would be the next bank to be taken over in his September 15, 2008 article...


Mike Stathis Sets The Record Straight And Cleanses Your Mind


View Mike Stathis' Track Record here, herehere, here, here, here and here.


The following material will be posted only after the relevance has largely passed in order to preserve and protect the edge afforded to those who subscribe to our research. 


The following list contains only a tiny portion of accurate macroeconomic forecasts and predictions made by Mike Stathis (verified by published research):*

  1. Collapse of Brazilian Economy (2012 - 2015, and bearish trading guidance for EWZ)
  2. Collapse of Petrobras (2014)
  3. Collapse of Latin America (2013)
  4. Outperformance of India (late 2013-2015)
  5. Collapse of Greece 2009 (May)
  6. Deflation in EU for two decades (2011)
  7. Collapse of Commodities Market (2011)
  8. Collapse of Canadian dollar (2014)
  9. Collapse of Australian dollar (2014)
  10. Collapse of Brazilian real (2012-2015)
  11. Outperformance of the US dollar (2014 -2015)
  12. Collapse of gold and silver 2010-2011
  13. ECB would begin a quantitative easing program (2012)
  14. Extremely accurate trading guidance for gold and silver (2012-2016)
  15. Extremely accurate trading guidance for US dollar vs euro, yen, franc, real  (2012-2016)
  16. Estimated 85% accuracy rate for commodities (and gold & silver) trading guidance (2012-2016)
  17. Close to 100% accuracy in US stock market forecasting (2008-2016)
  18. The complete up and down cycle of interest rate hikes and cuts in Brazil from 2012-2015
  19. China would experience deflation as its economy weakened (2013, Global Economic Analysis, Brazil Part 3 Nov 15, 2013).
  20. China would cut interest rates to record lows (2014).
  21. China's stock market bubble (predicted Dec 2014 and Jan 2015)
  22. Japan's recession (2014)
  23. Warned that the emerging markets would collapse (2011-2012) due to capital outflows
  24. Warned that Brazil would lead the way in the EM collapse (2011-2012)
  25. Brazil's recession (2013-2016)
  26. EU's recessions (2011 and 2013)
  27. QE by the ECB (2013) and expansion of QE (2015)
  28. Collapse of China's stock bubble (June 2015)
  29. Collapse of interest rates in China to new record lows (2014)
  30. Downgrade of Brazilian Sovereign Debt to Junk
  31. First US interest rate hike after the financial crisis in December 2015 (predicted in 2014 and never changed the forecast)
  32. Predicted in 2015 at most the Fed would only raise rates by 50bp in 2016.
  33. US interest rates would not be raised in June, July and probably not even September 2016 (March-June 2016); leaned towards December as the first and only interest rate hike in 2016.
  34. Warned that the long-term viability of the EU was at risk due to economic and societal issues (2009)
  35. Stated that at best, the EU would consist of a much different membership by 2020 due to defections and new additions (2010-2012), but long term would probably not succeed to the extent that the membership would eventually be so different than current that it would effectively be considered a failure.
  36. Predicted most of the debt downgrades in EU nations several months prior to the downgrades (2010-2012)
  37. Predicted that Japan would NOT face a sovereign debt crisis in the foreseenable future due to a variety of issues (2011)
  38. Predicted a long period of global deflation (2012)
  39. Predicted inflation in Brazil due to capital flows (2010)
  40. Predicted several months in advance the exact month (December 2015) of the first interest rate hike by the Federal Reserve in nearly a decade (February 2015).
  41. Predicted the so-called "Brexit" vote would not impact the US and would probably cause the US stock market to soar (AVAIA Boot Camp, June 22, 2015).
  42. Predicted US interest rates would remain very low for many years (2013).
  43. Predicted Japan and the EU would begin QE.
  44. Predicted Japan and EU would expand QE.
  45. Predicted Dow Jones to reach 19,000 and and S&P 500 to reaach 2200 to 2250 by the end of 2016 just after Brexit (July 2016).


* These forecasts do not include the accuracy of market forecasts and securities guidance provided in the research. This list is subject to change via addition, deletion or editing of any entries at any time as new forecasts have been identified and/or we spot errors and omissions.


Since The Market Lows, Only One Man Continues To Shine



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This publication (written, audio and video) represents the commentary and/or criticisms from Mike Stathis or other individuals affiliated with Mike Stathis or AVA Investment Analytics (referred to hereafter as the “author”). Therefore, the commentary and/or criticisms only serve as an opinion and therefore should not be taken to be factual representations, regardless of what might be stated in these commentaries/criticisms. There is always a possibility that the author has made one or more unintentional errors, misspoke, misinterpreted information, and/or excluded information which might have altered the commentary and/or criticisms. Hence, you are advised to conduct your own independent investigations so that you can form your own conclusions. We encourage the public to contact us if we have made any errors in statements or assumptions. We also encourage the public to contact us if we have left out relevant information which might alter our conclusions. We cannot promise a response, but we will consider all valid information.

VIDEO: Stathis Schools Peter Schiff in Economics

Hell, someone had to do it.

Record Profits and the Huge Sucking Sound of American Jobs

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The Most Comprehensive Global Economic Report in the World

We recently released what we believe is the single most comprehensive and insightful global economic analysis research report in the world.

America's Second Great Depression 2010 Year-end Update (Part 3)

I continue where I left off from Part 2 of this report. [1] In support of their claims of an economic recovery, Washington cheerleaders and Wall Street hacks continue to focus on ancillary metrics li...

America's Second Great Depression 2010 Year-end Update (Part 2)

I continue where I left off from Part one of this report. [1]  Ever since the summer of 2009, economists from both Washington and Wall Street have told us that an economic recovery was in progre...

America's Second Great Depression 2010 Year-End Update (Part 1)

“Regarding the Great Depression. You’re right, we did it. We’re very sorry. But thanks to you, we won’t do it again.” [1] That quote was taken from a speech made by then...

Poverty in America: The Big Picture

In America’s Financial Apocalypse, a book that has been banned by the media, I discussed the many flaws in the calculation of poverty levels within the U.S. First, let’s have a look at som...

Deflation Hype

Last month, I followed up on a discussion I began in over a year ago as to why hyperinflation would be a very unlikely scenario in the U.S. In summary, this devastating scenario is a virtual impossib...

NBER Pressured to Concede an End to the Recession in June 2009

You might recall an article I wrote a few month ago, discussing ridiculous terminology that has been embraced by every sheep on earth; double-dip recession.  See here to refresh your memor...

Double-Dips, Economics and Ice Cream Cones

I want to expand on a short discussion from the economic section of the July newsletter.  And I am making it available I want to expand on a short discussion from the economic sec...

Should California Get a Bailout?

As some readers might recall, without budget solutions from the Governor and Legislature, the California State Controller was forced to issue IOUs to several State payees last July in order to prevent...

The Global Bubble Has Reflated

Back in the Spring of 2009, the World Bank forecast that the global economy would contract by 1.7% that year; the first global contraction since the Great Depression (yet another clear indicator we ar...

America. What Went Wrong? (Part 1)

As I have detailed with extensive data and accompanying analysis in America's Financial Apocalypse (2006/expanded and 2007/condensed), America’s once great economy has been gradually transformed...

The Realities of America's Free Market Economy

On many occassions, I have made mention of the fact that, despite popular belief, America's economy really does not operate with free market dynamics. I really focus on this premise in America's...

Signs of a Depression

I wanted to remind you not to lose sight of the big picture. It’s advisable to try to make money during an illusion only if you know the reality. Remember, consumer confidence and investor sen...

If You Listen to Economists You Will Go Broke

In my last piece, I think I made it clear that the vast majority of economists are not only clueless, but very dangerous to your financial health. Make no mistake. At best they are broadcasters not...

Economists Need to Sit Down and Shut Up

I’m really sick and tired of these economists out there who continue to claim that America will not enter a depression. These are the same bozos that have yet to acknowledge the fact that the U....

Is Core Scientific Research in Decline?

In America's Financial Apocalypse (extended 2006 version), I made the case for a trend of declining basic research from core scientific disciplines such as chemistry and physics.  I also not...

America's Financial Apocalypse: It's Not Going Away Anytime Soon

For many years now we’ve all seen the reckless use of taxpayer funds by Washington. This irresponsible and unaccountable waste of tax dollars has been particularly prominent during President...

The Housing Mess the Experts Missed

The latest data on housing continues to worsen on most fronts.  See here and here.   In fact, the data is now showing strong indications of bold predictions I mad in 2006 and as recent......

Another Victim of America's Ponzi Scheme Economy (Part 1)

As of yesterday, Lear Corp., an auto parts supplier for the "Little 3" joined the list of others who have been victimized by the collapse of America’s Ponzi scheme economy. 

The Deflation Myth

For some strange reason, economists, and those who actually give credence to what they say seem to think that a single period eighty years ago set a precedent cast in stone for what to expect from thi...

Payback is a BITCH

NOTE: Mike Stathis predicted the precise details of the financial crisis in his 2006 book, America's Financial Apocalypse. The Jewish Mafia REFUSED to publish this landmark book because it...

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