Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

CNBC Jewish Clown Josh Brown Shows You How to Lose Money

If you think Peter Schiff is a moronic, motor-mouthed hypocrite, meet Josh Brown; a kid who has positioned himself as someone on your side.

He is "reformed" after all; or is he? 
In the videos below you will learn the reality about this Jewish pinhead.
We are also going to show you an example of why listening to him and the other idiots on CNBC will lead to a disaster.


For the most comprehensive list and details regarding investment con men, gold pumpers, idiots, trash media, fake “truthers” and more, check out the ENCYCLOPEDIA Of Bozos, Hacks, Snake Oil Salesmen & Faux Heroes.
We continue to add to this massive publication constantly. Combined with all links to articles, it contains thousands of pages and hundreds of videos.
Having access to this massive resource is like enrolling in a university program teaching you how to spot con men and their tactics.
Imagine how much money you will save throughout your life if you know how to spot con men. 

Can anyone offer any evidence that there is someone who is a better market and overall investment forecaster than Mike?  

If so, you would have already landed our $100,000 prize.





So why does the media continue to BAN Stathis? 



Why does the media constantly air con men who have lousy track records?

These are critical questions to be answered.

You need to confront the media with these questions. 

Watch the following videos and you will learn the answer to these questions:

You Will Lose Your Ass If You Listen To The Media



Mike Stathis holds the best investment forecasting track record in the world since 2006.

View Mike Stathis' Track Record here, herehere, here, here and here
Check here to download Chapter 12 of Cashing in on the Real Estate Bubble.

This is the chapter that shows where Mike recommended shorting Fannie, Freddie, sub-primes, homebuilders, GM, GE, etc.

View Mike Stathis' Track Record here, herehere and here.
Check here also  Stathis Nails The Dec 2014 Market Selloff With Stunning Accuracy









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