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Search results for: cramer cnbc



Showing 81-100 of 370 results

Play the Trade, But Don't Be a Sucker

I ran across this ridiculous headline on Yahoo! Finance (which is nothing more than the CNBC of the Internet) and I wanted to make a few comments. 

Nouriel Roubini Did NOT Predict the Financial Crisis. He is a Big Fat Liar!

Remember folks. It's our "wonderful and honest" media industry that constantly makes false claims about its guests.    I’ve previously debunked the nonsense from an entire army of Jewish charlatans. For instance, do you remember how the media made the hilarious claim that Meredith Whitney predicted the financial crisis in order to make her seem credible when she predicted her ridiculous state and city defaults? I tore her part with reality.  I did the same with Peter Schiff, Marc Faber, Jim Rogers, Jim Rickards, Harry Dent, Jim Cramer, and many others that the media have afforded endless promotion as "experts."  Ask yourself is it a coincidence that they're all Jewish? Ask yourself is it a coincidence that they all have horrendous track records? Obviously,...

How to Move the Market Using Hacks and Morons

I just ran across a news headline by CNBC so I knew it would provide a learning point. Have a look First of all, don't be fooled by the seemingly neutral tone of the article. While there are statements that one could conclude are cautious, if you read it from a neutral position, you will come away with a bullish stance. This is a lesson in psychology more than anything. First, notice the title. In itself sets the tone of the piece as far as I am concerned. Why couldn't the title be "Will the S&P sell off to retest new lows?"  Remember, the intermediate to long term trend is what matters. And that trend is still down.  To focus on the short-term plays into the hands of Wall Street and online brokers, who will make more money when investors are focuse...

The Devil and the Conehead

Updated on August 22, 2011   For comic relief, we decided to post a brief piece on a couple of idiots from CNBC.    One, Macke is now on Yahoo's Breakout (formerly Tech Ticker). See here.   We have previously exposed the realities of this basement room media firm, run by the infamous Henry Blodget. It is like the TMZ of investments; complete trash. Oh, and more than 90% of the guests coincidentally happen to be Jewish. And they have miserable track records. Surprise.    Is it just me, or do these guys resemble the devil and a conehead?  

Ask Why the Media Continues to Air Harry Dent

It's the same reason why the media keeps airing guys like Peter Schiff, Jim Rickards, Jim Rogers, Marc Faber, Jim Cramer, Doug Kass, Barry Ritholtz, Josh Brown, Dennis Gartman and countless other clowns (all of which are jewish by the way) with either no real track record or else completely miserable track records. Once you figure out the reason why the media keeps airing these guys all of which continue to be wrong over and over, year after year, you'll realize the reason is two-fold: Jewish nepotism (one of the most powerful weapons used by the Jewish mafia) and media fraud.  

"Watch TV, Make Money!" Who's REALLY Making Money? (Part 8)

Look, It’s Erin “Bimbette” As noted by “Corporate cheerleader from hell: CNBC's Erin Burnett”

"Watch TV, Make Money!" Who's REALLY Making Money? (Part 2)

You might be wondering why a leading investment strategist would harp on the media so much. Well, friends, the fact is that understanding the tricks and motives of the media is the single most important step towards becoming a great investor. I hope you see that by now. Whether you do or not, I’m going to beat it into your head. So allow me to continue where I left off from Part I of this series.  Kudlow has my book, as does Cramer and several other useless clowns and shills in both print and broadcast media. And they’ve had it for two years, giving them more than ample time to realize what to expect. Why is this important? Because the book predicted everything in detail unlike no one else.

Bloomberg Gets in on the Deception

Recently I showed you how CNBC and Yahoo showed no conscious for duping investors to think it's easy to day trade. In order to pull this off, they featured a 16 year old girl, who clearly has no idea what she is doing. We recently discovered that Bloomberg had it's own 16 year old girl it interviewed in order to promote the premise that even kids can invest or trade stocks successfully.

An Update on Mike's Top Three Stocks for Long-Term Growth

A few years ago we offered investors a great opportunity to get patched into our research instead of following the various copyediting shops that have been claiming the end of America, the end of the dollar and other nonsense. These are the same guys who utilize "freedom and liberty" as emotional anchors in order to convince their cult members to buy gold and move to Argentina (Doug Casey), Chile (Jeff Berwick) and Puerto Rico (Peter Schiff, Mike Maloney and Doug Casey). As many of you already know, Mike Stathis is the only person in the world who has been exposing and documenting the entire genre of doomsday douche bag broken clock charlatans for many years now. We also offered investors a great opportunity to escape the perma-bull knuckle heads in the media lik...

AARP is a Scam Organization Which Exploits Seniors

The audio below was taken from our "lost files archive." We just recently discovered it so we have posted it for the world to hear. It was a phone recording Mike made in 2013/2014 when he contacted the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) to complain about some activities which he felt were very disturbing.  Listen below as Mike explains to the AARP answering service rep why the AARP is a huge scam. Based on many years of investigation, Mike has learned that while the AARP charges its members membership fees in exchange for promised benefits such as reduced rates on a variety of services, it actually exploits seniors by offering bogus discounts.  In fact, the AARP receives a cut from signups from various companies that are promoted by AARP as offering special &ldq...

More Email Scams

By now, surely everyone knows about the infamous Nigerian email scams. But were you aware that these scams have cleared hundreds of millions of dollars (if not more) in just a few years time?  The reason so many scammers exist is because there are too many ignorant and desperate people out there who make them rich. The same could be said about the "popularity" of CNBC and FBN.  As the economy continues its gradual permanant decline, you will see more and more scammers appear, taking advantage of the desperation of millions looking to restore their previous living standards.

Failed Fund Manager Whitney Tilson Enters Scammy Copywriting Industry

The following piece reinforces what I have been stating countless times over the past several years. Anyone who wastes time watching or reading anything CNBC, Bloomberg, the Wall Street journal, Barron's FOX, or any other Jewish-run media firm is naive and will surely get screwed. The same applies to websites that claim to provide investment research but in reality are part of the copywriting industry (Zach's, Motley Fool, Seeking Alpha, etc.).   Failed hedge fund manager Whitney Tilson spent many years partnering with Jewish-run media platforms such as CNBC and Bloomberg attempting to lure naive suckers into his trades in order to deliver positive investment performance. Lining up to deliver a pitch to suckers who watch these scam networks is a very common "investment strat...

How to Spot a Wall Street Hack

I'll make this short and sweet so you will never forget it.  ALWAYS check the bio of every person you listen to or read articles from. If they have a past writing for, or any other publications affiliated with Jim Cramer, run away as fast as you can.  There are a lot of these guys out there and they usually like to mention it somewhere along the way, either in an article or their bio because they think it's some symbol of credibility. Nothing could be further from the truth.  These guys should never be trusted.  Similar to getting on CNBC, almost everyone in the financial industry will bend over backwards to become involved with these publications because they know they're great marketing venues since there are so many sheep out t...

Why Hyperinflation Isn't Coming to the U.S.

For more than two years now, many Americans have heard warnings of hyperinflation from the large consensus of misguided individuals, whose agendas serve as the basis for their ridiculous claims. Much of this nonsense has come from the gold bugs and perma-bears, although it is often difficult to distinguish between the two. Sprouting from this group of fear-mongers is a larger number of naïve followers whose mission is to also be inducted into the media club, while they too profit from selling gold ads and other financial arrangements made with gold dealers. Many of these individuals spend their entire day watching CNBC and blogging, so as to feed off of the daily smoke-and-mirrors, because they know that millions of sheep continue to watch this trash, despite the fact that CNBC and...

More Lies from Greenspan

Today, the criminal PR arm of Wall Street, CNBC, interviewed Alan Greenspan hoping to draw a big audience of sheep using the "big name" tactic. Forget Greenspan is the single person most responsible for the the collapse of the global economy. Forget the fact that he should be in prison. Forget that he is incompetant.  Greenspan, at the very least is a fool.    As an attempt to calm investors, Greenspan claimed that the market decline was typical of a "recovery." 

The Real Story Behind SEC Chair Gary Gensler's Lawsuit Against Binance, Coinbase, and other Cryptocurrencies

I began my mission helping investors steer clear of Wall Street because I learned firsthand how the game was played after having worked in the industry.  Thereafter, I learned how the media helps Wall Street after I was black balled by all media in 2006 and thereafter for trying to warn main street about what would become an unprecedented financial crisis in 2008.  My mission has been to help investors become more knowledgeable and successful by providing cutting-edge investment research as well as top-notch educational content. I think I've done quite well in that regard.  As a part of this mission, I have also spent a great deal of time and effort exposing the criminal activities of the financial media, as it works with Wall Street to deceive and defraud main str...

He's Back! Harry Dent the Clown Making More Ridiculous Predictions

UPDATED info on Harry "Doomsday" Dent and his SHITTY track record (20014 - 2015): EXPOSED: More Doomsday Charlatans (Agora Financial Pt 1) Harry Dent, Wall Street Investment Bible and Brazilian Real Estate Moron of the Month: Harry Dent (Take 2)     February 23, 2013 UPDATE: See the end of the article.     Previously I exposed the reality about Harry Dent, so-called "economic expert" as CNBC likes to claim. You might want to take some time to review these articles.   Harry Dent. Economist, Futurist & Contrarian Indicator A Look At Harry Dent's Track Record  Harry Dent The Fund Manager Proof That Zero Hedge Cannot Be Trusted Here's the deal folks. CNBC gets these clowns and whores them out for as long as their...

2013 Mid-Year Global Economic Analysis (Video Presentation)

You have probably heard what the clowns in the media have said about the economy.  Unfortunately, the media is littered with misguided salesmen like Peter Schiff, Mark Faber and other gold dealers, who clearly have no idea what they're talking about. What they do have are agendas. Then you have pundits who are always late to the party. Ask yourself the following question… Have you ever gotten a true sense of the reality of the U.S. or global economy by listening to the clowns in the media? Here is just a short list of reminders demonstrating that you’re going to lose your shirt if you pay attention to anyone in the media.   More Misguided "Forecasts" from Peter Schiff Is Peter Schiff REALLY Still Pimping the Euro? Stathis Schools Peter Schiff in Economic...

An Important Message from Peter Schiff

I just ran across this plea from Peter Schiff in my mail box and I had to make a comment. This is a man who took his 5-man brokerage firm and turned it into a staff of over 100 in less than 3 years, compliments of CNBC and the naive individuals who fell for his hot air. 

"Watch TV, Make Money!" Who's REALLY Making Money? (Part 4)

In Part 3 of this series, I was discussing the “media club,” pointing out how no one in the media (regardless what their position is) is on your side. If they were and they had truly valuable insights, you can bet they wouldn’t be interviewed because the media only serves the interests of Wall Street. This how the media club basically works. Once you’ve been on CNBC or FBN a few times, you’re likely to make the rounds to CNN, Bloomberg TV, CBS, ABC, etc. Ultimately, if things go well and you’re a “good boy,” you’ll be interviewed by all of the networks. In the best of scenarios, you’ll be turned into a media ham like Peter Schiff, Nouriel Roubini and others have. Their articles will be pumped into all of the useless websites lik...
