The following article is more than 7000 words and greater than 50 pages in length. The full article is only available to website Members and subscribers to one or more of our investment publications as well as other clients who have previously establish business relations with us. Below we have provided some excerpts. Among the endless number of myths that have been spread by gold dealers and their equally deceitful underlings over the years, there are a few myths that stand out above the others. One of the more notable myths being propagated by gold-pumping charlatans is the claim that China has been selling U.S. Treasury securities. This myth has been spread repeatedly by thousands of doomsday clowns ever since 2008. Note that 200...
(Updated on December 14, 2010) I hate to waste time on useless scumbag liars and profiteers. However, if you want to be a great investor, you have to be able to recognize trash in order to avoid it. I want to alert you to the latest scam being led by the biggest opportunities, liars and censoring scumbags in the world today. As a manner by which to boost their own swollen bank accounts, disinfo agents Alex Jones and Max Keiser have been promoting a campaign get sheep across the globe to buy silver with the (ridiculous) intent to crush JP Morgan. Their reasoning is as follows. Since the bank has a large short position in silver, if people buy it in hoards it will drive up the price causing them to sell at a big loss. Furthermore, since JP Morgan's short position is (alleged...
Last month marked the eighth year we offered a cash reward for anyone who could provide evidence that there was another financial professional who could at least match Mike Stathis' track record in investment forecasting and analysis since 2006. Prior to the recent expiration of this $100,000 reward, we also launched a similar contest but raised the stakes to $1,000,000. This offer expired in June 2017. See here. We are now extending this $1,000,000 challenge effective today, through sometime in 2018 (expiration for this challenge will be determined in an upcoming release). We are also extending the period covered by this challenge by another year, from late 2006 to October 2017. We will release more details regarding this challenge in coming weeks. We will make...
The Jewish mafia has designed countless ways to steal from gentiles. And they won’t hesitate using these methods on other Jews as long as money is involved.
Many of you know where I stand on gold. Despite having forecast gold to rise to very high prices in America's Financial Apocalypse, the fact is the gold bugs have fooled many to believe gold is a hedge against inflation. They have also tried to scare people by insisting the U.S. will undergo hyperinflation as a way to pump gold further. As I have shown in previous articles, these claims are not true. I wanted to show you an example of the kind of propaganda being spread about the gold and silver.
I continue where I left off from Part 2 of this report. [1] In support of their claims of an economic recovery, Washington cheerleaders and Wall Street hacks continue to focus on ancillary metrics like GDP and corporate profits, all while fudging inflation data. [2] [3] The claim made that a recovery is in place can be easily refuted using simple math. If you don’t have healthy employment, you don’t have a healthy economy. In a nation whereby consumers account for close to 70% of the economy, economic growth is ultimately driven by jobs. [4] Before we examine the GDP data, I wanted to discuss some of the shortfalls with the use of this metric as an indicator of economic growth. The gross domestic product is a measure of the value of all goods and services produced in the na...
The Facebook pump-and-dump scam has played out just as I predicted. After only a couple of months, naive shareholders who feel for this scam have already lost nearly $45 billion as the result of a collapse in the share price of more than 50% from the IPO high of $45. But this $45 billion hasn't been a loss for those on the other side of the trade. Short sellers aside, the fact is that the Facebook scam has created several billionaires overnight, namely the executives of Facebook, not to mention the huge payday for the private equity and venture capital funds which capitalized on the pump-and-dump scam orchestrated by both the financial industry and the media. And who do you think purchased the vast majority of shares? Fund managers of course; mainly mutual fund and pension fund managers...
None of these guys who preach doom and advocate gold as your key to salvation will EVER post articles or interview anyone who speaks the truth. The whole idea is to deceive their audience and they fear the truth. They create propaganda in order to fool their audience. Glenn Beck is a perfect example. Beck never airs any credible experts because no credible expert would give him what he wants - a doomsday scenario positioning gold as your salvation. That's why he featured clowns like Peter Schiff and Gerald Celente.
Those who are unfamiliar with me can find out more about my credentials, my background, as well as my investment research track record here, here, and here. Examine Mike Stathis' unmatched track record of predicting the 2008 financial crisis, enabling investors to capture life-changing profits by checking here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unfortunately, most people have forgotten how critical it is to know the credibility and reliability of the sources they choose to follow. Instead of checking credentials and track records, they go by the number of likes, fake comment...
While checking our web hosting admin panel, a staff member spotted some hits to our site from Zero Hedge linking to one of the articles I had written about Harry Dent. Of course, the link was posted by one of the commenters, as opposed to Zero Hedge. The last thing the deceptive hacks at Zero Hedge would want to do is make any mention of me or anyone else with credibility they fear would expose their deceit and trickery.
Update on Dent (April 25, 2015): Check out this new video on Dent, showing his terrible track record Broken Clock Moron Of The Month: Harry Dent Update on Dent May 3, 2015: Moron Of The Month: Harry Dent (Take 2) Also check out more morons and gold pumpers: Moron of the Month - David Stockman Moron of the Month: John Williams Addressing More Myths about Gold and Silver The "Greatest Transfer of Wealth Opportunity" Hoax Gold Pumping Fear Mongering Mind Control Mike Sheds More Light on the Gold Pumping Crime Syndicate The Best Video Ever Created Exposing The Gold Pumping Scene Stathis Exposes Broken Clock Jim Rogers And The Media (Extended) Dismantling John Williams' Hyperinflation Predictions Peter Schiff's Valcambi Gold Destroys Customers' Purch...
I’ve sat by now for about ten years now, waiting for someone from the financial industry to point out what I am about to reveal. I meant to write about this but I kept forgetting. I have to conclude that no one has written or spoken in the media about what I’m about to reveal because many simply are unaware of what I deem to be obvious. Others don’t want to go against their colleagues in the financial industry. But what these guys seem to forget is that their first loyalty should lie with the investment public. I feel the need to point out what I feel to be very disturbing facts behind PIMCO’s Total Return Fund. In short, I feel the fees charged are excessive by any reasonable measure. And when you consider the size of the fund (being the largest mutual fund...
I wanted demonstrate to you that Wall Street research is usually behind the curve, making it more useless than beneficial. If you work in the industry, then you probably already know this. As an example, I am going to discuss Fossil (FOSL). Today, shares of Fossil (FOSL) soared by 32% after beating earnings.
Hopefully, after having read Part 1 and Part 2, you now realize that gold certainly isn’t a hedge against inflation; quite the opposite. Accordingly, a buy-and-hold approach is the worst possible investment strategy for the use of gold; that is, unless you happen to get in at during the early stages of a gold bull market. Similar to deflationary periods, major crises are short-term events. In contrast, modest inflation is a universal law. Therefore, gold should only be bought during times of crisis (ideally before). BUT you should NOT hold gold indefinitely. You need to trade it like major financial institutions do. Otherwise you could get crushed (depending upon where along the spike you bought it). Remember, the price of gold is ONLY driven by supply-d...
“…the U.S. might continue its trend towards inflation merely due to continued high oil prices and weakness of the dollar. And only after some disaster such as a Fannie Mae blowup might deflation appear. Source: America’s Financial Apocalypse: How to Profit from the Next Great Depression (2006)
Posting When It Matters I want to thank those of you who've patiently waited during my apparent hiatus. I certainly wasn't on vacation. I don't take vacations. As I've said in the past, I'm not one ...
Added to the growing list of accurate forecasts made by our chief investment strategist, Mike Stathis is the prediction of the correction in the commodities bubble. As subscribers to the Intelligent Investor know, Mike Stathis first warned of a correction in the commodities bubble in the February 2011 issue of the Intelligent Investor.
While I do agree with Congressman Ron Paul's position on the Federal Reserve, this by no means should be used as a blanket endorsement of his political and economic views; and certainly not his views on healthcare. The Federal Reserve mafia has been in control of America since inception. This cartel has worked particularly hard over the past two decades to gain control over the global banking system. So, you had better believe they aren't going away, nor is their control. They’re too powerful now, and they won’t allow anyone to get in their way. They control Washington. They control the media. They control economists. They control your lives. As we have recently witnessed, President Obama has been instructed by his puppet masters to grant the Fed even more power....
We saved the BEST and longest part of this series of articles on Gold Charlatans for last. Note: this is a long article and you may wish to print it out and read parts of it as your leisure. Gold bugs and dealers alike have pumped out so many misconceptions and flat out lies about gold, silver, and the economy that it would be impossible for me to set the story straight in a single article; that's saying a lot considering the fact that my articles tend to be rather lengthy. However, I have previously written several articles that address the majority of the most common of these myths and lies (check the end of this article for a partial list). If you have been sucked into the vortex of lies from these charlatans, you could stand to lose a HUGE&nbs...
As I have detailed with extensive data and accompanying analysis in America's Financial Apocalypse (2006/expanded and 2007/condensed), America’s once great economy has been gradually transformed into a Ponzi scheme through decades of unfair trade policies that destroyed millions of U.S. jobs. Unlike many other books which discussed the real estate bubble in isolation, this book went well beyond the real estate bubble by presenting a compelling case for a long period of economic depression. I can guarantee you the chapter on the real estate bubble alone (chapter 10) serves as the most detailed and comprehensive analysis presented from any book solely dedicated to this bubble. This article was originally written in 2010 as a followup to the material I first wrote ab...