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Search results for: cnbc



Showing 81-100 of 326 results

Exposing Hacks, Followers, the Confused and the Clueless (a work in progress)

As you might imagine, I am currently focused on writing the April AVAIA newsletter. In the past, I have discussed how the financial media deceives and lies to its audience. I have also discussed why it would engage in these tactics. As examples, I have written about Jim Cramer, Larry Kudlow and other hacks on CNBC. Over the next several weeks, I will be posting material here discussing a long list of what I consider to be hacks, followers, clueless individuals and those with financial agendas and bias that serve as their primary impetus for their views. I am going to show you that these individuals are in the media club. And I am going to show you what I consider to be evidence in support of this. Hopefully, by now you understand how dangerous it can be to pay attent...

Marketing Fraud: TheStreet Promotes Reporter as Retirement Expert

If you're not familiar with TheStreet, congratulations as it means you have managed to avoid a good deal of copywriting trash that infests financial media portals. Briefly, TheStreet is run by none other than stock manipulator and Jewish idiot Jim Cramer. Cramer uses his position at the criminal network CNBC to promote TheStreet and its army of Jewish copywriters. That's right. Similar to the situation at just about every financial firm, you must be Jewish (or married to a Jew) if you want to be a writer at TheStreet and its sister boiler room Real Money.  TheStreet has had a huge list of charlatans on its roster, including a psychic who claimed he could predict winning stocks, baseball legend, felon and braindead moron, Lenny Dykstra, as well as plenty of crooks barred from the se...

Nouriel Roubini Did NOT Predict the Financial Crisis. He is a Big Fat Liar!

Remember folks. It's our "wonderful and honest" media industry that constantly makes false claims about its guests.    I’ve previously debunked the nonsense from an entire army of Jewish charlatans. For instance, do you remember how the media made the hilarious claim that Meredith Whitney predicted the financial crisis in order to make her seem credible when she predicted her ridiculous state and city defaults? I tore her part with reality.  I did the same with Peter Schiff, Marc Faber, Jim Rogers, Jim Rickards, Harry Dent, Jim Cramer, and many others that the media have afforded endless promotion as "experts."  Ask yourself is it a coincidence that they're all Jewish? Ask yourself is it a coincidence that they all have horrendous track records? Obviously,...

"Watch TV, Make Money!" Who's REALLY Making Money? (Part 4)

In Part 3 of this series, I was discussing the “media club,” pointing out how no one in the media (regardless what their position is) is on your side. If they were and they had truly valuable insights, you can bet they wouldn’t be interviewed because the media only serves the interests of Wall Street. This how the media club basically works. Once you’ve been on CNBC or FBN a few times, you’re likely to make the rounds to CNN, Bloomberg TV, CBS, ABC, etc. Ultimately, if things go well and you’re a “good boy,” you’ll be interviewed by all of the networks. In the best of scenarios, you’ll be turned into a media ham like Peter Schiff, Nouriel Roubini and others have. Their articles will be pumped into all of the useless websites lik...

Swine Flu Panic: Trading the Hype

I wanted to discuss this whole swine flu hype that’s been blown out of proportion to illustrate how the media creates illusions from what would seem to be valid information. This also relates to the investment world because today, virtually everything that hits newswires is spun further by the financial media. This of course is done intentionally.   In the end, most who jump aboard the hype - whether it’s the stem cell hype, the ethanol hype or the swine flu hype – end up losing while the ones who understand what’s going on take your money.   As you might know, I do not watch CNBC or FBN. I don’t even have cable because I don’t have time for trash (although I realize there are a few good channels). But I’m willing to bet t...

Death by Media (Part 1)

Amidst all of the media coverage, instead of real experts, what you see are data collectors (Robert Shiller), perpetual doomers – guys who have been preaching doom for two decades - Roubini, Schiff, Krugman and Faber. And now we see the “hindsight heroes” who are only jumping aboard now that things are obvious (everyone on CNBC, FBN, radio, and various financial websites).  Any way you slice it, they’re all extremists. Extremists are largely useless and sometimes dangerous.

Golden Dreams & Delusions: The Story about Gold You Haven't Heard (PART 1)

The following article is more than 80 pp. in length and has been divided into 7 parts. This series of articles represents the most insightful analysis on the gold pumping scene ever published. And it was written by the man who actually spotted the gold bull market in 2001, advised gold to his clients, but was wise enough to have forecast the peak in gold at $2000 two years before it was reached, and warned the public that once the bubble burst, gold and silver would spend many years in a bear market. The year 2001 is likely to be very memorable to most people for different reasons. For many people, the year 2001 brings back memories of the attack on the World Trade Center by the Mossad and CIA. The collapse of the stock market immediately after this catastrophic act of domestic and for...

Why Buffett Doesn't Matter: Lessons in Sheepherding

Without a doubt, Warren Buffet is one of the leading investors in the world. There’s no disputing that. But let’s face it. His skills have been over-exaggerated by the media. Of more detriment, the media continues to deliver the message that what Buffett invests in matters to you. As you will see, he has been made into a god-like figure by the financial media for very precise reasons. Journalists lacking investment expertise often reference Buffett as a way to add credibility by association. Ultimately, they utilize the Buffett “brand name” to make money. An interview with Buffett draws a large audience because the media has convinced the herd that what he says or does actually matters to them. And this translates into huge advertisement opportunities for those wh...

Opening Statement from the May 2016 Intelligent Investor

  Opening Statement from the May 2016 Intelligent Investor Originally published on May 5, 2016 For some time we have discussed the impact of the Energy sector collapse on S&P earnings. We have also detailed how disinflation and even mild deflationary forces have weighed down on earnings in the sector. Although the recent rally in oil may seem to indicate the Energy sector is stabilizing...

Kevin O'Leary is a Despicable Con Man, Shameless Grifter, Business Bozo and Investment Moron

In a previous video I showed how the marketing materials for Kevin O'Leary's ETFs were not providing reasonable public disclosure.   Kevin O'Leary's is a Scam Artist and His ETFs Are Terrible and Come With Huge Fees Although I would expect the fees to be included in the fund prospectus (I'd imagine this would be required by Canadian securities law just as in the USA) I have never seen any ETFs advertised on their respective websites that do not show the fees. So the fact that O'Leary's funds fail to disclose the fees on the fund family website is a huge red flag.   Why would O'Leary want to hide the fees?   It should be obvious that the fees charged by O'Leary's ETFs, (called O' Shares) are extremely high. In fact, O' Shares' fees are around 8 to 10 times...

Stathis Predicted Deflation in the EU in 2010

Do you remember back in 2010 and 2011 when every gold-pumping con man and their minions were claiming that commodities would soar? Do you remember how they were still insisting hyperinflation was just over the horizon?  CNBC's king of broken clocks, Peter Schiff even released a book around late 2010 whereby he urged people to buy commodities because he expected them to soar. Isn't this the same guy who keeps telling everyone to be worried about hyperinflation?  Isn't this the same guy who keeps telling you that people are no longer worried about the euro and the EU , but they are most worried about the dollar and US?             Folks, if you already haven't figured it out by now, you probably never will. The fact of the matter is...

Mike Exposes Porter Stansberry's Latest Scam

Several years ago I exposed Porter Stansberry when he teamed up with fellow con man Alex Jones to create the fear-mongering nonsense video "The End of America." Porter was telling you to buy gold and stay out of the stock market. And he used all kinds of fear-mongering nonsense, deception and lies in order to make his case. The video was circulated throughout the internet, radio and TV starting in late 2010.  If you followed the "wisdom" and "analysis" Stansberry presented in that BS video, you lost your ass big time. You would have also missed out on spectacular gains from the US stock market. By now, these results should be predictable to anyone who has kept track of the these doomsday, fear-mongering con men. Keep in mind that while this fear-mongering prop...

The Real Story Behind SEC Chair Gary Gensler's Lawsuit Against Binance, Coinbase, and other Cryptocurrencies

I began my mission helping investors steer clear of Wall Street because I learned firsthand how the game was played after having worked in the industry.  Thereafter, I learned how the media helps Wall Street after I was black balled by all media in 2006 and thereafter for trying to warn main street about what would become an unprecedented financial crisis in 2008.  My mission has been to help investors become more knowledgeable and successful by providing cutting-edge investment research as well as top-notch educational content. I think I've done quite well in that regard.  As a part of this mission, I have also spent a great deal of time and effort exposing the criminal activities of the financial media, as it works with Wall Street to deceive and defraud main str...

Financial Media Promotes Boiler Room Brokers as Experts (Part 1)

Media = Liars, Crooks and Idiots   CNBC, Bloomberg, Yahoo Finance DOGSHIT MEDIA EXPOSED.   See the video below for Mike's analysis of these boiler room scumbags who have been positioned as "experts" by the criminal media.     For more in-depth analysis, Members and Clients are highly encouraged to check our ENCYCLOPEDIA of Bozos, Hacks, Snake Oil Salesmen and Faux Heroes.   It is the LARGEST (and maybe the only, but certainly the best) and most comprehensive resource exposing the tactics and strategies of hundreds of charlatans.   In total, this resource contains THOUSANDS of pages of content as well as HUNDREDS of videos showing the reality about the world of con men and hacks.   If you don't know how to spot charla...

How to Spot a Wall Street Hack

I'll make this short and sweet so you will never forget it.  ALWAYS check the bio of every person you listen to or read articles from. If they have a past writing for, or any other publications affiliated with Jim Cramer, run away as fast as you can.  There are a lot of these guys out there and they usually like to mention it somewhere along the way, either in an article or their bio because they think it's some symbol of credibility. Nothing could be further from the truth.  These guys should never be trusted.  Similar to getting on CNBC, almost everyone in the financial industry will bend over backwards to become involved with these publications because they know they're great marketing venues since there are so many sheep out t...

An Update on Mike's Top Three Stocks for Long-Term Growth

A few years ago we offered investors a great opportunity to get patched into our research instead of following the various copyediting shops that have been claiming the end of America, the end of the dollar and other nonsense. These are the same guys who utilize "freedom and liberty" as emotional anchors in order to convince their cult members to buy gold and move to Argentina (Doug Casey), Chile (Jeff Berwick) and Puerto Rico (Peter Schiff, Mike Maloney and Doug Casey). As many of you already know, Mike Stathis is the only person in the world who has been exposing and documenting the entire genre of doomsday douche bag broken clock charlatans for many years now. We also offered investors a great opportunity to escape the perma-bull knuckle heads in the media lik...

Susan Wojcicki Transformed YouTube into World's Largest Portal for Scams and Scam Artists

After 25 years as a top level employee at spy organization and criminal enterprise Google, along with nine years as YouTube’s CEO, degenerate tyrant and chief-censor-of-the-truth, Susan Wojcicki has finally resigned from YouTube after having transformed the company into the world's largest digital ecosystem of scams, scam artists, fake news, and disinformation, while censoring everything in accordance with the agendas of the Jewish mafia. YouTube has made one thing crystal clear. Illegal activities, scams and scam artists are permitted on the platform but content and speech deemed "politically incorrect" is not.   I have been documenting the nefarious activities of YouTube and it's partners in crime (otherwise known as "content creators") for several years. In bri...

Mutual Fund Disasters: David Tice and His Prudent Bear Fund

Want to save tens of thousands of dollars? In this article, I tie in numerous aspects of erroneous and deceptive marketing by the mutual fund industry, executed primarily through the business arrangements funds have with the financial media. You will see how virtually every investor has been fooled by these tactics. As a result, they are being taken to the cleaners. I use examples of several of the "best-known" fund managers to illustrate this grand scheme of deception, which I feel constitutes fraud. Previously, I discussed how Legg Mason’s Chief Investment Officer and fund manager of the Legg Mason Value Trust Bill Miller, went from top to bottom in just a few short years. See here for the article on Miller. Part of the blame for Miller’s poor decisions points to th...

Money Show Con Men

In the audio below, Mike talks about how the Money Show is the largest collection of the biggest losers and con men in the world today. You can think of the Money Show as a “brick-and-mortar” version of CNBC; that’s how bad the scams are.     Mike Stathis holds the best investment forecasting track record in the world since 2006. View Mike Stathis' Track Record here, here, here and here. Check here to download Chapter 12 of Cashing in on the Real Estate Bubble.   View Mike Stathis' Track Record here, here, here and here.   Check here also  Stathis Nails The Dec 2014 Market Selloff With Stunning Accuracy   _______________________________________________________________________________________________________...

Christopher Greene (AMTV) Is a Huge Con Man and Fraud

Alex Jones wannabe, Christopher Greene has been pumping out fear porn and scamming people ever since he lost his job at Merrill Lynch over a decade ago. Incidentally, he never even completed the training program at Merrill. I'm willing to bet he was "let go." That's one huge fail.   Along with a few other scam artists who failed on Wall Street and lost their job during or just after the financial crisis, Greene jumped aboard the Peter Schiff hyperinflation band wagon in order to take advantage of the group of naive stooges who had been primed by Schiff's broken clock, fear-mongering  rhetoric. Similar to the case with his fellow kosher tribesman Schiff, Greene tried his best to scare people from the stock market during a period when it was not so far from its post-financi...
