It’s the same song and dance from the Jewish Mafia. When are people going to rise up and put an end to this global parasitic behavior? Each of these companies have either defrauded investors or the public. Each of the highest paid CEOs happen to be Jewish. Okay, let's summarize. The companies have engaged in massive fraud and they are run by Jewish CEOs who happen to be paid more than all other CEOs. Are these mere coincidences? Don't think this small list comprises the extent of Jewish management in US corporations. Most large US corporations are run by Jewish management. They are ALWAYS CONSTANTLY being promoted by their t......
Those who are unfamiliar with me can find out more about my credentials, my background, as well as my investment research track record here, here, and here. Examine Mike Stathis' unmatched track record of predicting the 2008 financial crisis, enabling investors to capture life-changing profits by checking here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Securities Analysis & Trading Webinars (Archives) You are not required to have completed the Boot Camp series prior to purchasing the Securities Analysis & Trading Webinar Recorded Archives, but it is highly recommended.&......
Approximately three months weeks ago the U.S. markets began to correct. We warned about this first correction in the May issue of our firms paid research publications.
In 2007 Peter Schiff "wrote" a book that was apparently geared to win the approval of an unsophisticated and rather gullible audience. In addition to mentioning his disastrous brokerage firm on every other page, Peter Schiff’s 2007 book, Crash Proof turned out to be anything but a resource to avoid a stock market crash.
Once again, Mike Stathis nailed the most recent market sell off in April.
We also have some additional news to report for Dividend Gems subscribers. On February 14, 2013, the same day Berkshire Hathaway announced a huge payday for Dividend Gems subscribers with a buyout offer for Heinz (HNZ) for more than $72/share, Warren Buffett Follows Our Lead on Heinz ... ...shares of another one of our recommended securities were downgraded after management cut the dividend by 26%.
Regardless of the topic, with every article I write I always try to provide valuable lessons towards becoming a more sophisticated investor. Sometimes these lessons are obvious, but other times they are not. Even when I write about a topic like media deceit, there will be lessons about the investment process. These lessons may be secondary to the primary theme of the article, but I assume that each of you will read between the lines. If you are truly tapping the full value of my publications, you are likely to be included in the group of individuals who have managed to get their hands on EVERYTHING I have published; all research, all newsletters, all books; everything. These are the investors who are positioning themselves to eventually become great investors. Most people want “q...
For those of you who are not yet familiar with who I am, my name is Mike Stathis. I am the world's top investment strategist and investment forecaster and I have the published track record to prove it. This is a fact that remains unchallenged despite backing it with a $100,000 prize (recently raised to a wager of $500,000 with 2-to-1 odds so that if you win, you receive $1,000,000; details forthcoming) for the person who can prove otherwise (see the end of this article for some of my track record). Naysayers who are not familiar with me or my published track record might be thinking that it seems impossible that they have never heard of someone who claims to be the world's the leading investment strategist. Those who are familiar with me realize that I was banned long ago by...
It seems as if the new trend in modern America is to use scare tactics as a way to sell the sheep. It worked for President Bush when he warned of Saddam’s WMDs. It also worked for Paulson when he shoved the unconstitutional banking and auto bailouts (TARP and other taxpayer funds) down the throats of U.S. taxpayers. (1) (2) (3) (4) Today, various individuals, from media clowns to investment pundits are using their own brand of scare tactics in order to get people to buy gold. As you shall see, this article addresses the controversy of these activities. Let me first begin with a reminder about the dangers of America’s media monopoly. Instead of presenting different perspectives in a manner which promotes an open forum of debate and inquiry, the media feeds its audien...
If I hired a full-time staff of 100 financial professionals specifically dedicated to the task of calling out all of the media’s so-called financial experts (largely comprised of lifelong snake oil salesmen and Wall Street hacks), pointing to their miserable track records, while setting the record straight on their exaggerations, drama-filled statements, bias, agendas, cheerleading and apocalyptic predictions, we would be unable to address even one-tenth of the propaganda that continues to invade the minds of Americans.
Many of you who have followed me and read my most recent books (The Wall Street Investment Bible/2009 and America’s Financial Apocalypse/2006 & 2007) know that I feel the SEC is beyond useless. In my opinion, the agency works for Wall Street. As a financial professional and former direct employee working for Wall Street, I saw how they operate. They pick on the little guys; the brokers who often commit minor violations that affect very few, while turning their heads away from the biggest criminal activities affecting most if not all investors. In this manner, the SEC creates the impression that they are doing their job and that they are competent.
Previously I discussed the dangers of the media, pointing to numerous examples, from Google and Yahoo! to Wikipedia. I also discussed how Wall Street and venture firms orchestrate pump-and-dump schemes. And I have attempted to tie all of this into Facebook. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Here, I discuss more details of pump-and-dump mechanism carried out by Wall Street and venture capital firms. If you pay close attention, this just might be one of the more informative articles you will read as an investor because it will help you understand how to spot and therefore avoid stock bubbles instead of getting caught in the media hype, as most do. When one asks market advocates why the capital markets are so important to the U.S. economy, the usual respons...
Continuing from PART 6 In this series of articles I have been discussing the myths, lies, dreams and delusions about gold, hyperinflation and other nonsense that continues to be flooded into the media by idiots, liars and snake oil salesmen. With so many lying scumbags, snake oil salesmen and profiteers out there, obviously one of the most important skills to have to avoid falling victim to these rascals is to know how to determine whether someone can be a trusted source of information and insight. So how does one determine whether or not to trust the judgment of someone claiming to know more than you about gold, silver, stocks and bonds, real estate or anything else related to investments? Always remember, a person’s views are only as good as their credibility. In th...
In this article (of over 50pp) and accompanying 30-minute video below, Mike exposes another YouTube con man who is in all of the precious metals pumping circuits. Combined with over 100 links to related articles written by Mike, this article is certain to add to the knowledge base of our Clients and Website Members in addition to keeping them busy for several days if not weeks. Consistent with our goals for all content added to the Encyclopedia of Bozos, Hacks, Snake Oil Salesmen and Faux Heroes, the most important objective of this article is to help you think more clearly and to identify deception so that you are not taken by the endless supply of con men that prey on the public. (This is an early release of this article - this article is subject to one or...
The following article is more than 7000 words and greater than 50 pages in length. The full article is only available to website Members and subscribers to one or more of our investment publications as well as other clients who have previously establish business relations with us. Below we have provided some excerpts. Among the endless number of myths that have been spread by gold dealers and their equally deceitful underlings over the years, there are a few myths that stand out above the others. One of the more notable myths being propagated by gold-pumping charlatans is the claim that China has been selling U.S. Treasury securities. This myth has been spread repeatedly by thousands of doomsday clowns ever since 2008. Note that 200...
Most Americans have been fooled into thinking one party has the solutions to the nation’s problems, when the facts paint a much different picture. You need to understand that both parties are the same. As history shows, you get the same result regardless who resides over the White House and Congress.
The Jewish mafia has designed countless ways to steal from gentiles. And they won’t hesitate using these methods on other Jews as long as money is involved.
I continue where I left off from Part 2 of this report. [1] In support of their claims of an economic recovery, Washington cheerleaders and Wall Street hacks continue to focus on ancillary metrics like GDP and corporate profits, all while fudging inflation data. [2] [3] The claim made that a recovery is in place can be easily refuted using simple math. If you don’t have healthy employment, you don’t have a healthy economy. In a nation whereby consumers account for close to 70% of the economy, economic growth is ultimately driven by jobs. [4] Before we examine the GDP data, I wanted to discuss some of the shortfalls with the use of this metric as an indicator of economic growth. The gross domestic product is a measure of the value of all goods and services produced in the na...
None of these guys who preach doom and advocate gold as your key to salvation will EVER post articles or interview anyone who speaks the truth. The whole idea is to deceive their audience and they fear the truth. They create propaganda in order to fool their audience. Glenn Beck is a perfect example. Beck never airs any credible experts because no credible expert would give him what he wants - a doomsday scenario positioning gold as your salvation. That's why he featured clowns like Peter Schiff and Gerald Celente.
Those who are unfamiliar with me can find out more about my credentials, my background, as well as my investment research track record here, here, and here. Examine Mike Stathis' unmatched track record of predicting the 2008 financial crisis, enabling investors to capture life-changing profits by checking here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unfortunately, most people have forgotten how critical it is to know the credibility and reliability of the sources they choose to follow. Instead of checking credentials and track records, they go by the number of likes, fake comment...