Since Mike released this video in 2013, we see how Prins's career as a charlatan has progressed. She's been pitching all kinds of scams with the boiler room Agora Financial. She's even teamed up with one of the biggest scammers on YouTube, Brian Rose. Does anyone else see the one thing these scammers seems to always have in common? That's right. They all love bagels. Make no mistake. Nomi Prins is completely clueless about the capital markets. She's a fake, a fraud, and a profiteer. She will do and say anything for money. Nomi Prins is a money worshipper and enemy #1 of the people. ...
I've had too many fraudsters to expose over the past few years (I still have hundreds to expose with the list growing each day) so I forgot to finish a few articles I started on Chris Martenson a few years ago. Luckily, I had already published a few articles and videos exposing him (see links below). The other day I ran across a video where former Alex Jones Infowars partner Mike Adams, who calls himself the "Health Ranger" (he's actually a health fraudster) interviewed Martenson. Seeing these two scammers team up reminded me of the articles on Martenson I forgot to finish. In short, I will be working hard to release these remaining articles in the near future. As for Adams, he's such an obvious fraud that many others have already exposed hi...
The following text and descriptive images comprise the prelude to the Encyclopedia of Bozos, Hacks, Snake Oil Salesmen & Faux Heroes. The full report includes hundreds of pages of text, hundreds of annotated images and dozens of videos detailing a very large number of the plethora of con artists, idiots and fakes largely from within the financial and financial publishing industries. In 2017 we added a new resource portal to the Encyclopedia focused on displaying thousands of annotated images exposing the various con artists and shills from the financial media. This portal is called the "AVAIA Image Library" and can be accessed by logging into your Member or Client account and clicking on the blue box to the left of the Home Page directly under the top image caro...
Here, Mike shows you how to spot a snake oil salesman using Michael Covel as a case study. You won't want to miss this tutorial. There is nowhere else you can get this kind of education. Quite simply, the education we provide is priceless. Those who do not receive it are certain to lose a good part if not all of their life savings by falling for the countless con men that seek to win your trust and make up stories. The current gold/doomsday scam is just one example of this. You can be sure that there will be many more scams to come. So you had better ask yourself the following question…are you able to spot scam artists? If not, you had better patch into our Encyclopedia of Bozos, Hacks, Snake Oil Salesmen and Faux Heroes. Special Pro...
I began my mission helping investors steer clear of Wall Street because I learned firsthand how the game was played after having worked in the industry. Thereafter, I learned how the media helps Wall Street after I was black balled by all media in 2006 and thereafter for trying to warn main street about what would become an unprecedented financial crisis in 2008. My mission has been to help investors become more knowledgeable and successful by providing cutting-edge investment research as well as top-notch educational content. I think I've done quite well in that regard. As a part of this mission, I have also spent a great deal of time and effort exposing the criminal activities of the financial media, as it works with Wall Street to deceive and defraud main str...
The second take is always better than the first, but you decide!
Question of the Month: Is there a bigger con man in America today than Robert Kiyosaki? That's a good question because he certainly has a great deal of competition. Even before beginning to tackle this question one must first list the various genres known to be loaded with con artists and go from there. For instance, Kiyosaki considers himself a consumer finance, real estate and self-help guy. These are three genres consisting of nothing other than scam artists because they were created by scam artists. So if we view Kiyosaki as a consumer finance guy then Suze Orman and Dave Ramsey are obvious candidates for the top spot. If we view Kiyosaki as a real estate guy, the list of candidates who might qualify to take the top spot is too lengthy to mention.&n...
The con of the day involves a Jewish clown named Marc Chaikin. Chances are you've seen Chaikin's fear-mongering ads (disguised as news) plastered on numerous finance and investment pages for several months featuring "dire warnings" from the "Wall Street legend" Marc Chaikin. In the video ad below, Chaikin first grabs your attention by claiming that a "massive and surprising new transition could soon determine the next group of millionaires, leaving 99% of the public worse off than before.” This should be the first obvious red flag. Why is he using such vague language? What's the surprise? Surprises can be good or bad, so which is it Marc? Only con artists play word games like that. Next he claims that “if you own regular stocks...
In my opinion Doug Casey is a great contrarian indicator and a huge charlatan. And anyone who does not realize this is simply a damn fool. Furthermore, keep in mind that the apple never falls far from the tree. Now think to yourself who Casey associates with. Here is a small sample…
Have you ever wondered why most people get screwed in the stock market? Most who lose their ass in the stock market rarely blame the real culprits. So who are the real culprits? Well, if you pay attention to the financial media, then you have your answer. (video is below) Send this video to Aaron Task __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mike Stathis holds the best investment forecasting track record in the world since 2006. View Mike Stathis' Track Record here, here, here and here. Check here to download Chapter 12 of Cashing in on the Real Estate Bubble. This is the chapter that shows where Mike recommended shorting Fan...
In this video, you are going to see how all of the fear-mongering, broken clock, doomsday, gold-pumping con men are linked. As well, one of the original kingpins will be exposed. We have also added in his doomsday con artist fear mongering video that was released more than a year ago, warning about the great collapse in the stock market in 2016! I ran into the ad for this scam video during the normal course of my investigations of scam websites. I found it on Seeking Alpha, a huge scam website run by Jews for Jews (i.e. the discriminate in favor of Jewish contributors, similar to the way Jews operate in all fields) and based in Israel. I'll expose Seeking Alpha in the future. And trust me, I can't wait to because I've had material on this scam media firm for many ye...
I already exposed huckster Raoul Pal a few years ago (See the Image Library as well as the links below) as a clown who was using the Jewish buddy system in order to get media coverage. This represents marketing deception at best. Hey Pal, show us the fucking proof behind your claims that you predicted the financial crisis. Otherwise, you're a fucking liar and you're committing fraud! Mike Stathis holds the best investment forecasting track record in the world since 2006. Check here to download Chapter 12 of Cashing in on the Real Estate Bubble, showing how he recommended to short Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, as well as the homebuilders, banks and even General Electric and General Motors. View Mike Stathis' Track Record here, here, here,...
You probably don't remember James Altucher's days when he was rubbing shoulders with Jim Cramer at his copywriting sweat shop, The Street. You remember The Street don't you? Cramer uses his slot on scam network CNBC to promote this boiler room...
Below is a broef teaser for an article expected for release over the next several days. The article ties everything about cryptocurrencies together. It's likely to the be most informative and insightful article on the topic ever written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't Be Fooled. Gary Gensler is a Shill for the Cryptocurrency Industry. A few years after Gary Gensler left his position as head of the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) in 2014, he began lecturing at MIT. Immediately upon being appointed as a lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management, Gensler began promoting cryptocurrencies through the guise of blockchain technology. Cryptocurren......
A few years ago I characterized Chris Martenson as a very deceptive predator who was ready to do anything in order to line his pockets from as many sheep as possible by spreading fear-mongering disinformation. See here. In the 100-page article exposing Martenson I also pointed to bogus claims he made in order to boost his stature and credibility. In case you don't know anything about Chris Martenson, he's one of those guys who has been warning of a bubble in the stock market, real estate market, and just about everything else you can think of (except gold and silver) since 2011 as a part of his fear-mongering pitch designed to lure naive people as well as nut jobs into his unethical business of selling "fear porn," while directing these victims to service providers (mainly...
If I were to list the number of websites that have banned me or ignored me for the purpose of distancing themselves from the "good cop," as bad cops always do, the list would be into the thousands.
Unfortunately, most people have forgotten how critical it is to know the credibility and reliability of the sources they choose to follow. Instead of checking credentials and track records, they go by the number of likes, fake comments, fake reviews, and hearsay from people they have no idea about. Those who are unfamiliar with me can find out more about my credentials, my background, as well as my investment research track record here, here, and here. Examine Mike Stathis' unmatched track record of predicting the 2008 financial crisis, enabling investors to capture life-changing profits by checking here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. ------------------------------------------------------------------...
If you do not want to hear cursing please do not listen to this audio.
YouTube fraudster and fake investment guru Tom Nash (suspected real name Tomer Nesher) has made numerous false claims about his credentials and experience for several years. These false claims created the perception that he possess high-level experience and credentials in the capital markets and specifically in the area of securities analysis. For example, Tom Nash claimed that he was a senior analyst at a top 4 Wall Street firm for more than ten years prior to quitting his job to become a YouTuber for the sole purpose of exposing fake gurus. Yes, that's correct. Nash claimed he quit his allegedly "high status, high paying job as a senior analyst at a top Wall Street firm" in order to help people who watch YouTube by exposing fake gurus. Let me be clear. ......
Some readers may need to read a few previous articles I've written about Chris Martenson in order to put everything into context. However, for those who are not familiar with Mr. Martenson, I'll provide a brief rundown before proceeding to discuss the focus of this article. I've discussed Chris Martenson several times over the years because I believe he's engaging in less than honest business practices for the purpose of selling snake oil. In short, Martenson is someone the public should be warned about because he's selling fear and disinformation while marketing himself as a credible source of insight. Let me be clear. Chris Martenson is by no means credible. If Martenson kept to himself and only posted his nonsense on his huckster-themed "Peak Prosperity" website, hi...