I think it is important to remind people about the price and quality of content. It’s really quite simple. No content is truly free. You pay a huge price for that content. Unfortunately, the price you pay is almost always hidden so that most people never even realize what it has cost them. Most often, the cost is an opportunity cost or the cost of misinformation which leads to huge losses of money or even one's health.
Here is the email exchange between myself and Greg Zuckerman, mentioned in a recent article. Mr. Zuckerman, Instead of trying to make Paulson look like some genius, why not try doing some investigative journalism to see why he is paying Greenspan a 7-figure "consulting" salary. It's Greenspan’s cut of the heist. As the facts show, I predicted the details of this collapse in 2 books written in late 2006. Yet, the media has continued to ignore me. Why? because they don't want people to know the about nation's biggest problems: free trade and healthcare, which I detailed in this book. I was discussing healthcare and the entitlements as a cause of this depression and now the Calvary arrives to discuss healthcare. Yet, they have not dared discuss free trad...
A few days ago, the liberal radio network, AirAmerica ended all programming and announced that it would soon be filing for chapter 7. Before I continue, I think a little background info might be noteworthy. You see, back when I wrote America's Financial Apocalypse, President Bush was the current puppet in the White House. So I knew that AirAmerica would be the best chance I'd have to warn people about the upcoming depression, expected to commence with the real estate meltdown.
I already exposed huckster Raoul Pal a few years ago (See the Image Library as well as the links below) as a clown who was using the Jewish buddy system in order to get media coverage. This represents marketing deception at best. Hey Pal, show us the fucking proof behind your claims that you predicted the financial crisis. Otherwise, you're a fucking liar and you're committing fraud! Mike Stathis holds the best investment forecasting track record in the world since 2006. Check here to download Chapter 12 of Cashing in on the Real Estate Bubble, showing how he recommended to short Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, as well as the homebuilders, banks and even General Electric and General Motors. View Mike Stathis' Track Record here, here, here,...
As a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding, banks are stepping up with further efforts to protect delinquent homeowners. To date, this represents the most radical effort to stop the avalanche of foreclosures. It’s thought these ridiculous bailouts will help restore the housing market which will provide more stability to the economy. The problem is that these plans are still insufficient to make any impact. And there is nothing to absorb the massive inventory of housing. If Washington wants to help homeowners make mortgage payments, they need to stop letting corporations send jobs overseas. Similar to the banking bailout, the latest “solution” from Washington will continue to waste taxpayer money. More important, it will reward the wrong people and punish responsible hom...
To: Peter S. Goodman, New York Times The following email (I no longer have the previous email) was in response to Peter Goodman asking me if I have proof that Washington Mutual was not insolvent and was seized inappropriately. I had previously emailed him with information about the illegal seizure of Washington Mutual. Background reading materials The Biggest Banking Heist in World History: Washington Mutual Illegal Seizure of Washington Mutual (complaint to SEC) Blast from the Past: Mike Predicts Demise of Washington Mutual and Lehman Evidence the SEC Ignored WaMu's Request to be SAVED WaMu: One Year Later and Still No Indictments WaMu Insider Trading & Naked Short Selling Ignorance of Main Street Best Seen in WaMu Shareholders WaMu Coverup: Email to Dan Wilchins Re...
Those of you who are familiar with my previous publications know my real estate forecasts remain unchanged since first published in 2006.
For more than two years now, many Americans have heard warnings of hyperinflation from the large consensus of misguided individuals, whose agendas serve as the basis for their ridiculous claims. Much of this nonsense has come from the gold bugs and perma-bears, although it is often difficult to distinguish between the two. Sprouting from this group of fear-mongers is a larger number of naïve followers whose mission is to also be inducted into the media club, while they too profit from selling gold ads and other financial arrangements made with gold dealers. Many of these individuals spend their entire day watching CNBC and blogging, so as to feed off of the daily smoke-and-mirrors, because they know that millions of sheep continue to watch this trash, despite the fact that CNBC and...
If anyone knows what to expect from the stock market and economy, don't you think it would be the leading stock market forecaster in the world? If you want to hear the full 2 hour analysis as well as gain access to the next 11 months of forecasts, you're going to need to subscribe to either the Intelligent Investor (see here) or Market Forecaster (see here). View Mike Stathis' Track Record here, here, here, here, here, here and here. Don't you think if anyone knows what to expect from the capital markets it would be the person who predicted the 2008 financial crisis, stock market collapse, real estate collapse, the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (and much more)? If you're going to risk your money in the capital mark......
When one draws comparisons between the California Gold Rush of the mid-1800s to the current gold craze, the similarities are striking. "Many, very many, that come here meet with bad success & thousands will leave their bones here. Others will lose their health, contract diseases that they will carry to their graves with them. Some will have to beg their way home, & probably one half that come here will never make enough to carry them back. But this does not alter the fact about the gold being plenty here, but shows what a poor frail being man is, how liable to disappointments, disease & death. There is a good deal of sin & wickedness going on here, Stealing, lying, Swearing, Drinking, Gambling & murdering. There is a great deal of gambling carri...
When many people mention the collapse these days, the most common response I've heard is "everyone knew it was coming." Perhaps you've heard the same.
“If I submit a manuscript to a publishing house, it is again checked first for references to the Jews, and second, to see if its author is on the Jewish blacklist. In this manner, the Jews prevent any gentile writer from reaching the public if he is known to be indifferent or hostile to their goals, if he has refused to become a member of the shabez goi class. Any publication which rejects Jewish censorship is either driven out of business, or taken over by Jewish financial interests. A book which is published by gentiles who are not of the shabez goi class is ignored by the book review departments of mass publications, and bookstores refuse to stock it, for their stocks are reviewed monthly by traveling ADL agents who enter the store incognito, inspect the stock, a...
If I hired a full-time staff of 100 financial professionals specifically dedicated to the task of calling out all of the media’s so-called financial experts (largely comprised of lifelong snake oil salesmen and Wall Street hacks), pointing to their miserable track records, while setting the record straight on their exaggerations, drama-filled statements, bias, agendas, cheerleading and apocalyptic predictions, we would be unable to address even one-tenth of the propaganda that continues to invade the minds of Americans.
While I do agree with Congressman Ron Paul's position on the Federal Reserve, this by no means should be used as a blanket endorsement of his political and economic views; and certainly not his views on healthcare. The Federal Reserve mafia has been in control of America since inception. This cartel has worked particularly hard over the past two decades to gain control over the global banking system. So, you had better believe they aren't going away, nor is their control. They’re too powerful now, and they won’t allow anyone to get in their way. They control Washington. They control the media. They control economists. They control your lives. As we have recently witnessed, President Obama has been instructed by his puppet masters to grant the Fed even more power....
As a result of Stathis' accurate interest rate forecasts, his institutional clients and others who might have access to interest rate swaps and other dervivatives linked to interest rate changes have been able to make a killing.
The following piece reinforces what I have been stating countless times over the past several years. Anyone who wastes time watching or reading anything CNBC, Bloomberg, the Wall Street journal, Barron's FOX, or any other Jewish-run media firm is naive and will surely get screwed. The same applies to websites that claim to provide investment research but in reality are part of the copywriting industry (Zach's, Motley Fool, Seeking Alpha, etc.). Failed hedge fund manager Whitney Tilson spent many years partnering with Jewish-run media platforms such as CNBC and Bloomberg attempting to lure naive suckers into his trades in order to deliver positive investment performance. Lining up to deliver a pitch to suckers who watch these scam networks is a very common "investment strat...
Who is Chris Martenson? Is He Legit? And is He on Your Side? In this 3-year investigation of Martenson, we lay out the details of how this snake has elbowed his way into the gold charlatan network in this 60-page report. We issued a warning about Martenson a while back, knowing well what he was up to, but we just did not have the time to do the investigation and write-up required to present a bullet-proof analysis. Click here to read our previous warning. More recently, we exposed what a complete clown Martenson is by showing his predictions on commodities and the US stock market. Click here and here to view Parts 1 & 2 of this video presentation, respectively. The full report on Chris Martenson can be found in our famous Encyclopedia of Bozos,...
Here, Mike provides a video introduction to the vast network of con artists who have been pumping gold and doom. The full analysis is contained in the ENCYCLOPEDIA of Bozos, Hacks, Snake Oil Salesmen and Faux Heroes, as well as in related articles. Combined, Mike has written more than 2000 pages and produced more than 50 videos exposing these clowns. We continue to add to this massive resource. Always remember that if you want to make money, the very first thing you need to do is determine how to avoid losing money. The best way to lose money is to listen to the guys contained in our ENCYCLOPEDIA.
Despite the strong closing bounce off the new intraday low of around 7400 reached on Friday, it’s likely the Dow has further downside. These lows may not occur for another 12-18 months.