The greatest competitive advantage in the world you can have is here.

Our Educational Programs & Presentations

  • The content is either unique or presented in a unique manner. 

  • You will not find this material anywhere else. 

  • Created and presented by the world's best analyst. 


        - No fluff and no gimmicky BS.

        - Cutting edge insights from one of the world's best analysts.

        - Turbocharge your skills and knowledge base.

        - Gain a huge competitive advantage over investors.

        See here for more details. 


        - Real time securities analysis.

        - Learn from one of the best in the world.

        - Turbocharge your skills and knowledge.

        See here for more details.


        - Short Squeeze Case Studies

        - Technical & Fundamental Analysis Case Studies


        - The China Report

        - Detailed Analysis of 2023 Banking Crisis

        - Is the US Dollar at Risk of Losing Reserve Currency Status

You're Getting World-Class Analysis from the World's Best Analyst

For more than two decades Mike has provided world-class research and insight to individual investors, hedge funds, mutual funds, pensions, and corporate treasury departments. 

His high-level expertise and broad-based experience in the capital markets have positioned him as one of the world's top investment minds.

We know of no financial professional in the world who can match Mike's track record in investment forecasting and analysis. 

He provides investors with proprietary investment strategies, valuation analysis, market forecasting, risk management and distressed securities analysis.

As arguably the only person in the world who predicted the 2008 financial crisis in detail, Mike was also the only financial professional to have turned bullish at the market bottom on March 9, 2009. This spurred the initiation of our first research publication, the Intelligent Investor. 

Mike's amazing insights along with the accuracy of his investment and economic forecasts have positioned him as one of America's most astute and creative financial experts.

Prior to forming AVA Investment Analytics, Mike worked at UBS, followed by Bear Stearns, focusing on asset management and merchant banking. 

Mike is also the Managing Principal of Apex Venture Advisors. Mike has served as an adviser to various hedge funds, endowments, pension plans, private equity and venture capital funds. 

More About Mike's Track Record

Those unfamiliar with Mike Stathis can learn about his credentials, background, and most important, his investment research track record herehere, and here.

We encourage readers to examine Mike Stathis' track record of predicting the 2008 financial crisis. His detailed analysis enabled investors to capture life-changing profits.

You should confirm these claims by checking  herehere, here, here, here, here, herehere, here, here, and here.  

There is no one in the world who can match the accuracy and detail of Mike's 2008 financial crisis predictions. 

We even backed this claim with as much as a $1 million guarantee. See here
