What is you knew when to sell the stock market in May and when to buy it back?
If you knew this information, you wouldn't even need to know a thing about securities. All you would need to do is sell when you were told and buy when you were told, right? Even a dummy could have made easy money in a short period.
Recently we highligted the fact that we accurately predicted the correction in the stock market before it happened. This enabled subscribers of the Intelligent Investor and Market Forecaster to sell or trim down on positions when the Dow was 12,800 and repurchase in the 11,800s. See here.
What if you knew when to sell the stock market in July and buy it back?
In the July issue of each newsletter, we also forecast another sell off, placing an 85% chance of the Dow declining to 12,150 in coming days. At the time, the Dow was around 12,600. As of Friday July 29, the Dow closed at 12,143.
Acting on just one of these market forecasts could have easily paid for an annual subscription to the Intelligent Investor.
So where is the Dow headed next?
No one knows for certain, but I can assure you this. Your best chance of knowing is follow the forecasts of Mike Stathis.
Suday afternoon, July 31, we sent out additional insight as to our market forecast to subscribers of the Intelligent Investor and Market Forecaster.
I can guarantee you that virtually no one in the world made these two remarkable calls with accuracy in advance. That includes mutual fund and hedge fund managers.
These latest market forecasts have added to our world-leading market forecasting track record.
Quite simply, our Chief Investment Strategist, Mike Stathis is the top market forecaster in the world. He is clearly also one of the world's sharpest investment minds. His track record and insights confirm these bold claims.
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