Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

More Lies from Greenspan

Today, the criminal PR arm of Wall Street, CNBC, interviewed Alan Greenspan hoping to draw a big audience of sheep using the "big name" tactic.

Forget Greenspan is the single person most responsible for the the collapse of the global economy.

Forget the fact that he should be in prison.

Forget that he is incompetant. 

Greenspan, at the very least is a fool. 

As an attempt to calm investors, Greenspan claimed that the market decline was typical of a "recovery." 

Subscribers to our newsletter know a very different story. In fact, I would say that subscribers know more about what is going on in the global economy and major stock markets than all of the hacks, liars and clowns hand-selected by the media as experts. 

Of course, Greenspan ended his interview claiming once again that no one could have predicted the financial crisis.

“It is just not feasible to forecast a financial crisis," he said. "A financial crisis by definition is a sharp abrupt, unexpected decline in asset prices."
What he means is that it could not have been foreseen by an idiot like himself.
I am convinced that even if he had read America’s Financial Apocalypse it wouldn’t have mattered. The guy is just that clueless.
Yet, American fools continue to line up to hear what this idiot has to say much in the same as the criminal financial media continues to air liars, hacks and idiots, who hide the truth from investors either by preaching extremist views or hindsight. 
The media could care less what you think of their lies and useless content. Remember, as long as you read, as long as you listen, you are making the media more powerful.  You are making the media money. The size of the audience is the only think that determines their revenues because it dictates the fees charged for ads. 
If you watch CNBC, FBN, CNN, or any other televised network for financial news, you are an accomplice in your own demise. Don't forget that. 
Also, keep in mind that you won't hear anyone else who covers investments expose the truth behind themedia because they are on their side. They prefer to sell out in exchange for the free marketing supplied by the media.
Understand this. If you read any financial blogs or websites out there and these guys aren't exposing the criminal media as I have, you need to realize that these individuals are NOT on your side.  They are part of the problem.
That said, as many of you know, I do not watch TV. If I did I would go crazy being exposed to the daily lies and misinformation.  I came across Greenspan's interview in an article and knew it would offer a good learning point.

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