The winners keep on rolling in.
The chart below shows the past 12 months of a stock I have loved for several years.
Like many of my past small and mid cap growth stories, this one was unfortunately bought out for $44.58 per share on January 5, 2011.
The big question is, when did I recommend this stock to subscribers of the Intelligent Investor newsletter?
Answer: at a time that maximized the percentage return per days held.
The chart below illustrates when I initiated a buy on shares of Atheros Communications (ATHR).
Actually, as you can see, I missed the absolute best percentage return per day held by a month. This was a slip-up on my part because I forgot to add it to the October issue. Oh well, no one is perfect.
Nevertheless, my recommendation to buy shares of ATHR at the beginning of November yielded subscribers close to a 40% gain in about 2 months, or 44 trading days.
In addition, I reiterated the buy on shares in December, for about a 30% gain in 30 days, or 24 trading days.
Was this luck?
Yes, it was BAD luck, because I felt Atheros would have performed exceptionally well in coming years. Regardless, readers were positioned to rake in huge, fast profits with this recommendation.
Apparently, Qualcomm shared my views because it paid a nice premium for Atheros, making this its largest acquisition ever. And it paid for the transaction using all cash. That is a rare event, especially when finance rates are so low.
I’d also like to remind you of the other recent huge winner I discussed here.
As well, I’d also like to remind you of my top 3 stocks for long-term growth here.
I discussed these stocks in the very first issue of the newsletter, and each has been followed up variably since then.
My recent market forecasting track record was also published recently and can be seen here.
Athough we have not had sufficient time to audit the entire record for 2010, I can tell you that it has been remarkably accurate. We will present the full results of this record, as well as that of the Chinese, Indian and Brazilian market ETFs in the future.
These examples by no means illustrate all of the recent winners contained in the Intelligent Investor newsletter. And as was discussed in this previous article, the newsletter delivered spectacular performance in 2010, thrashing all indexes with only one loser.
Anyone who has been following me since the release of America's Financial Apocalypse and Cashing in on the Real Estate Bubble more than four years ago realizes that my track record in virtually everything I have discussed has been spot on.
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Whether you’re looking to supplement your other investment resources, or you’re looking to become a great investor, we publish three investment newsletters to suit your needs.
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At AVA Investment Analytics, we publish 3 investment newsletters and provide customized research to financial institutions, financial advisers and serious retail investors.
(1) The Intelligent Investor is our flagship publication. It is the most comprehensive investment newsletter we know of in the world. See here for more details. See here, here, here and here for our track record.
(2) The Market Forecaster provides forecasts for the U.S. and emerging markets (excluding Russia). See here for more details. See here and here for our track record.
(3) The Dividend Gems provides my most highly recommended dividend securities with active management strategies, as well as discussions of other dividend securities. See here for more details.
I personally conduct all of the research required to give readers a competitive edge, all while raising their investment IQ.
As a subscriber to each of these newsletters, you are receiving my best insights and analysis. I provide guidance, present opportunities, discuss risk, teach you how to analyze securities, estimate valuation, determine your asset allocation, and many other useful skills drawing upon my many years as an investment professional managing hundreds of separate accounts on Wall Street and conducting my own research and analysis.
It is from this experience and the skills I have developed that enabled me to develop the most detailed and accurate forecast and analysis of the economic collapse. And I can't wait to show you all that I know.
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