Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

More of Our Research Lands HUGE Payouts: Today MAKO

Recently, we discussed the huge move made by ARNA. Have a look.

This was just one of 60 securities we profiled in a 9-video (consisting of 6 hours) securities analysis presentation focused on those securities we felt stood the best chance to make huge moves in coming weeks/months. 

While many of these securities were focused on for the short side of the trade, others were discussed as candidate for a short squeeze.

Finally, in many cases, we provided our short and longer-term guidance which we often concluded could lead to further downside (i.e. take a short position) followed later by a short squeeze (i.e. take a long position).

In this presentation we discussed industry dynamics for each security, the fundamentals and technicals and everything else you might image (and then some) from an analysis designed and delivered by our Chief Investment Strategist, Mike Stathis.

With each passing day, no doubt, Mike is becoming a living legend due to his amazing insights, trading calls and spectacular forecasts. 

Recently, you may have heard about the bankruptcy protection filed by Patriot Coal (PCX).  PCX collapsed by 90% in day yesterday.




We actually profiled Patriot in this 9-video series which was released on May 30, 2012.

What about James River Coal (JRCC) and Arch Coal (ACI) which have also collapsed? Were there stocks covered in the video presentation? 

Of course!

Today, you may have checked for the largest percentage loser, MAKO Surgical (MAKO).  MAKO is down by more than 40%.


Guess what?

We also profiled MAKO in the presentation. In fact, Mike so much as guaranteed it would hit the teens in coming weeks. 

Below is a clip of this video presentation so you can see for yourself.

There are many other securities that have made huge moves since we released this presentation and you can bet there will be many more to come.

We just don’t have the time to alert you whenever we make a huge score because we would be spending all of our time devoted to this somewhat wasteful activity. We prefer to focus on research and analysis, because after all, we aren’t professional marketers or copyrighters. 

We are one of the top investment research firms in the world. That is a fact that NO ONE can dispute and we have the track record to back it up.

The more you become familiar with Mike’s track record and insights, the more you will be hard-pressed to find another investment professional anywhere in the world who can match his abilities. 

Are you STILL listening to marketers who have no idea what’s going on, but keep PREACHING their sales pitch? You know…the clowns on TV and in the print media.

You know who they are; guys that wouldn’t DARE go head to head and discuss their extremist BS hyperinflation doomsday garbage with Stathis because they know they are out of their league.  

To purchase this 6-hour long video series which discusses trading strategies to capture huge moves in these securities, click here.


If you want to inspect the list first, we are offering it for only $99. Plus you get a huge discount off of the video series (this option is a no-brainer).  Click here.


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