Invasion of Asia by Charlatans from the West - Robert Kiyosaki, Tony Robbins, Herbal Life

In the following audio from 2019, Mike discusses how charlatans such as Robert Kiyosaki and Tony Robbins have infiltrated Asia.  He also briefly mentions one of the biggest stock trading scamme...

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Gold Pumping Fraud and Pathological Liar, Lindsey Williams Warned Dollar to Lose Reserve Currency Status (2011)

Do you remember hearing about the "global reset" pumped out by the army of gold-pumping fraudsters like Max Keiser, Alex Jones and many others starting back in 2011? One of the primary catalysts fo...

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Why the Original Term "Global Warming Was Changed" to "Man-Made Climate Change"

Hopefully, you can see what's going on here.  The question is what would be the motive?  It's always about two things. Money and control.  Clients and Members please sign i...

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Voyager Digital Ponzi Scheme Scam Artist and Lousy Investor, Mark Cuban Holds a Masterclass

I'm just wondering what the real topic of Cuban's masterclass is going to be. Will he teach people how to worship money like he does so they will sell their soul to the Devil for a buck?  ......

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Chart of the Day: AMC Aron Adam CEO Takes the Apes to the Cleaners

As I pointed out when it was happening in real time, hedge funds were in on this stock pump from the very beginning, using their tribal connections with the financial media to help the pump. As shar......

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Jewish Mafia-run, CNBC Promotes Jewish Con Tony Robbins as 401k Expert

The following video serves as a prime example showing how the media positions cons and clowns as experts in order to rip off its audience. They work together to screw you with lies and disinformatio...

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