I continue where I left off from Part 1.
So let’s have a look at more of Obama’s Jewish appointees.
David Axelrod – Special Adviser to the President; Axelrod, a Zionist Jew serves as Obama’s political strategist. He is also very well connected in the business and political area, as well as within the big Jewish money in Chicago such as the large Pritzker family of billionaires.
Jared Bernstein – Chief Economist and Economic Policy Adviser to the Vice President. Bernstein comes from the Jewish-led right-wing think tank, the Economic Policy Institute. Although the EPI claims it is non-partisan, the facts arguably reveal a different story. The EPI has been known for its research into the economic impacts of free trade. However, ever since Bernstein moved to the White House, the EPI has stayed clear of the subject.
Rahm Emanuel - White House Chief of Staff; son of a Zionist terrorist; dual-citizen of Israel and America. Yet, when it came time for serving his nation, Emanuel didn’t join the U.S. military during the Gulf War. He served in served in Israel’s military. Similar to most U.S.-Israeli dual citizens, it’s clear that Emanuel’s top loyalty is with Israel. I consider such a mentality to present a threat to U.S. national security.
Prior to entering Washington, Emanuel utilized Jewish Mafioso networking to secure a lucrative job at an investment bank, although he had no prior experience in business. But that didn’t matter because he was Jewish. And if you are Jewish and you work on Wall Street, you will make a huge sum of money. Emanuel lived up to this reputation, pulling in over $15 million in less than 3 years at the firm.
While serving in Congress, Emanuel was the top House recipient of donations from Wall Street, hedge funds, private equity fund, banks, and the overall financial industry during the 2008 election cycle, all while the financial crisis was collapsing. It looks like Wall Street knows where its money is best-spent.
Tim Geithner – Treasury Secretary and formerly President of the New York Fed (which is by far the most powerful and influential branch of the Fed). But you shouldn’t assume that he is a winner just because he holds a high office. Most individuals in the U.S. in positions of power got there because they have done the right things for the wrong people. This applies to the private sector as much as in the public. Geithner was one of the key architects of the Bear Stearns giveaway to JP Morgan, as well as TARP. Like virtually all of Obama’s appointees, Geithner has been a complete disaster and has been a total failure at every position he has served.
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