Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

September 2024 Research Release Schedule

Below is a tentative release schedule for our monthly research publications.
Our research publications track record may be examined here
Any planned deviations from the typical release date for any given month will be noted in advance.
Please note that unforeseen issues could result in delays in the release of research.* 
After over a decade of publishing our cutting edge research, we have rarely missed a scheduled release date.
Regardless of any delays we might encounter (except for extreme circumstances) research clients should expect all research to be released within 24 hours of the schedule release date.  Note that it is possible that an email notification failed to reach your inbox due to one of many possible reasons. If  you have not received your research materials within 24 hours of the release date please contact us. 
*Research clients will be notified if publication delays extend beyond 48 hours from the scheduled release date.
Commodities, Currencies & Precious Metals Forecaster (released the 1st Sunday of each month*)
Scheduled Release: Sunday, September 1 (webinar)
(click on the box below for more information)
      For details about this publication please click here.
    *Unless otherwise specified. It may be published before the month begins if the first day of the month is Monday. 
      Our research publications track record may be examined here
Intelligent Investor1 (Part 1/Securities Analysis released on Wed following 1st Sunday of each month;*
                                               Part 2/Market Forecasts released on the 2nd Sunday of each month**)

Scheduled Release:  Wednesday, September 4 / Part 1 - Securities Analysis (webinar)

                                               Sunday, September 8 / Part 2 - Emerging Markets & US Market Forecast (webinar)
   (click on the box below for more information)
     For details about this publication please click here
  *Unless otherwise specified. Part 1 is usually published via live webinar. 
   **Part 2 is usually presented via live webinar (recorded), but we may present the research via prepared video(s). 
    Our research publications track record may be examined here
  **Global Economics, investment strategy and risk management are integrated into Parts 1 and 2, as deemed necessary.                                   
Market Forecaster (released the 2nd Sunday of each month*)
Scheduled Release: Sunday, September 8 / Emerging Markets & US Market Forecast (webinar)
(click on the box below for more information)
     For details about this publication please click here
  *Unless otherwise specified. Usually presented via live webinar, but it may be published via prepared video(s). 
     Our research publications track record may be examined here
Dividend Gems (released the 3rd Sunday of each month*)
Scheduled Release: Sunday, September 15 (webinar)                                                                                                      
 (click on the box below for more information)
     For details about this publication please click here
    *Unless otherwise specified.  Usually presented via live webinar. 
     Our research publications track record may be examined here
1 Global Economics will be covered as needed (up to our discretion) in the opening statement section of part 1 of the Intelligent Investor and/or in the Market Forecasting research. Alternatively, we may publish a written, audio or video standalone report on global economics. This audio or video may or may not require an additional charge depending on the situation.

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