If you're not familiar with TheStreet, congratulations as it means you have managed to avoid a good deal of copywriting trash that infests financial media portals. Briefly, TheStreet is run by none...
Read moreThe following piece reinforces what I have been stating countless times over the past several years. Anyone who wastes time watching or reading anything CNBC, Bloomberg, the Wall Street journal, Bar...
Read moreThe following video was first created in approximately late 2014. ...
Read moreWere you scared out of the stock market over the past several years as a result of something you read or heard from one or more fear-mongering clowns? You know who many of these fear mon...
Read moreIf you really think Trump intends to "bring jobs back to America" you aren't paying attention to his actions. He's actually doing the opposite.
Read moreMike Stathis has gone on record now for several years claiming that Warren Buffett has been irrelevant as an investor for the past 20 years. He has also stated that Buffett has been close to a...
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