It’s shocking to see so many who remain in denial about the economy, specifically the pundits. Until they see two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth (a ridiculously misleading metric &n...
Read moreAs written in the Barron’s this week (July 26, 2008), Lawrence Strauss interviews Mr. Lee Cooperman, co-founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Omega Advisors, a $5 billion long...
Read moreYesterday, JP Morgan CEO, Jamie Dimon made a few statements that I just couldn’t let slip past my propaganda radar. First, when asked about the current credit crisis, he stated that he felt it &......
Read moreRather than offer valuable insight from real experts with no agendas, the media hand-picks clowns to reinforce Wall Street’s propaganda. It’s a game designed to screw you while they make m...
Read moreI decided to include a response I made to a well-known website regarding the Business Week article “Unmasking the Economy: Why Its So Much Better than You Think” Here is the link to the o...
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