Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

"Watch TV, Make Money!" Who's REALLY Making Money? (Part 7)

Through much of this series, I’ve been talking about CNBC. But there’s a new kid on the block; Fox Business Network (FBN). Why do you think they started this network? Because they saw how many suckers were stupid enough to watch CNBC.

Rupert Murdock recognized the potential profits of a drama-filled investment network after seeing CNBC’s “success.” He realized you could fool people into thinking your network delivers timely insight, while selling ads to the financial industry.

By watching CNBC, Murdoch saw how lucrative the Hollywood marketing model could be when applied to Wall Street. All one needs are some Wall Street hacks, some babes, (preferably with big boobs) live footage of the cocaine-addicted traders on the exchange, and bingo. So Murdock spun off his own financial propaganda network from FOX called the FOX Business Network or FBN.

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