Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

The Top 10 Housing Markets for the Next 10 Years

It usually doesn’t take me too long before I spot media trash that stirs me up so much that I just have to write about it. That really says more about the state of the media today than it does about me.  

This morning it took me all of 10 seconds to run across a piece I felt compelled to write about because I wanted to illustrate how the media continues to manufacture propaganda. In this case, there are no clear agendas involved other than selling ads. It’s more of a case of incompetence and irresponsible journalism.
The article was written a few days ago by a journalist with U.S. News and World Report. As you might imagine, I ran across it online, as I would rather go streaking than be caught dead with a physical copy of this trash publication in my hands.
After all, rummaging through media stories on the Internet doesn’t demonstrate a commitment to any specific publication, unlike the case when you’re holding a newspaper or magazine and reading through it.
The point of this commentary is to highlight the ludicrous nature of the article’s title, as well as the lack of substance of the content. Okay, so how is this reporter able to determine the top 10 housing markets for the next 10 years when I can’t even determine that? Let’s have a look.

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