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Mike Stathis Exposes Bill Still His Money Masters BS as Well as Ed Griffin and Michael Lewis

In this audio, Mike goes over the first few minutes of Bill Still's ridiculous documentary, the Money Masters and shows you how it's inaccurate, contradictory and serves to distract from the source of the problems in failing to name the Jewish mafia.  

As well, Mike exposes other Jewish shills such as Edward Griffin and Michael Lewis during the process of explaining how the Jewish media machine operates to brainwash and manipulate the public using lies which it turns into perceived facts.  

The low budget "Money Masters" documentary produced by Bill Still has been around for quite some time. It has been referenced by just about every conspiracy loon and hater of the Federal Reserve Bank. 

But once you come to realize that most of the claims made in "Money Masters" are wrong, you will begin to understand how so many people have formed a belief system based on fundamentally flawed information and assumptions. 

First and foremost, if you are going to listen to anyone about something that person should have sufficient expertise in the topic for which he is presenting.

Second, if you intend on listening to conspiracies about money, banking and other things under complete control by Jews, the last source you should trust a Jewish person because they are commonly leading the opposition into the abyss.  

To address the first point, Bill Still has no expertise in banking, finance or the capital markets. In fact, I do not believe he has expertise in anything other than spinning facts into nonsense. The problem is a common one. Those who fall for individuals like Bill Still are completely ignorant so they are unable to realize that Still is himself full of shit. 

I challenge anyone to point to me a single individual who promotes the types of nut job conspiracies you often hear about on Alex Jones Infowars or Jeff Rense and who also has real credibility. You simply aren't going to find a single individual in the conspiracy space who has credibility. Most of these hucksters don't even have a reasonable educational background. 

The problem of course is that most people don’t even consider the concept of credibility, much less understand what it might encompass. So they believe anything they hear that generally fits with what they’ve heard before. And they’re not able to catch the many nuances that make all the difference in the world.  

Before you listen to the audio below, I want to be clear about Bill Still. The man is clueless. And his "Money Masters" video is complete horse shit. It's designed to distract attention away from Jewish control over money and banking. 

Mr. Still states some generic facts in order to build confidence that what he’s saying is true. But the reality is that he has no idea what’s talking about.

Naming the "Rothschilds" or the "Federal Reserve" as the villains is not the same as pointing to the source. The Jewish mafia. For instance, ask yourself if Still mentions the fact that just about every single banker in the Fed is Jewish.  

Furthermore, the Rothschild family is fairly insignificant today. Large Wall Street firms control the scene. Firms like Goldman Sachs. How come Mr. Still doesn’t mention that? Could it be because he doesn’t want to direct your attention to what is an essentially all Jewish firm? Or could it be because he doesn’t realize Wall Street firms like Goldman Sachs or JPMorgan run the show?  

It's been a while since I listened to the first few minutes of the "Money Masters."  I meant to get back to it when I had a chance but to be honest, I don't know if I will ever be able to sit down and listen to the entire video because it's such nonsense that I'm afraid my ears will bleed from absorbing so much bull shit from Still. So just in case I never find the time to waste watching the full video, I have addressed a few issues based on the 15 or 20 minutes of the video I managed to get through. 

 The following video was originally published in 2016.

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