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John Rubino, Promoter of the Fear-Mongering, Gold-Pumping, Fake News Syndicate of Con Artists

Over the past decade I have exposed most of the biggest gold-pumping, fear-mongering con artists in the world.  In fact, I have been the only financial professional to have done so (check this site for many hundreds of exclusive articles and videos). Think about that. It deserves a good amount of thought and discussion. And it should point to the fact that the financial industry is largely comprised of a self-serving army of hucksters and parasites that seeks to extract money from the public based on lies and manipulation. 

After having exposed the majority of fear-mongering kingpins, it sometimes gets old when I run across someone I've not previously profiled because their song and dance is essentially the same as the others I've been exposing for more than a decade. I figure everyone should be able to spot these cons instantly if they have reviewed my previous material because it's quite educational.

As such, you might understand why I really don't care to waste too much of my time picking apart the Jewish fear-mongering, broken clock clown named John Rubino.

If you really want to understand the full extent of Rubino's game, all you need to do is check the other fear-mongering broken clocks I have featured over the years. It turns out that just about every single one of them is Jewish. That in itself is a very relevant topic of discussion which I have also previously discussed. 

The primary difference between Rubino and many other precious metals mouthpieces is that he serves as more of a promoter of gold-pumping clowns rather than speaking out so much himself. But he does his fair share of...

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