Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Chris Martenson and Adam Taggart Selling Tickets to Trash Virtual Conference

Anyone who has listened to Martenson and Taggart over the past decade has lost their ass BIG TIME.  I challenge Martenson, Taggart or anyone else to prove otherwise.

I will guarantee you that can't because this duo of douche bag charlatans were fear-mongering while pitching gold and warnings about stock market collapses every year. 

Assuming you realize who these clowns are and what they stand for, it's easy to imagine what kinds of idiots and con artists will be featured at their BS events. 

The first video below was first published in 2014 and should serve as a brief reminder about Martenson. 

Fortunately for these two money-grubbing parasites, the market of naive and easily manipulated people is quite large. 

In the next video below we take a closer look at this event, including the speakers and topics.

The final video is a repost of one Mike created in 2018 exposing Martenson and many other hucksters. It's a very revealing video that you will want to watch many time over.

In these final two videos Mike doesn't pull any punches as he exposes Martenson, Taggart and their cult-like, hot air, disinfo events.   

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