Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Mike Stathis Has Been Recommending Nvidia (NVDA) Since May 2009

I began my mission helping investors steer clear of Wall Street because I learned firsthand how the game was played after having worked in the industry. 

Thereafter, I learned how the media helps Wall Street after I was black balled by all media in 2006 and thereafter for trying to warn main street about what would become an unprecedented financial crisis in 2008. 

My mission has been to help investors become more knowledgeable and successful by providing cutting-edge investment research as well as top-notch educational content.

I think I've done quite well in that regard. 

As a part of this mission, I have also spent a great deal of time and effort exposing the criminal activities of the financial media, as it works with Wall Street to deceive and defraud main street. 

Unfortunately, most people have forgotten how critical it is to know the credibility and reliability of the sources they choose to follow.

Instead of checking credentials and track records, they go by the number of likes, fake comments, fake reviews, and hearsay from people they have no idea about. 

Those who are unfamiliar with Mike Stathis can find out more about his credentials, background, and his investment research track record herehere, and here.

We urge you to examine Mike Stathis' unmatched track record of predicting the 2008 financial crisis and enabling investors to capture life-changing profits herehere, here, here, here, here, herehere, here, here, and here.



Do you have a competitive advantage to help you beat the market indexes? 

If not, you stand no chance of beating the indexes in the long run. 

Without a reliable and sustainable competitive advantage, most investors are better off investing in index funds.

Furthermore, investors lacking a competitive advantage stand no chance to beat Wall Street. 

For example, consider the following facts about Wall Street professionals and fund managers. 

  1. You're competing against millions of financial professionals.
  2. Most of them are very experienced, well-trained, and very knowledgeable. 
  3. Investing is their job. It's what they do for a living, so they're driven and committed. 
  4. They know a lot more about the capital markets than you.
  5. They also have access to virtually unlimited human, intellectual, and capital resources.
  6. They utilize these resources to spot risk and identify opportunities on a daily basis.  

Finally, most of the biggest investors and investment firms have access to insider information.  Perhaps you need a reminder of this fact (see the video below). 

How can you compete with investors who have insider information? 

You stand no chance without a competitive advantage.  

When it comes to both investing and trading, there's only two sides.

There's the winning side and the losing side. 

For each stock that goes up in price, there are investors who owned the stock before the price surge. 

These are the winners. 

  • There are also investors who sold the stock before it went up. 
  • There are other investors who never owned stock at all. 

Each of these investors are the losers. 

Remember, for every dollar of profit made by investors in the stock market, a dollar is lost by other investors who made the wrong decisions.  

That's what you call a zero-sum game.

And it describes how the stock market works. 

So if you want to beat "the street," you MUST HAVE a Competitive Advantage. 

And if you want to beat the indexes, you MUST HAVE a Competitive Advantage. 


Are you getting a competitive advantage by watching CNBC, Bloomberg, or Fox Business?

Maybe you think you're getting a competitive advantage by reading Barron's or the Wall Street Journal.

If you actually think you're going to obtain a competitive advantage or even an edge by following the financial media, I have ocean front property in Wyoming that I'd like to sell you.  

Most investors are oblivious to the fact that financial media is useless.

In fact, the financial media is detrimental to your investment performance. 

That's the way the financial media has been designed.

Mike Stathis has been exposing the media scam for well over a decade.

And he's published hundreds of articles and videos showing how it operates.  

And then there are really naive investors who think they'll find value by reading the lowest level financial content plastered on hundreds of websites, such as Yahoo Finance, Zach's, MarketWatch, Motley Fool, The Street, Morningstar, Benzinga, Seeking Alpha, Zach's, Tipranks, Insider Monkey, Guru Focus, etc.  

Let's get real. These websites are boiler rooms that publish clickbait trash. 

They publish ad-based content which has been proven to be disinformation.

They also sell paid subscription services using false claims in order to lure the sheep into their scam.  

But the fact is they have no investment experts publishing their content.  

They employ copywriters, cons, and scam artists.  

It's quantity over quality.

That's the business model of ad-based content.

And it's the result of the Internet.

The content from these types of websites is pumped out like a machine for the purpose of triggering search engine results intended to lure more sheep into the slaughterhouse of scams and deceit. 

Similar to financial TV networks and newspapers, these copywriting boiler room websites hide behind the shield of being classified as media companies in order to get away with deceiving and defrauding the public with fake news, stock manipulation, and false claims. 

And they pay websites like Yahoo Finance and many others to have their content published so that everywhere you look you see their content. 

Mike Stathis has previously described this as the media's "flooding approach."   

Others actually think they can invest well by listening to fake investment gurus on social media. 

The problem is that such individuals aren't even aware they are listening to frauds and idiots. 

If you actually think you're going to gain a competitive advantage by listening to fake investment gurus on YouTube, Facebook, and other social media platforms, even God won't be able to help you. 

It's important to remind you that ALL of the sources I have mentioned are partners with the copywriting industry because they sell advertisements promoting sensational videos from con artists like Jim Rickards, Porter Stansberry, Whitney Tilson, Nomi Prins, Jim Rogers, Harry Dent, Robert Kiyosaki, David Stockman, and hundreds of other copywriting clowns.   

Mike Stathis has previously exposed these and countless other cons, so check the website. 

Check the end of this article for some examples of sources of disinformation, scammers and frauds.

There aren't many sources that can help you gain a competitive advantage because there aren't many real experts who are willing to help main street. 

The fact is that, with rare exception all of the real investment experts are focused on making money for themselves by managing large funds.

They aren't going to waste time with media interviews unless they want some face time just to market their fund.

But if their fund is truly doing well, they won't need to market themselves. 

Everyone else promoted by the media as an "expert" has no clue what's going on.

Instead of an investment expert, these people are really a marketing experts.

But if you aren't sufficiently knowledgeable about the markets, you're likely to be fooled by their fast talking BS lines.

These characters pose as experts in order to market themselves so they can land big speaking fees at investment events and conferences, pitch their useless books, and so on.

That's how they really make their money, not from investments. 

Even on the rare occassion when a legit fund manager or other true expert appears in the media, you won't hear anything from them that will help you perform well in the markets.

That's a guarantee from Mike Stathis.

He knows this because he has been observing the financial media for many years, so he knows all of the games and tricks they play.  

Yet investors are always searching for this "holy grail."

That explains why they watch financial media shows and read articles on websites.

They think they will be able to spot when there's some value. 

The reality is that you won't know when you've come across valuable insight in financial media unless you're a very knowledgeable investor.

Some of you might be thinking that you're a very knowledgeable investor.

If that's the case, why would you waste your time searching for valuable insight in one of the worst places - in the financial media? 

If you think the financial media provides a good source of investment insight, you aren't a knowledgeable investor. 

You're what's commonly referred to as the "dumb money."  


You need access to a top investment expert.

And you need access his excellent research.

You also need to either have or else develop good judgment.  

In this case I will define "excellent research" as an unbiased source of unique insight with a proven track record of excellent forecasts and recommendations. 

Note that the insight needs to be somewhat unique or else it won't be so valuable. 

Part of having a competitive advantage means your insights are unique.

That's how you find yourself on the winning side of the trade or investment.  

If the insights are not at least somewhat unique, there is no competitive advantage.  

Ideally, you should aim for access to a top expert with extensive industry experience, as well as a long history of consistently proven results as seen by their track record.  

Ideally, you should seek out a top expert with a long history of great results, as well as the ability to think independently. This individual will know when to counter investment recommendations of "top experts" and analysts.  Such an individual will be capable of providing unique insights. 

We know of no better person that fits the description above than Mike Stathis.  

Mike is that exception I spoke of earlier as a true expert who isn't focused on making money for himself. That's why he's declined numerous offers to run investment funds and work as the head of research of funds. 

Take a look at a few of his remarkable investment calls in the charts below. 

Note: If you are unable or unwilling to go through and examine each of these well-annotated charts and carry out the sufficient leg work required to understand and appreciate the significance of Stathis' insights and recommendations as shown in the charts below, you will never be able to utilize world-class research such as that published by Mike Stathis.    

The first two charts below show the results of those who followed Mike Stathis' analysis and recommendations to short Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in his 2007 book, Cashing in on the Real Estate Bubble

Not shown are similar results for additional stocks he recommended to short such as the sub-prime mortgage stocks, homebuilders, and banks. 

He even warned that General Electric and General Motors would get hit hard because he realized these companies had grown to become essentially consumer finance companies.  

We urge you to examine Mike Stathis' unmatched track record of predicting the 2008 financial crisis and enabling investors to capture life-changing profits herehere, here, here, here, here, herehere, here, here, and here.

The following video summarizes Mike Stathis' 2008 Financial Crisis Track record.

Next, take a look at Mike's financial crisis stock market forecasts and recommendations, published in his 2006 book, America's Financial Apocalypse as well as in several articles in the public domain in 2008 and 2009.  

The next chart is a summary of the results of stock market forecasting recommendations made by Mike Stathis since late 2006 (from America's Financial Apocalpyse) through the end of 2014.

We have not updated this chart because there is not enough space on the chart to show his accurate forecasts since 2014. However, Mike's results have similar accuracy which is extremely high. 

If you want to examine his market forecasting track record in more detail, check the Newsletter Track Record section.    

Mr. Stathis' Forecasting Track Record Since 2015

Mike Stathis Warned About the 2022 Bear Market Before it Began

Can You Beat the S&P 500 Index? You Can If You Have Access to Our Research

Mike Stathis Predicted the Coronavirus Bear Market and Nailed the Bottom

Mike Shows You How to Make 100% in 2 Weeks and 200% in 6 months

Did You Own the Best Stock of 2016? Intelligent Investors Did

Mike Stathis is the Only Person to Have Nailed the First and Second Interest Rate Hikes

Mike Stathis Nails the Stock Market Breakout from November 2016 Months in Advance

Our Interest Rate Forecasts Have Yielded HUGE Gains 

Mike Stathis Was The Only Person To Have Nailed The First Rate Hike

Our Clients Avoided Being Exposed To The Market Collapse

Mike Stathis Predicted The August 2015 Stock Market Collapse

Guess Who Advised His Clients To Go To Cash BEFORE The Market Collapse? 

The next chart shows Mike's recommendations to short JC Penny long-term because he believed it would file for bankruptcy, which is exactly what happened. In contrast, you can see that the investment "experts" got it completely wrong. 

The next chart illustrates how Mike Stathis was warning about Alibaba (BABA). He specifically told investors to avoid the stock. Mike had been warning about the dangers and risks of U.S.-listed Chinese stocks years before it was discussed in the media.  

Meanwhile, the "legendary investor" Charles Munger was buying Alibaba (BABA) while praising the company and the Chinese government. 

The next two charts illustrate the results of Mike's pre-IPO research presentation of Groupon. In this presentation Mike discussed why the business model was flawed and why the stock would collapse after its IPO, never to recover due to limited growth options.  He recommended to short the stock. 

See Shorting & Short Squeeze Case Studies

The next grand slam was provided to the public for free. Just over one year before Facebook's IPO, Mike wrote an article which was made available to the public explaining why he was confident Wall Street was orchestrating a pump-and-dump for Facebook's IPO. 

Take a look at the results.

As usual, Mike was right. Shares of Facebook collapsed immediately upon entering the public markets.

After four months, Facebook shares had collapsed by nearly 60% before staging a comeback.

Facebook's comeback after its collapse is a story Mike is open to discuss upon request by research subscribers.    

See Goldman Sachs and the Facebook Pump and Dump

See Shorting & Short Squeeze Case Studies

Take a look at the results of Facebook within a couple of months of its IPO. 

If you had read the Wall Street Investment Bible, you would have been convinced to buy Netflix (NFLX) at $3.  

Mike Stathis' Credentials and Track Record

  • Mike is an Ivy League graduate with degrees in the physical sciences. 
  • He has worked at major Wall Street firms 
  • He has worked in the venture capital industry.  
  • He has advised multi-billion dollar mutual funds, hedge funds, and pension plans.
  • He has advised Fortune 100 corporate treasury departments.
  • He has advised ultra high-net worth individuals and high-level executives of Fortune 100 firms.
  • He has written business plans for numerous startups and advised countless companies. 
  • He predicted the 2008 financial crisis with more accuracy and detail than anyone in the world.  

You can learn more about Mike and his investment research track record herehere, and here.

You should examine his track record of having predicted the 2008 financial crisis. See herehere, here, here, here, here, herehere, here, here, and here.

Along with the most detailed analysis in the world at the time, Mike's research prior to the financial crisis enabled investors to capture life-changing profits.

You should confirm these claims by checking his 2008 financial crisis track record herehere, here, here, here, here, herehere, here, here, and here.

No one can match the accuracy, detail, and comprehensiveness of his 2008 financial crisis predictions.  

Mike Stathis holds the leading investment forecasting track record since he began publishing research in 2006. And we have backed this claim with up to a $1,000,000 guarantee. See here

  • We could list all of the bankruptcies Mike predicted over the years such as Eastman Kodak, Bombay Company, Enron, Circuit City, Sears, Radio Shack, JC Penny, BonTon, and Bed, Bath and Beyond, along with several others. But we aren't going to do that today.  
  • We could make a great case showing evidence why we believe Mike to be the world's best distressed securities analyst. But we aren't going to do that today.
  • We could discuss Mike's remarkably accurate stock market forecasting track record which we believe to be the world's best. But we aren't going to do that today.
  • We could discuss Mike's brilliant insights debunking precious metals propaganda as well as the accuracy of his precious metals and oil forecasts and trading guidance, which we believe to be the world's best. But we aren't going to do that today.
  • We could discuss Mike's accurate trading guidance for stocks as well as his ability to pick long-term blockbusters. And we could also discuss why we believe Mike is one of the world's best equities analysts. But we aren't going to do that today.
  • Finally, we could discuss Mike's amazing macro calls, such as his detailed research predicting the rise of China two decades ago, followed by it's downfall several years ago, the deflationary decade in Europe and many other accurate calls. But we aren't going to do that today.

The reader should check the following links herehere, and here to see much of this material. 

Today, we are going to examine what we believe to be as one of the greatest investment forecasts made in at least the past two decades.  

This call might even rival that made by Mike when his 2006 book, America's Financial Apocalypse predicted the 2008 financial crisis along with his accurate forecast of an average 35% collapse in residential real estate prices (real estate bottomed in 2011, 35% down from highs), as well as his prediction that the Dow Jones Industrial Average would bottom at 6,500, which it did in March 2009.  

Notably, he recommended investors begin buying into the stock market on March 9, 2009, as the Dow reached 6,500. 


Let's have a look at this call.

Not long after the 2008 financial crisis and soon after Mike advised investors to begin buying into the stock market (March 10, 2009, which would later turn out to be the exact bottom), on May 27th 2009 we released the first issue of the AVA Investment Analytics newsletter (Volume 1, June 2009) now known as the Intelligent Investor.

In this publication Mike discussed his top three stocks for long-term growth. 

Note that prior that time (May 2009) and since then, Mike has NEVER come out with another list of top stocks for long-term growth.  


Because he's not a BS artist.

MIke Stathis is legit.

So he's not constantly generating click bait content like others in order to generate sales.  

He reports on things only when he believes there are tremendous opportunities or dire risks. 

So now let’s have a look at this list and see how it has performed.

As you can see (below) from page 31 from Volume 1 of the Intelligent Investor (published May 27, 2009) Mike's number one stock for long-term growth was Nvidia (NVDA).

His number two stock for long-term growth was UnitedHealth (UNH).

And his number three stock for long-term growth was Whole Foods (WFMI). 

In Summary, in the first issue (June 2009) of the Intelligent Investor, Mike published his top 3 stocks for long-term growth:

#1 - Nvidia (NVDA)

#2 - UnitedHealth (UNH)

#3 - Whole Foods (WFMI, later changed to WFM)

Nvidia (NVDA)

First, let's examine how Mike's #1 pick for long-term growth, Nvidia (NVDA) has performed since Mike added it to the Intelligent Investor recommended list in June 2009.

It's important to note that NVDA has remained on Mike's securities recommended list every month since he first added it in Volume 1, June 2009.

Once you adjust the share price for stock splits, Mike added NVDA to his recommended list at a price of less than $3/share in 2009.

At a current price (June 2023) of just under $400, you can see that shares have increased by 173-fold since 2009, representing gains of nearly an incredible 17,300%.  

Over the same time period, the Nasdaq did quite well. But the Nasdaq's 646% gains pale in comparison to NVDA's 17,300%.


I won't get into the details as to why Mike selected NVDA as his #1 growth stock back when virtually no one knew about the company. This is a discussion for another time. 

But you should note that this wasn't the first time Mike recommended Nvidia (NVDA) as a great stock for long-term growth.

He began recommending NVDA as a great stock for long-term growth as early as 2002 when he was still working on Wall Street.  

UnitedHealth (UNH)

Next, let's examine how Mike's #2 pick for long-term growth, UnitedHealth (UNH) has performed since Mike added it to the Intelligent Investor recommended list in June 2009.

Although Mike recommended UNH less than a year earlier at roughly $18/share and called it a once in a lifetime buy, he had not yet begun to publish his investment research. 

See Market Guidance: Past, Present and Future (November 23, 2008)

Once he began publishing his research he added UNH to his recommended list in Volume 1 of the Intelligent Investor although shares had nearly doubled and were selling for under $25.

At a current price of just under $500, simple math shows that UNH share price grew by more than 20-fold delivering 2,000% returns since Mike added it to the list. 

And while the Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500 Index (the appropriate benchmarks) performed extremely well over that time frame, the Dow's 305% and S&P's 384% returns pale in comparison to UNH's 2,000% returns. 

Whole Foods/Amazon (WFM/AMZN)

Finally, let's examine how Mike's #3 pick for long-term growth, Whole Foods (WFMI) has performed since Mike added it to the Intelligent Investor recommended list in June 2009.  

At the time Mike added WFMI to his list in 2009, shares were selling for roughly $20.

Because Amazon (AMZN) bought Whole Foods a few years later, the standard way to track this performance is to replace Whole Foods (WFMI) with Amazon (AMZN).  

Adjusted for stock splits, AMZN was selling for roughly $4 in June 2009.

At a current price of around $124/share (June 2023), this means AMZN share price grew by 31-fold, delivering cumulative returns of 31,000%. 

This was of course much better than the Nasdaq's ~650% returns over the same time period. 

Less than two years after we published Volume 1 of the Intelligent Investor, in 2011 we gave the public an opportunity to see Mike's top three stocks for long-term growth. 

All they had to do was subscribe to the Intelligent Investor. 

Some were wise enough to subscribe, but many others missed the boat. 

Mike's Top 3 Stocks for Long-term Growth

A few years later in 2016, we reminded the world of Mike's top three stocks for long-term growth and gave everyone yet another opportunity to learn what these stocks were.

This time, we only required investors to pay a few dollars to see this list. 

Again, many investors ignored this opportunity. 

Apparently, they weren't aware of Mike's remarkable track record because the media had long-since black-balled him.

But all they had to do was to check his track record based on our website.  

An Update on Mike's Top Three Stocks for Long-Term Growth

The situation is similar to Mike's 2008 written recommendation to buy Netflix (NFLX) when it was roughly $3/share in the Wall Street Investment Bible. 

He also advised investors to short Blockbuster Video (BBI) in the same book.

Blockbuster Video would file for bankruptcy a few years later while Netflix (NFLX) soared. 

Mike continued recommending NFLX for the long-term due to his analysis and understanding of the industry, the company, and management.

You know the saying.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.  

It's time to get the BEST COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE money can buy.

The amazing thing is that we're offering the world's best investment research at affordable rates.

(until further notice, new research subscribers must first apply for access to our research) 

      Intelligent Investor                   Market Forecaster                      Dividend Gems                        CCPM Forecaster


Profit While Learning from the World's Best Investment Analyst 

(Track Record is Here)


Mike Stathis' investment research track record herehere, and here.

Evidence of Mr. Stathis' unmatched track record of predicting the 2008 financial crisis, enabling investors to capture life-changing profits can be confirmed herehere, here, here, here, here, herehere, here, here, and here.

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