Those who are unfamiliar with me can find out more about my credentials, my background, as well as my investment research track record here, here, and here.
Examine Mike Stathis' unmatched track record of predicting the 2008 financial crisis, enabling investors to capture life-changing profits by checking here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.
Do you have a competitive advantage to help you beat the market indexes?
If not, you stand no chance of beating the indexes in the long run.
Without a sustainable competitive advantage, most investors will be much better off investing in index funds.
Furthermore, investors lacking a competitive advantage stand no chance to beat Wall Street.
For example, consider the following facts about Wall Street professionals and fund managers.
Finally, most of the biggest investors and investment firms have access to insider information.
Perhaps you need a reminder of this fact (see the video below).
How can you compete with investors who have insider information?
You stand no chance without a competitive advantage.
Are you getting a competitive advantage by watching CNBC, Bloomberg, or Fox Business?
Maybe you think you're getting a competitive advantage by reading Barron's or the Wall Street Journal.
If you actually think you're going to obtain a competitive advantage or even some kind of edge by following the financial media, I have ocean front property in Wyoming that I'd like to sell you.
Most investors are oblivious to the fact that all financial media is useless.
In fact, the financial media is detrimental to your investment performance.
That's the way the financial media has been designed.
Mike Stathis has been exposing the media scam for well over a decade.
And he's published hundreds of articles and videos showing how it operates.
And then there are those really naive investors who think they'll find value by reading the lowest level financial content plastered on hundreds of websites, such as Yahoo Finance, MarketWatch, Motley Fool, The Street, Morningstar, Benzinga, Seeking Alpha, Zach's, Tipranks, Insider Monkey, Guru Focus, etc.
Let's get real. These websites are boiler rooms that publish complete trash.
They all publish ad-based content which has been proven to be disinformation.
They also sell paid subscription services using false claims in order to lure the sheep into their trash.
But the fact is they have no investment experts publishing their content.
Instead of experts, they employ copywriters, cons, and scam artists.
It's quantity over quality. That's the business model of ad-based content.
The content from these types of websites is pumped out like a machine for the purpose of triggering search engine results intended to lure more sheep into the slaughterhouse of scams and deceit.
Similar to financial TV networks and newspapers, these copywriting boiler room websites hide behind the shield of being classified as media companies in order to get away with deceiving and defrauding the public with fake news, stock manipulation, and false claims.
And they pay websites like Yahoo Finance and many others to have their content published so that everywhere you look you see their content.
Mike Stathis has previously described this as the media's "flooding approach."
Others actually think they can invest well by listening to fake investment gurus on social media.
The problem is that such individuals aren't even aware they are listening to frauds and idiots.
If you actually think you're going to gain a competitive advantage by listening to fake investment gurus on YouTube, Facebook, and other social media platforms, even God won't be able to help you.
It's important to remind you that ALL of the sources I have mentioned are partners with the copywriting industry because they sell advertisements promoting sensational videos from con artists like Jim Rickards, Porter Stansberry, Whitney Tilson, Nomi Prins, Jim Rogers, Harry Dent, Robert Kiyosaki, David Stockman, and hundreds of other copywriting clowns.
Mike Stathis has previously exposed these and countless other cons, so check the website.
There aren't many sources that can help you gain a competitive advantage because there aren't many real experts who are willing to help main street.
With rare exception, all of the real investment experts are focused on making money for themselves by managing large funds. They aren't going to waste time with media interviews unless they want some face time just to market their fund.
But if their fund is truly doing well, they won't need to market themselves.
So when you see real experts giving interviews in the media, you should conclude one of two things. Either they aren't real experts or else their fund isn't doing so well.
Everyone else promoted by the media as an "expert" has no clue what's going on. Instead of an investment expert, these people are really a marketing experts. But if you aren't sufficiently knowledgeable about the markets, you're likely to be fooled by their fast talking BS lines. These characters pose as experts in order to market themselves so they can land big speaking fees at investment events and conferences, pitch their useless books, and so on. That's how they really make their money, not from investments.
Even on the rare occassion when a legit fund manager or other true expert appears in the media, you won't hear anything from them that will help you perform well in the markets. That's a guarantee from Mike Stathis.
He knows this because he has been observing the financial media for many years, so he knows all of the games and tricks they play.
Yet investors are always searching for this "holy grail."
That explains why they watch financial media shows and read articles on websites.
They think they will be able to spot when there's some value.
The reality is that you won't know when you've come across valuable insight in financial media unless you're a very knowledgeable investor.
Some of you might be thinking that you're a very knowledgeable investor.
If that's the case, why would you waste your time searching for valuable insight in one of the worst places - in the financial media?
If you think the financial media provides a good source of investment insight, you aren't a knowledgeable investor.
You're what's commonly referred to as the "dumb money."
You need access to a top investment expert.
And you need access his excellent research.
You also need to either have or else develop good judgment.
In this case I will define "excellent research" as an unbiased source of unique insight with a proven track record of excellent forecasts and recommendations.
Note that the insight needs to be somewhat unique or else it won't be so valuable.
Part of having a competitive advantage means your insights are unique.
That's how you find yourself on the winning side of the trade or investment.
If the insights are not at least somewhat unique, there is no competitive advantage.
Ideally, you should aim for access to a top expert with extensive industry experience, as well as a long history of consistently proven results as seen by their track record.
Ideally, you should seek out a top expert with a long history of great results, as well as the ability to think independently. This individual will know when to counter investment recommendations of "top experts" and analysts. Such an individual will be capable of providing unique insights.
We know of no better person that fits the description above than Mike Stathis.
Mike is that exception I spoke of earlier. That is to say he is a true expert who isn't focused on making money for himself. Over the years he's declined numerous offers to run investment funds and to lead research departments at several funds.
Take a look at a few of his remarkable investment calls in the charts below.
Note: If you are unable or unwilling to go through and examine each of these well-annotated charts and carry out the sufficient leg work required to understand and appreciate the significance of Stathis' insights and recommendations as shown in the charts below, you will never be able to utilize world-class research such as that published by Mike Stathis.
In Exhibit #1, we showed you Mike's amazing recommendations to short Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, along with several other stocks we didn't bother to show.
Here we show his remarkable market forecasting track record and recommendations prior to during and just after the 2008 financial crisis published in his 2006 book, America's Financial Apocalypse as well as in several articles in the public domain in 2008 and 2009.
The reader can examine Mike Stathis' unmatched track record of predicting the 2008 financial crisis and enabling investors to capture life-changing profits by checking here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.
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Mike Stathis' Research Provides Investors With a Huge Competitive Advantage: Exhibit #1
Mike Stathis is the Only Person Who TRULY Predicted the 2008 Financial Crisis
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