After the threat of a continued sell-off in the global capital markets, leaders of the EU, IMF (and most likely members of the White House) arranged an emergency bailout fund to calm the markets. To...
Read moreAs some readers might recall, without budget solutions from the Governor and Legislature, the California State Controller was forced to issue IOUs to several State payees last July in order to prevent...
Read moreOn Sunday, Dallas celebrated the destruction of a $300 million property; $300 million of taxpayer money down the drain. I'm talking of course about the demolition of Texas Stadium, former home to th...
Read moreBack in the Spring of 2009, the World Bank forecast that the global economy would contract by 1.7% that year; the first global contraction since the Great Depression (yet another clear indicator we ar...
Read moreLast week, Forbes published an article discussing cities across the U.S. "where the recession is ending." Let me begin in a tone that many of you have come to expect. The author was inten...
Read moreOver the next several days I'm going to write a piece on the man I feel was the only qualified presidential candidate in more than four decades, Ross Perot Sr.
Read moreI wanted to remind you not to lose sight of the big picture. It’s advisable to try to make money during an illusion only if you know the reality. Remember, consumer confidence and investor sen...
Read moreI've been working overtime on my soon-to-be-released healthcare book. The problem is that in the editing process, I keep running across new information that I can't help but to add.
Read moreIn my last piece, I think I made it clear that the vast majority of economists are not only clueless, but very dangerous to your financial health. Make no mistake. At best they are broadcasters not...
Read moreI’m really sick and tired of these economists out there who continue to claim that America will not enter a depression. These are the same bozos that have yet to acknowledge the fact that the U....
Read moreIn America's Financial Apocalypse (extended 2006 version), I made the case for a trend of declining basic research from core scientific disciplines such as chemistry and physics. I also not...
Read moreI recently ran across a story that I wanted to show you because I wanted to point out a few things. It was written by the Associated Press, so that means it was syndicated in hundreds of newspapers ac...
Read moreFor many years now we’ve all seen the reckless use of taxpayer funds by Washington. This irresponsible and unaccountable waste of tax dollars has been particularly prominent during President...
Read moreAs I correctly identified a couple of months ago, the propaganda campaign by the media, Washington and Wall Street has been very strong and continues to grow each day. It's been so effective that...
Read moreThe latest data on housing continues to worsen on most fronts. See here and here. In fact, the data is now showing strong indications of bold predictions I mad in 2006 and as recent......
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