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World Leading Analyst Calls Trump a Con Man and Jewish Puppet


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How Jim Cramer, CNBC and Other Jewish Con Men Screw the Sheep

Jim Cramer has been manipulating securities and misleading the sheep who watch CNBC for many years. Yet, no one calls him out on his securities manipulation or horrendous calls, so you shouldn't...

Another Charlatan from "Faux Hero Syndicate" Joins Porter Stansberry's Boiler Room

This article and video discuss the addition of yet another charlatan to the boiler room copyediting firm known as Agora Financial. -------------------------------------------------------------------...

Being Jewish Doesn't Mean the Jewish Mafia Won't Rip You Off

The Jewish Mafia seeks to steal as much money as it can through all sorts of methods, from direct scams on Wall Street to more subtle scams using the Jewish media. And while they practice a pathologic...

Is David Duke a Front Man for the Jewish Mafia? World's Top Analyst Reveals the Answer

If David Duke is such a “racist,” a “Jew hater,” and a "white supremacist" why is he featured in the Jewish-controlled media so much? Over the years, David Duke has been i...

Mike Stathis Exposes Financial Copyediting and Money Show Scams

(see related audio and video below)       Copyediting scams like the one above featuring Jim Rickards (published by Porter Stansberry and Agora Financial) are the types of nonsens...

Mike Exposes Porter Stansberry's Latest Scam

Several years ago I exposed Porter Stansberry when he teamed up with fellow con man Alex Jones to create the fear-mongering nonsense video "The End of America." Porter was telling you to buy gol...

Clown Mark Faber Positioned as Expert by the Criminal Media

The very first thing you must do in order to begin your venture to become a good investor is to understand how the media deceives its audience using deception and lies.

Another "Brilliant" Call by "Legendary Investor" Jim Rogers

Jim Rogers in early 2013. Notice the fat Jewish weirdo, pinhead loser calling Rogers "one of the insiders of the world financial elite." Too funny!  

World's Top Investment Strategist Says Peter Schiff is Clueless

For those of you who are not yet familiar with who I am, my name is Mike Stathis. I am the world's top investment strategist and investment forecaster and I have the published track record to pro...

Warren Buffett Exposed and Destroyed by Leading Investment Expert

Warren Buffett is a piece of shit lying scum bag and crook.   View Mike Stathis' Track Record here, here, here, here, here and here.     Membership Resources  ...

Mike Contacts Europacific Capital and Schools One of Schiff's Monkeys! An Epic Video

NOTE: there is a video associated with this post. Unfortunately, our host changed the types of media formats permitted and altered the system sometime between 2016 and 2018 without notifying us of the......

Bernie Sanders Jewish Psychopath and the Other Jewish Candidates

This audio was first published on February 11, 2016 in our MP3 Library.   In this audio, Mike emphasizes that his recent criticisms of Donald Trump should not be taken to imply that he supports......

Can You Tell the Difference Between Kiyosaki, Trudeau and Schiff?

Listen to this short audio and decide for yourself. As far as I'm concerned, they are basically the same.

Chris Martenson Exposed (Video)

Last year we released the results of an investigation of Chris Martenson. This 60-page tell-all analysis is nothing less than what one would expect from the world’s top investment forecaster a...

CNBC Jewish Clown Josh Brown Shows You How to Lose Money

If you think Peter Schiff is a moronic, motor-mouthed hypocrite, meet Josh Brown; a kid who has positioned himself as someone on your side. He is "reformed" after all; or is he?  In the video...

Donald Trump the Liar and Con Man

So you think Donald Trump is the “real deal” huh? Trump is no different than any other politician or wealthy business man. He is a complete scum bag, liar and con man. I have previous...

Peter Schiff's Forecasts and Economic Ideas = Pure Imagination

This is perhaps the greatest video revealing just how foolish this man is, with special cameos from the great Dr. Loveless (Michael Dunn), the airhead con man Mike Maloney and the expert of Asian "nig...

You Will Lose Your Ass if You Listen to the Media

As someone who has been an active participant in the capital markets for nearly two decades, as well as a watchdog for Main Street exposing media spin and deception, consumer fraud, and securities man...

Jewish Media Scam Exposed by World-Leading Investment Expert

No one has a crystal ball, including us.  But one thing is certain. When you want to know precisely what is going on and get a good idea what to expect, you will never get unbiased insight fr......

Jewish Financial Media Scam EXPOSED by World Leading Investment Expert

Mike Stathis Nails The Gold And Silver Trade Again (Oct - Nov 2015)   View Mike Stathis' Track Record here, here, here and here.   Check here also  Stathis Nails The Dec 2014......

Jewish Media Scam: Promote Jewish Losers and Ban Gentile Experts

Mike Stathis Nails The Gold And Silver Trade Again (Oct - Nov 2015)   View Mike Stathis' Track Record here, here, here and here.   Check here also  Stathi......

Yahoo Calls Schiff a Charlatan but Promotes Him as Expert AGAIN!

  Have you ever wondered why most people get screwed in the stock market? Most who lose their ass in the stock market rarely blame the real culprits. So who are the real culprits? Well, if...

Mark Cuban: Loser Promoted by Jewish Media as Business Genius

Get ready, as Mike rips Mark Cuban a few thousands new assholes! Prior to listening to the video below you might opt to review some previously published commentary on Cuban:   Cuban's Shame M...

The Media is a Paid Whore for Stock Fraud - Yahoo as an Example

In this video, Mike shows you how the media is involved in penny stock scams, how the scams work and why to always stay away from all penny stocks. Note: the following video was originally creat...

Moron of the Month: John Williams

What more do I need to say about Williams that I didn't already cover in the 2011 article I wrote, revealing how clueless he is? Click here to read the landmark article that steamrolled the rid...

Peter Schiff is Pitching His Ridiculous Broken Clock Garbage to Conspiracy Nuts

Although one could argue Peter Schiff has been focusing his marketing rants (i.e. when he is on TV and radio pretending to be some sort of economic and investment expert) on conspiracy wackos for a ve...

Max Keiser is the Lowest Form of Scum

It is a fact that Mike Stathis holds the leading investment forecasting track record in the world from 2006 to current. Ask the media why they continue to ban the world's leading investment expert.......

Stathis Continues to Expose Mike Rivero and the Jewish Mafia

Rivera's content is designed to benefit his scam artist advertisers, which is why he preaches the same doomsday bull shit as Alex Jones and virtually everyone else in the so-called "alternative media....

Can You Spot a Con Artist?

As you watch this video, I want you to keep in mind that this is the guy the media has positioned as a credible expert for YOU, the audience. One of the easiest ways to get a good sense of how...

MarketWatch Jewish Crooks Promote Jew Robert Prechter as an Expert AGAIN!

In the past I have discussed ridiculous inaccuracy of Robert Prechter's track record. Once you become as familiar with the entire investment copyediting industry, you will realize that all of the...

Peter Schiff Has a Terrible Track Record But Gets Daily Air Time from the Media

The main stars of America's financial trash TV are broken clocks and contrarian indicators who deliver the same sales pitch day after day, week after week, year after year. That is what salesmen do af...

Paul Singer, ANOTHER Jewish Parasite Celebrated by the Jewish Media

It’s the same song and dance from the Jewish Mafia. When are people going to rise up and put an end to this global parasitic behavior?            ......

Definitive Proof that Jim Rogers is a Contrarian Indicator

Doomsday, broken clock charlatans seem to spread the same message that never changes unless they want to deceive their sheep. 

Ron Paul: Paid Whore for Scam Artist Porter Stansberry

I’ve already exposed Ron Paul as an agent of controlled opposition working for the Koch brothers. I’ve also previously exposed him as a proponent of the military-industrial complex. That...

Max Keiser is a Filthy Con Man Working for the Jewish Mafia

I have documented some of Max Keiser's biggest scams since the financial crisis as a way to warn those who would be his suckers. In this article, I present a brief review of some of these scams...

Paul Craig Roberts, Enemy of the People and Gold Pumping Charlatan

You might want to have a look at the images below as you listen to the audio. I will be exposing Eric Sprott in the near future.   The Roberts and Celente Circus Show     ......

NEVER EVER Forget Who the Charlatans Are and Who the REAL EXPERTS Are

One of the easiest ways to get a good sense of how stupid and naive the general public has become is to note how close financial media resembles trash TV. For instance, instead of credible experts w...

Money Show Con Men

In the audio below, Mike talks about how the Money Show is the largest collection of the biggest losers and con men in the world today. You can think of the Money Show as a “brick-and-mortar&r...

Mike's Message to the Sheep

Warning: If You Are Offended by Cursing and Criticism, please DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS AUDIO.   ...

EXPOSED: Jim Rickards (Part 1)

For the past two or three years now, a new charlatan has risen up from the ranks of the trash bin. Oh and he just happens to be Jewish. Coincidence?  You decide.  This egghead has been get...

Peter Schiff is the Person Most Responsible for the Doomsday Movement

This claim has drastic implications for Schiff, the media and everyone who pays attention to the media.    

Mike Rivero Exposed as Con Man, Giggles in Panic and Hangs Up

You might recall that I previously exposed Mike Rivero as a con man and gold pumper.

Free versus Paid Content

I think it is important to remind people about the price and quality of content. It’s really quite simple. No content is truly free. You pay a huge price for that content. Unfortunately, the p...

Moron of the Month - David Stockman

UPDATED Note on March 9, 2018: As I have previously demonstrated, the so-called "experts" in the financial media are little more than professional marketers who promote a ridiculous doomsday narrati...

A Message to Those Who Deny the Existence of the Jewish Mafia

Can anyone offer any evidence that there is someone who is any better than Mike?     If so, you would have already landed our $100,000 prize.   Below Mike has re......

Greece is Being Run by the Jewish Mafia

Below is a recent audio regarding the control of Greece by the Jewish Mafia.   Background reading: The Rape Of Greece By Jewish Bankers  

Moron of the Month: Harry Dent (Take 2)

The second take is always better than the first, but you decide!

Send in the Gold-Pumping Clowns

The title says it all. Enjoy.

Broken Clock Moron of the Month: Harry Dent

Long before Peter Schiff entered the broken clock circuit, Harry Dent was the media's go-to guy for marketing bullshit.

Jim Rogers Claims to Own the Dollar Now that it Has Soared!

If this doesn't offer enough evidence that these talking heads are full of shit, I don't know what does. Wake up people. STAY AWAY FROM ALL MEDIA, unless you like being deceived, lied to and ripp...

American Greed - Precious Metals Con Men

      Moron of the Month - David Stockman EXPOSED - Jim Rickards (Part 1) Moron Of The Month: Harry Dent (Take 2) EXPOSED: More Doomsday Charlatans (Agora Financial Pt 1......

Mike Exposes the Grand Scheme of Gold Pumpers and Other Con Men

Mike recorded this 32-minute messege a few months ago. It was unrehearsed and unedited. He felt it was too long to release as a single audio so he divided it into 4 parts. These parts have previously...

Yahoo Calls Peter Schiff a Charlatan in His Absence Then Promotes Him a Few Days Later

Have you ever wondered why most people get screwed in the stock market? Most who lose their ass in the stock market rarely blame the real culprits. So who are the real culprits? Well, if you pay a...

Leading Investment Expert Mike Stathis Exposes Massive Fraud (Part 4)

Start making a list of every single blog, website, you tube channel, radio show and TV show that promotes these gold-pumping doomsday con men. Get the names of everyone involved because I can g...

Mike Stathis Explains the Media's Role in Deceiving Investors

Have you ever wondered why most people get screwed in the stock market? Most who lose their ass in the stock market rarely blame the real culprits. So who are the real culprits?

Leading Investment Expert Mike Stathis Exposes Massive Fraud (Part 3)

Read your way down to the bottom where part 3 of this video series awaits you.   Start making a list of every single blog, website, you tube channel, radio show and TV show that promotes these......

The Financial Media is a Huge Kosher Scam

Have you ever wondered why most people get screwed in the stock market? Most who lose their ass in the stock market rarely blame the real culprits. So who are the real culprits? Well, if you...

Leading Investment Expert Mike Stathis Exposes Massive Fraud (Part 2)

Read your way down to the bottom where part 2 of this video series awaits you.   Start making a list of every single blog, website, you tube channel, radio show and TV show that promotes these......

Mike Stathis Offers Irrefutable Proof that Jim Rogers is a Complete Idiot

These doomsday, broken clock charlatans all seem to spread the same message and that message never changes, does it?   The reason for their obsessive repetition is due to the fact that they......

The Climate Change Scam Continues

Mike reminds you (in the video below) about the realities on so-called "Climate Change."

The Best Video Ever Created Exposing the Gold Pumping Scene

Can anyone offer any evidence that there is someone who is any better than Mike?   If so, you would have already landed our $100,000 prize.   Below Mike has released Chapter 12......

Leading Investment Expert Mike Stathis Exposes Massive Fraud (Part 1)

Read your way down to the bottom where a video awaits you.   Start making a list of every single blog, website, you tube channel, radio show and TV show that promotes these gold-pumping doomsda......

Mike Stathis Delivers His Most Valuable Message for 2015

If you do not want to hear cursing please do not listen to this audio.

Two Financial "Experts" Discuss Bangkok Discos Demonstrating their Lack of Credibility

Over the years, the media has turned financial news and commentary into trash TV. Have you noticed that the clowns the media calls “experts” resemble many of the inept goofballs from one o...

You Will Be Judged by the Company You Keep

Can anyone offer any evidence that there is someone who is any better than Mike?   If so, you would have already landed our $100,000 prize.   Below Mike has released Chapter 1......

Fear Mongering Mind Control

Can anyone offer any evidence that there is someone who is any better than Mike?   If so, you would have already landed our $100,000 prize.   Below Mike has released Chap......

Blast From the Past - Peter Schiff Was Wrong

Peter Schff receives more media exposure from the financial media than anyone else in the world. He calls himself a "chief global strategist" and is the CEO of a small brokerage firm and gold com...

EXPOSED: Jim Sinclair and (Select) Gold Pumping Websites

I want to remind those who have not yet signed up and paid for a Membership or have become a Client via subscription of one of our investment newsletters that we have amassed the most detailed an...

Mike Stathis' Statement About the Jewish Mafia

Please listen to this video (especially if you are Jewish) in order to understand our viewpoint. ...

Don't Shoot the Messenger


Mike Stathis Offers to Show Peter Schiff How to Invest Successfully

Another educational video.    

Stathis Exposes Broken Clock Jim Rogers and the Media (Extended)

Just a few charts added since the video was released...              Below Mike has released Chapter 12 of his own 2007 book showing that he was......

Financial Media Promotes Boiler Room Brokers as Experts (Part 1)

Media = Liars, Crooks and Idiots   CNBC, Bloomberg, Yahoo Finance DOGSHIT MEDIA EXPOSED.   See the video below for Mike's analysis of these boiler room scumbags who have been...

Special Release: Doomsday Douchebag Dance Mix

That's right people. We have put together a 31-minute dance mix featuring some great tunes along with the doomsday lines you've heard from some of the biggest douchebags in the world. 

The China Superpower Myth & The Best Investment Advice You Ever Heard

Background articles   Debunking The Myth That China Is Selling U.S. Treasury Securities   The Importance of China to the US Economy   ...

Jewish Mafia's Banking, Investment and Economic System Exposed

In this podcast, you will learn how the economic and financial segment of the Jewish Mafia’s operates. Although there is a great deal to this topic, Mike keeps the discussion simple and brief by...

The "Greatest Transfer of Wealth Opportunity" Hoax

For several years now, I have been doing my best to expose Wall Street criminals, the tactics of the criminal financial media and the doomsday gold charlatans. I have exposed how the Securi...

Why Would the Media Ask a Thailand Resident about the US Economy?

Why is a guy who lives in a village of Thailand being interviewed about the US economy and capital markets? ...

China Has Increased US Treasury Holdings by Over 2000%

The following article is more than 7000 words and greater than 50 pages in length. The full article is only available to website Members and subscribers to one or more of our investment publicat...

EXPOSED: More Doomsday Charlatans (Agora Financial Pt 1)

In the video below, we take a closer look at the doomsday douche bag, Chris Martenson, along with the doomsday publication called Money Map, which is a production of Agora Financial. Agora Financial...

How to Determine if Your Sources Can be Trusted

Before I begin, I will tell you this with complete confidence. If you see anyone in the media frequently, you won’t even need to waste your time checking to determine whether you can trust them...

Top Six Questions to Ask BEFORE You Trust Investment "Experts"

Before you even think about listening to what anyone has to say about investments, including subscribing to an investment newsletter, you need to ask yourself a few questions. Always remember that...

The Rape of Greece by Jewish Bankers

For background info see The Solution to Greece's Sovereign Debt Crisis   After suffering through nearly five years of a very severe recession, the worst is yet to come for the Greek people. Acc...
