Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Reminder about the Clowns Who Continue to Get Everything Wrong

Any guesses as to who I'm referring to? 

Certainly there are hundreds of idiots and con men who fall into this category; namely the gold charlatans. 

Here is a video that serves as a reminder of how clueless Peter Schiff, Marc Faber, Mike Maloney, Larry Kudlow, Ron Paul and Jim Rogers ARE, HAVE BEEN and CONTINUE TO BE.

As a bonus, you will hear from a few spastic, brainless You Tube chumps and fellow gold charlatans.

Lies about gold, the dollar, the economy:

"gold is real money"

"gold preserves value"

"gold protects against inflation"

"gold is going to $5000, $10,000, $20,000"

"the dollar will soon be worthless" 

"the dollar will soon become like the currency in Zimbabwe"

"the dollar is it worse shape that the euro"

"people are more worried about the US than Europe"

"the US economy is similar to Greece"

"the recovery is fake

"earnings are fake"

"all government data is fake"

I could go on and on. I hope you get the point.

Anyone who actually believed these ridiculous statements about the dollar being worth nothing, hyperinflation, and so forth...well I'm here to tell you that you will be taken again and again.

If you aren't thoroughly researching the track record of the people you listen to, you are committing financial suicide. But let me help you out. EVERY person in the media has a shitty track record.

It is with little doubt that everyone who is familiar with my own track record and ability to see things like no other will wisely take this claim as a statement of fact.



So you had better align yourself with someone who has a proven track record of success and no bias because if you don't have someone like that to help lead you, you will lose your ass. That is a guarantee.


Here is just a short list of reminders demonstrating that you’re going to lose your shirt if you pay attention to anyone in the media.


More Misguided "Forecasts" from Peter Schiff

Is Peter Schiff REALLY Still Pimping the Euro?

Stathis Schools Peter Schiff in Economics

More "Gold is Money" Brainwashing from Peter Schiff

Deconstructing Meredith Whitney's Default Predictions

Dismantling John Williams' Hyperinflation Predictions

The Nonsense from Schiff Continues

He's Back! Harry Dent the Clown Making More Ridiculous Predictions

Is Peter Schiff Finally Backing Away from His Extremist Claims?




When you get owned by Maria Bartiromo, you know you are a JOKE (wait for 4:50).




Peter Schiff Calls Himself a Buy-and-Hold Value Investor. I am Laughing My Ass Off

Yahoo Finance Hypocrites Criticize Gold Bug Doomsday Clowns

An Important Message from Peter Schiff

How Does Peter Schiff Spend His Time?

The Con Game (Part 1)

Peter Schiff is a Salesman, Nothing More, Nothing Less

Peter Schiff Embarrasses Himself AGAIN With His Dog and Pony Rant and Horrendous Forecasts

More Stupidity from Doomers

Marc Faber Prefers Asian Equities

UPDATE to Hack of the Day: Compliments of and Yahoo!

More Propaganda from Kudlow

Kitco: The CNBC of Gold

Golden Dreams & Delusions: The Story about Gold You Haven't Heard (PART 1)

CNBC, The Bubble Network

"Watch TV, Make Money!" Who's REALLY Making Money? (Part 1)




Good god these IDIOTS in the media are a DAMN JOKE!!!! Schiff, Faber, Gross, Rogers, Dent, Cramer, Kudlow, YOU NAME IT!

But by now, you should realize that the media is designed to mislead and confuse its audience.


In short, they don’t give a damn about their viewers.


They only care about those who pony up the money for ads, and they will do ANYTHING to please this gravy train.


I want to remind those who have not yet signed up and paid form Membership or have become a Client via subscription of one of our investment newsletters that I have amassed the most detailed and comprehensive compilation of LIARS, SNAKE OIL SALESMEN, IDIOTS and such pertaining to the financial industry.

This work devoted to this publication reflects over a decade of research I have done on these clowns and utilizes my expertise in both the investment spectrum as well as deviant psychology.

This massive report is already more than 300 pages (not including links to dozens of originally research articles found elsewhere on the website) and continues to be expanded frequently.

The name of this publication is the ENCYCLOPEDIA of Bozos, Hacks, Snake Oil Salesmen and Faux Heroes.

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