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Media Clowns Owned by AVA Investment Analytics

Have you ever wondered why most people get screwed in the stock market?
Most who lose their ass in the stock market rarely blame the real culprits.
So who are the real culprits?

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Ignorance of Main Street Best Seen in WaMu Shareholders

For nearly two years now, Mike has wanted to write a follow up article on Washington Mutual, pointing to the gross missteps by very naive shareholders.

Banks Look to Craig's List to Exploit the Desperate

First, they made huge commissions loaning you money to buy overpriced real estate. They convinced you that real estate “is a great investment,” and “property values never go dow...

Charles Schwab and E-Trade Facilitating Securities Manipulation

Just a quick note.  Similar to the case with Seeking Alpha, we have evidence that Schwab and E-Trade are now facilitating manipulation of securities via moderator control of their online communit......

The Roberts and Celente Circus Show

I always suspected something just wasn't right about Paul Craig Roberts.  After all, he was inducted into the political environment under Reagan, as a junior Treasury staff member. Next, h...

Warning about Disinfo Websites and Trash Events

If I were to list the number of websites that have banned me or ignored me for the purpose of distancing themselves from the "good cop," as bad cops always do, the list would be into the thousands.

Understanding Manipulation of Gold by the Media

While still working on Wall Street, I began recommending gold in late 2001 to my clients just when the bull market had commenced. As you might imagine, it was very difficult to convince older investor...

Is Southwest Airlines Using Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein to Make a Point?

As many of you know, I don't watch much television because I value my brain cells. Plus, I can't stand constant lies from the media, nor can I stand trash TV, because that too melts one's brain. Howev...

Goldman Sachs and the Facebook Pump and Dump

With a good deal of help from traditional media, the social media fad has grown into a worldwide phenomenon for millions who seem to have too much time on their hands. Many claim they use these s...

The Foreclosure Gate Distraction

Over the past few months we have heard about a variety of questionable practices from banks looking to seize the homes due to chronic mortgage delinquencies. Each day more drama is added to the pictur...

More Hot Air from the SEC

Today, an article appeared discussing how the SEC has been investigating an "insider trading network."  Although the details have not been released, several prominent hedge funds were m...

How to Make Tons of Money by Selling Your Soul to the Devil

I ran across one of these "How to Make Tons of Money With No Money and Minimal Effort" BS propaganda pieces, so I thought I'd show you just how naive people are. The article is a...

The SEC Passes the Buck Again

I've discussed my own views on the SEC on many occasions, dating back to the 2006 original edition of America's Financial Apocalypse.   First, I warned that the SEC would not be likel...

The Media Macarena

I've been telling you that all of the alternatives to Wall Street, whether it's the online brokers like Charles Schwab or E-Trade, the financial pundits in the media, or the traditional investmen...

I'm Going to Teach You the Secrets to Getting Wealthy

If you clicked this article thinking I was serious, then I strongly advise you to take notes as you read through this piece. The title of this article, is, never has been and never will be some...

Propaganda from the Associated Press on the SEC-Goldman Case

I want you to read an article by the Associated Press. As you will see, it was very deficient, hardly critical of the SEC and the banking fraud, and left out key issues.   This is just...

Another Useless, Irresponsible Journalist Confirmed

A few months ago, I wrote an article discussing how the same incompetent bozo financial reporters who missed EVERYTHING (causing YOU to lose your shirt in the stock market) have since taken...

The Global Warming Scam

I can't recall if I have shared my views on global warming with you. I do believe I mentioned it briefly in one of my previous newsletter issues. I want to go on record as s...

This Could Happen to You

A while back, I published an article discussing allegations made by Larry Sinclair regarding his sexual encounter with President Obama several years ago.  Please review this material here....

AIG, Geithner and Goldman Sachs: Another Example of Useless Media

Some of you may have wondered why I have said nothing about the latest AIG-Geithner connection. Let me give you a hint. The answer is the same as the reason why I did not mention anything abo...

New York Attorney General vs Intel

What's the relevence of the attached file below?  The answer will be discussed in the January 2010 Intelligent Investor. 

More on the SEC

The following assessment is based on my own opinions about the SEC after an external examination. In my opinion, the SEC has been designed intentionally to operate with extreme inefficiency in...

Pump-and-Dump Scheme of the Day

Have a look at the pump-and-dump scheme of the day. These guys don't ever quit because the SEC is too understaffed to go after them.   By the way, have you ever noticed virtually all of the...

The SEC Protects Wall Street Criminals AGAIN

I could go on and on about this piece of news but I'll spare myself days of endless ranting.  Instead, I'll just thrown in a few lines.

Wall Street Wins, You Lose; AGAIN

Today we have yet another case whereby the SEC has reinforced the precedent of securities fraud.  This sickens me to the bone.

Investors Fooled Again by the SEC

The reported news of SEC actions to move towards a ban on flash trading pose nothing more than a smoke screen to fool investors into thinking the SEC is watching out for their best interests...

More Incompetence from the SEC

Last week, a federal judge dismissed an insider trading case made by the SEC against Mark Cuban.  I discussed this case several weeks ago.  "U.S. District Judge Sidney A. Fit...

Real Estate, Rabbis, Mayors, Money and Body Parts

Perhaps you've heard about New Jersey's latest case of corruption. It involves three mayors, five Jewish Rabbis, money laundering, bribes and human organ sales; and not just in Jersey, This drama...

History Always Repeats

Can you imagine what would happen to the bank, Wall Street, real estate and mortgage executives if they were in China? They wouldn’t be around by now. But this is America, where CEOs commit acco...

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