Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Did Career Con Man Donald Trump Get His Modus Operandi from Hollywood?

We already know Trump is about as Jewish as you can get. As a matter of fact, I previously went on record claiming that he has more Jewish ties than Bernie Sanders.  

Just look at the people he has surrounded himself with for decades, from scum bags like his head attorney, Roy Cohn, who along with Trump has had numerous business dealings with the mafia, to hundreds of Jewish business men.  

You don't get the kind of press coverage Trump has since the 1980s, you don't get TVs shows and you don't the the kind of overexposure Trump has recieved unless you are either Jewish or you've married into a Jewish family.  This is a simple fact.

Trump also enlisted a huge swarm of Jews to run his political campaign. With no surprise, once he won the election he appointed a large cabal of Jews to key roles in his adminstration. See herehere, here, here and here

And of course we all know that his three kids from his first wife (Ivana, whom I believe to be Jewish with 85% confidence) are married to Jews. In fact, Trump's current wife is also most likely Jewish (85% confidence). Finally, I am fairly sure Trump is Jewish as well.  That's a topic of discussion I'll leave for another day. 

Now for a lighter side. Let's consider something you're likely to think a bit funny. Let's consider something seemingly outrageous. Did Trump's close Jewish ties provide him with ideas on how he should conduct himself?

As a reimder, Trump always likes to boost about his education (despite the fact that he was a transfer student from a tier three college).

He also likes to tell people how very, very rich he is (despite the fact that he is a scam artist and always exaggerates his net worth).

And finally, Trump also likes to threaten his critics with lawsuits because it's vital for him to keep the perception alive that he is a great business mind. You should note that most professional marketers who make their money by false perception often threaten their critics with lawsuits.  

Notice in the video below how the con man named Trump from a 1950s TV show comes into town and claims the world is ending and only he can save the people using his knowledge. 

Notice also how he claims he will build a wall. And notice he threatens to sue a an individual who criticizes him.  

Trump a Con Man from a 1950s Western Promising to Save the World and Build a Wall

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