Note that 2008 was the year when the doomsday, gold-pumping fear mongering industry was officially born.
I have already debunked these and many other myths. Not once have any of the doomsday puppet masters so much has even attempted to counter my assessment because they know they cannot. The best strategy when you are outmanned is that of strategic retreat.You might want to refresh your memory by reading the first series of articles I published on gold back in July 2009, called "Fool's Gold." You will see that I actually reiterated my forecast from America's Financial Apocalypse whereby I predict a top in gold at around $2000, then a hard crash followed by many years down.Excerpt from Fool's Gold (Part 2) published on July 7, 2009 when gold was less than $1000/ounce."So the main question becomes…where along the bubble is gold?It’s impossible for anyone to determine, but if I had to make a guess, I’d say it’s in the middle stages. If that is the case, it’s likely the bubble still has a few more years left. And I’d expect gold to go higher from these levels. I have no reason to alter my gold price forecast made in 2006.Although there are many variables involved, generally speaking, you’re not likely to do particularly well investing in gold unless you bought it at for under $600, you trade it regularly, or your holding period is only a couple of years (depending on when you bought it).For any period beyond this, you face the risk of holding the empty bag when gold corrects, much like those who bought it in 1980. If that happens, you’ll have the added effects of inflation eating away at your principal. The modified chart below illustrates this.No one knows where gold is headed or when the bubble will burst. The gold bugs are unwilling to even acknowledge that there is a gold bubble forming. Just remember this - the higher it goes, the harder it will fall. This is how all asset bubbles play out. And if you get stuck holding gold when the bubble bursts, you could end up losing a lot of money, especially since gold fails to keep up with inflation over long periods; periods that typify post-bubble corrections.While you’re waiting years to break even before you sell, inflation will gradually eat away at your principal.
The lesson is—buy-and-hold doesn’t work. It never did; not for stocks, not for oil, and certainly NOT for gold. Timing DOES matter, but so does valuation. If you’re good at one and not the other, you can still do pretty good. If you’re good at both, you’ll join a very elite group of investors whose names you probably don’t know.Now if you still doubt what I say, check back with me in say 15 or 20 years. By then, gold will likely have come down (from whatever high it makes) to $400, and maybe $300 per ounce. I’m willing to bet on it.Until then, gold is likely to go higher. But unless you really understand the dynamics of gold price movements, or unless you trade the volatility, you’ll most likely get burned if you buy gold at current levels.Remember, the higher price you pay, the more risk you add because this bubble WILL eventually burst. Only by understanding the realities about gold can you plan for a profitable exit." Fool's Gold (Part 2)
Maybe now you know why the last thing the guys running the gold scam want is to let people know about me.The gold-pumping machine was pretty much left for dead after I completely steamrolled John Williams' hyperinflation claims in 2011. Dismantling John Williams' Hyperinflation Predictions
Here, I provide a followup to an article I wrote more than two years ago, proving that China was not only NOT selling US Treasuries, but it was in fact BUYING them. Debunking The Myth That China Is Selling U.S. Treasury Securities
In fact...
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