Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

The Solution for Financial Advisers

Today, up to 90% of investors want to change their broker. Can you blame them? 

Fortunately for brokers, investors really don’t have anywhere else to go because most of them are generally the same.

They follow the generic perma-bull analysis the large Wall Street research departments churn out, or else they follow the doom and gloom herd.

Both approaches are useless because they represent extremes.

Neither approach focuses on risk management.

But that hasn’t stopped investors from changing; and change they have.

Most likely, these investors are in for the same song and dance in the future, because I’ll guarantee you the coast is far from clear.

We are looking at a minimum of ten years of market swings, bear traps and more devastation.

I can assure you that FAs who plan to continue running the outsourced money management and mutual fund type business are going to lose much of their business in the coming years.

Only those FAs who provide a more customized approach will thrive in what promises to be at least a decade of more market turbulence.

Have a look at this recent article from the New York Times.

Thus, financial advisers who have access to the expertise of someone who predicted this collapse in detail will have a competitive advantage.

They will be able to retain current clients and grow their business. 

As the records indicate, I predicted the details of this collapse unlike no other person in the world, with specific forecasts about real estate declines, specific forecasts about stock market declines, and of course, specific investment ideas, all of which panned out quite nicely.

And I have maintained my stellar track record throughout 2009, with securities recommendations that have in some cases outperformed the DJIA by 300%.

Moreover, my market forecasting record is virtually flawless.

As all financial advisers are well aware, if you can forecast the market accurately, you can save your clients from huge losses, while delivering massive gains.

Those familiar with my track record know this firsthand.

I know what’s going on, and what’s ahead.

Others merely made general statements that were known by many as a way to market their business. Don’t be fooled by the media.

The guys the media claims to be experts, the guys they claim predicted this mess simply did not. The facts are in print. And the broadcasts have been recorded.

And if you followed the advice of these “experts” it’s very likely that you did worse than those who stayed in the U.S. stock markets. 

To start the New Year off, I’m rolling out a new program designed to help financial advisers and small financial institutions retain existing clients and attract new ones. 

Their clients will have access to my research and analysis in a way that is complimentary to their business.

At the option of advisers, their clients (perhaps their selected clients) will receive the AVAIA newsletter at a deep discount (depending on the number of subscribers) or even for free.

As well, I will hold conference calls to discuss my forecasts for the market and economy, investment opportunities, securities analysis (fundamentals and technicals), commentary on recent M&As, IPOs, and much more.

Some financial advisers will have clients who don’t want to be overwhelmed by the massive volume and analysis found in the AVAIA newsletter, so they will only be interested in the live conference calls.

The decision will be up to the financial advisers how to best customize my expertise to help grow their business and improve the performance of their clients’ accounts.

The calls will be tailored to the investment approach and objectives of each adviser’s line of business.

It will like having your own investment strategist, equities analyst and trading expert.

The best thing about is that you will have the leading expert in the world on this economic collapse.

Those financial advisers who begin the transition out of mutual funds and externally managed accounts will be best positioned for the new era of the retail securities industry.

Those who do not will suffer declining business.

Imagine if you had a chief investment strategist who predicted everything underlying this collapse in detail, along with winning strategies and specific investments.

Your clients would have been warned and properly positioned in advance. With your guidance, they’d have actually made money or at least avoided losing it. 

With your guidance, they would have also known when to get back into the market.

They’d love you.

And they’d tell their friends and family about you.

Your business would skyrocket.

Imagine how easy it would be to send prospects a copy of my 2 books showing them how I made predictions like no one else.

How many new clients do you think you could bring in knowing that you have me as your firm’s investment strategist and equities analyst?

I’d say your business would soar.

If properly positioned, this advisory program is guaranteed to help you keep you clients and add several accounts. 

It could be the best move you’ve ever made for your business.

Look at my track record and I’m sure you will agree. 

Don’t forget that I’ve been where you are. I’ve worked on Wall Street managing retail clients, so I know what you’re up against.

I also know how to deliver unique value that no other financial adviser can offer.

Although the AVAIA newsletter is not yet one year old, several financial advisers have subscribed.

I expect many more when others find out about my track record.

But I will only be able to offer this service I’ve mentioned to a small number of financial advisers, so you will be provided with a high level of exclusivity.

Those who have an interest should contact the staff for more details.

But you need to hurry because there are only a limited number of spots. 

If you’re not already sending us an email to find out the details, it’s probably because you haven’t read America’s Financial Apocalypse, (preferably the extended 2006 version) Cashing in on the Real Estate Bubble, or The Wall Street Investment Bible.

You simply don’t know my track record. 



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