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China Report 2019 Preliminary Writeup - Released to Members

The document discussed in the video is attached below. 

More on the China Report

The China Report is a 250-page presentation delivered in a five-hour webinar. 

It is perhaps the world's most insightful report research exploring China's future for investors.

The presentation was made by Mike Stathis, one of the world's leading investment analysts who has been researching China for more than two decades.  

See here and here for more information on the China Report.

This research report will remain valuable for years to come just as Mr. Stathis' landmark 2006 book, America's Financial Apocalypse has.

Click here to access the China Report. 

Please email us with any questions and for payment details.

Prospective buyers must be approved before purchasing this report.  

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This publication (written, audio and video) represents the commentary and/or criticisms from Mike Stathis or other individuals affiliated with Mike Stathis or AVA Investment Analytics (referred to hereafter as the “author”). Therefore, the commentary and/or criticisms only serve as an opinion and therefore should not be taken to be factual representations, regardless of what might be stated in these commentaries/criticisms. There is always a possibility that the author has made one or more unintentional errors, misspoke, misinterpreted information, and/or excluded information which might have altered the commentary and/or criticisms. Hence, you are advised to conduct your own independent investigations so that you can form your own conclusions. We encourage the public to contact us if we have made any errors in statements or assumptions. We also encourage the public to contact us if we have left out relevant information which might alter our conclusions. We cannot promise a response, but we will consider all valid information.

Mike Stathis Debunks the China Superpower Myth While Revealing the Reality about Hong Kong

Those who are unfamiliar with me can find out more about my credentials, my background, as well as my investment research track record here, here, and here. Examine Mike Stathis' unmat...

Mike Stathis Warns About Major Problems Building in China in 2015 While Exposing the Criminal Financial Media

The following excerpts were taken from the July 2015 Global Macroeconomic Analysis presentation.  ...

China is Using its Wall Street Connections to Compromise the U.S. Federal Reserve

Prior to 1979, China’s economy was routed primarily in centralized policies spearheaded by Mao Zedong. After Mao’s death in 1976, Dung Xiaoping's gradual rise to power led to opening China...

Bank Runs, Riots, and Beat Downs in China

See Understanding China's Critical Juncture (Updated Info) for the world's most comprehensive research presentation on China's current and long-term challenges.

In China Women Are Beaten Like Wild Animals

See Understanding China's Critical Juncture (Updated Info) for the world's most comprehensive research presentation on China's current and long-term challenges.

China's Demographics Problem

Mike first discussed the impact of demographics on economics, pensions and society in America's Financial Apocalypse (2006, original expanded version).  Then in 2012, he discussed demographics a...

China Facing High Risk of Economic Crisis

See Understanding China's Critical Juncture (Updated Info) for the world's most comprehensive research presentation on China's current and long-term challenges.

Chinese University Official Says China "Helped Build the Beau Biden Foundation"

See Understanding China's Critical Juncture (Updated Info) for the world's most comprehensive research presentation on China's current and long-term challenges.

Preview Video: Understanding China's Critical Juncture

See Understanding China's Critical Juncture (Updated Info) for the world's most comprehensive research presentation on China's current and long-term challenges.

Mike Stathis is One of the World's Foremost Authorities on US-China Trade

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Mike Stathis Educates Peter Schiff on China, Social Security and Economics

The following video was published in August 2013.    

Blast from the Past: Mike Stathis Predicts China's Stock Bubble and Its Collapse in Advance

As a legitimate provider of investment research focused on market forecasting, securities analysis and various trading strategies, we serve a very broad range of investors, from the average person loo......

Blast from the Past: Gold Pumping Con Artists Make the Ridiculous Claim China is a Superpower

The following audio was originally published in December 2014 (in the MP3 library).  For more unique insights you won't get elsewhere, check out our MP3 library.  ...

Debunking Claims About China's Currency Manipulation

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How Beijing Intends to Handle China's Real Estate Bubble

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Donald Trump and the China Dolls

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China's Stock Market Bubble

Below Mike has released Chapter 12 of his own 2007 book showing that he was the only one to not only have predicted the financial crisis, but also showed specific ways to land huge profits.  ...

The China Superpower Myth & The Best Investment Advice You Ever Heard

Background articles   Debunking The Myth That China Is Selling U.S. Treasury Securities   The Importance of China to the US Economy   ...

China Has Increased US Treasury Holdings by Over 2000%

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The Importance of China to the US Economy

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Debunking the Myth that China is Selling U.S. Treasury Securities

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China's Real Estate Bubble

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Even in China, the Rich Get Punished

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7 Myths About US-China Trade and Investment

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Greenspan: A Fan of China

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