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Free Trade and the Jewish Mafia

Among the various mechanisms of fraud carried out by the Jewish Mafia, the one most responsible for the economic decline of the United States has been its exploitative trade policy, otherwise known as free trade.

As always, the Jewish Mafia has bought off an army of Gentile puppets to carry out much of its fraud, so as to escape detection. For instance, during the height of the Financial Crisis of 2008, President Bush was instructed by his handlers to denounce protectionism so as to implicitly reinforce the continuation of...

See Also:

Free Trade And The Suicide Of A Superpower (Part 1)

Free Trade And The Suicide Of A Superpower (Part 2)

Ford As A Crystal Ball For America

Ford: Playing Its Last Hand?

GM Lines Up for Its Take

Washington's War Against America's Middle Class

Video: Educating A Libertarian Hack From Harvard

7 Myths About US-China Trade and Investment 

The Scam Called Globalization

The Dirty Secret about Hedonics & Globalization

Thailand, Globalization and Real Estate Economics

America. What Went Wrong? (Part 1)

America. What Went Wrong? (Part 2)

America's Second Great Depression

America's Eroding Job Quality

The Death of Labor Unions in America

 Death of America

Record Profits and the Huge Sucking Sound of American Jobs

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The Wisdom of Dr. William Pierce

Let's start the New Year off right with some wisdom from the late, great Dr. William Pierce. This speech was first made in the summer of 1994. As you listen to Mr. Pierce, think about how relevant......

Donald Trump and the China Dolls

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The Loss of the Right to Self-Determination: The Bigger Picture

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Propaganda - The Documentary

The following documentary was released a couple of years ago. It was crafted to give viewers the impression that it was a North Korean propaganda film exposing the dark and evil realities of the USA....

Stop Jewish Control


When Israel is Mighty

A very interesting interview with Yossi Gurvitz.   ...

Subversion and Enslavement of the West

Watch the video and confirm the claims for yourself.

An Example of How Political Correctness is Destroying US Businesses

In this video, Mike Stathis gives you a few lessons on branding while demonstrating how the Jewish-run political correctness movement has destroyed the USA.

Do You Support Israel?

Whether you support Israel or not, I suggest you watch this video. It certainly isn't going to increase support for Israel.

Free Trade and the Jewish Mafia

Among the various mechanisms of fraud carried out by the Jewish Mafia, the one most responsible for the economic decline of the United States has been its exploitative trade policy, otherwise known as...

Free Trade and the Suicide of a Superpower (Part 1)

When President Bush was preparing to leave the White House during the peak of the financial crisis, he was instructed by his globalist handlers to preach the “we must guard against protectionism...

What Do Americans Want?

According to the results of a recent poll taken by Gallup, Americans want their next president to focus most on creating good jobs, followed by reducing corruption in the federal government.  It...

America's Second Great Depression

For nearly three decades, corporations, banks and the ultra-wealthy have reaped financial rewards from America’s bubble economy at the expense of working-class Americans. During this stretch, th...

Washington's Double-Dip Scam and War with Iran

As the United States continues to suffer from the economic disaster created by Wall Street, the “experts” are once again discussing the possibility of a “double-dip” recession....

The Solution to America's Great Depression: Eliminate Welfare

UPDATE: August 15, 2012. I FINALLY located a video discussing the real reason for the invasion of Iraq and the move now to invade Iran, as I originally wrote about in America's Fin...

How the Jewish Mafia Screwed You

JewTube allows users to infringe on copyright so that it can make money illegally, similar to its parent company Google, which permits millions of people who sell Google ads to use copyright protected...

Occupy Wall Street (OWS) Movement Has Been Taken Over by Jews

There's not much to say about this other than what the headline reads. And to be honest, I don't have time right now to write much about it. But I wanted to go on record exposing this fact which I hav...

Is the EPI Racist Against Whites?

I'm going to say much about this other than to point to the obvious. First, as I have discussed in the past, virtually every so-called think tank in the U.S. is run and/or funded by Jews and Jewi...

Krueger Will Not End the Nightmare on Main Street

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A Brief Note on Murdoch

I have not had the time to write about the Murdoch/News Corp scandal. However, I don't feel like wasting the time writing about what I have known for many years. Besides, I'm sure you...

Scratching the Surface of the Zionist Multiculturalism Agenda

I have no need to write about what has been stated by the lady in this video.  If you can't figure it out after listening to her, I suggest you start using your brain.

The Media's Role in the War on Terror

The media continues to utilize countless tactics designed to heighten public perception regarding the critical need to advance America’s war on terror. We see this on a daily basis. Often, the m...

Code of Conduct for the Police State Known as the USA

Over the weekend, a group of individuals decided to demonstrate just how bad the Police State has progressed in the U.S. So, they paid a visit to the Jefferson Memorial in Washington DC, and began dan...

Middle East Dispatch: The Latest on the Middle Eastern Turmoil

As many of you know, I do not normally respond to or discuss daily news bits because in most cases it's just noise unless you are a day trader. And if that's the case, my advice to you is to take your...

Obama, Puppet of the Jewish Mafia (Part 2)

I continue where I left off from Part 1.  So let’s have a look at more of Obama’s Jewish appointees. David Axelrod – Special Adviser to the President; Axelrod, a Zionis...

Obama, Puppet of the Jewish Mafia (Part 1)

“The great majority of the Senate of the United States...somewhere around 80 percent...are completely in support of Israel, anything Israel wants. This has been demonstrated time and again, and...


Back in early 2007, very few pundits gave Obama a chance in the 2008 Democratic presidential race. At the time, Hilary Clinton and others were front runners. But things would soon change.  ...

The Zionist Jewish Mafia and Its Enablers

I want to be crystal clear about things. What I am about to discuss has been stated in bits and pieces in the past in some of my previous articles. Here I want to bring things together so that you und...

An Important Proclamation from Israel

If you research many sources, you will see this and similar statements constantly pop up, whether issued recently or many years ago. The more time you spend research things for yourself with an open m...

Multiculturalism Acknowledged as a Disaster

Those who read America’s Financial Apocalypse might recall I discussed the problem of immigrants failing to integrate into U.S. society. This is just one of hundreds of prophetic conclusion...

Europeans Standing Up to Oligarchs and Criminal Bankers

In the past, I've discussed how Americans should be taking notes as they watch Europeans resist the various austerity measures and other forms of control enacted by the oligarchs. Despite the fact t...

Obama Continues the Tradition of Discriminating Against Whites

Why in America is it only discrimination if it's a white person doing or saying something against another race?  Black, Hispanic, Asian and kids of other races are taught that they should b...

More BS from the Washington Mafia, Delivered by America's Puppet In-Chief

This evening, President Obama delivered a 20-minute address announcing the end of combat in Iraq.  Caving into pressure from critics who have continued to criticize Obama's numerous failures sin...

Covert Operations (A MUST-READ)

Subscribers to the AVA Investment Analytics newsletter might recall a few months ago I criticized a nonpartisan think tank for its sudden departure from meaningful discussions related t...

The Hidden Dangers of Lax Immigration Policy and Open Borders

This article was originally written in 2010 as a followup to the material I first wrote about in my banned 2006 book, America's Financial Apocalypse.  This book was not only the ONLY book in the...

Even Canadians Refuse to Take Things Lying Down

This weekend during the G-20 summit in Toronto, thousands of protesters lined the streets to voice their anger at the meeting of the global elites.  Already more than 600 demonstrators have bee...

Obama Seizes Another Opportunity to Distract from the Most Important Issues

Hopefully by now you are familiar with all of the campaign promises Obama made prior to winning the 2008 presidential election. Unfortunately, he has broken virtually every single one of his promises...

An Important Message from Peter Schiff

I just ran across this plea from Peter Schiff in my mail box and I had to make a comment. This is a man who took his 5-man brokerage firm and turned it into a staff of over 100 in less than 3 ye...

Mearsheimer and Walt: The Israeli Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy

In the past, I have made mention of Mearsheimer and Walt's book, The Israeli Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, although I have not read it (I have no time!). I do know the book's prem...

Which Nation Poses the Biggest Threat to the World?

First of all, we need to look at nations that have or could have nuclear warheads. Is it North Korea?  In the past, the U.S. media and Washington have told Americans that North Korea is a poten...

More Tea Party Scams

Previously I have discussed how the Tea Party movement has been taken over by the republican party. This and so many other activities have taken place because the vast majority of Americans are FOOL...

Realities of the Neo-Cons' Multi-Trillion Dollar War

You may have heard about the turkey shoots by U.S. military and mercenary groups (Blackwater) in Iraq. The problem is, a good deal of the turkeys are innocent Iraqi civilians, some of which...

Zionist Media & Zionist Washington: Selling You Another War Using Lies and Manipulation

Many of you know how I have been discussing how the Zionist control over America is causing you to lose your liberty, your money, and economic opportunities. Zionist groups such as the American C...

Iran's Ahmadinejad Echoing What Most Intelligent American's Already Know

I wanted to post a link to a brief article discussing Ahmadinejad's statement regarding the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center. 

It's Official: The Tea Party Movement is a Scam

I have previous written a few posts about the so-called Tea Party Movement, discussing how many Americans have been fooled by this front for the Republican Party. Sure, of all of the Tea Partie...

What Alex Jones Doesn't Want You to Know

A few months ago, I wrote a brief piece on how Alex Jones has brainwashed so many people. Well, actually, I only discussed a tiny portion of it. I have not had the time to write more...

Reviewing Obama's Promises

Just a reminder how you can never trust any politcian who represents a fascist dictatorship, whether we are talking about George Bush, Barrack Obama (Barry Soetoro) or the next puppet who will replace...

The Best Black Man in College Basketball

As I was enjoying some college hoops today, I noticed how CBS seized the opportunity to give President Obama some air time after spotting him at the Duke/Georgetown game. 

America Needs Seven Days in May

I run across a movie that some of you older folks might remember. I find it quite ironic, and perhaps more relevant today than (although not nearly as good as) the movie version of ...

Late to the Party

Many of you are aware of my forecasts about the economy, real estate, the stock market, gold, oil, etc. from my books, articles and newsletter.

America's Most Dangerous Enemy Lies From Within

Everyday, as I think about what has happened to this nation, I feel like I’m living through a nightmare.     Washington keeps brainwas...

Barrack Obama: Puppet of Zionist Elitists and Homosexual Crackhead?

Hopefully by now you realize that Obama is nothing more than a puppet for Zionists who really run America. Most of these Zionists are Jewish.

The Cold, Hard Truth About Obama by Nader

I hate to even direct anyone to a Tech Ticker video since the head of this Internet propaganda venue is headed by none other than Henry Blodget, former Wall Street analyst who pumped the dotcom stocks...

More Obama Mania

I've always felt that the Nodel Peace Prize was a joke, and a disgrace to bear the Nobel name by it. News of the latest winner only confirms this in my opinion.

Here is Where Your President's Mind Is

I ran across an article that might have blown past many of you.  This article clearly demonstrates where President Obama's mind is...occupied with BS.  Perhaps you tuned into the VMA recen...

Evidence that Tea Parties Are Fronts for the Republican Party

You know when an airhead neo-con like Michelle Malkin supports tea parties, they serve as fronts for republican agendas.  As she proudly admits on her blog, tea parties are being spearheaded...

Just One More Reason to Boycott GM

So many people speak of moral hazards, usually at their own convenience. Most of you have heard the term used when referring to bailouts.  Moral hazard basically means that companies or indi...

More of Less From Obama

In tradition with the previous empty bag delivered by President Bush, President Obama has continued to offer Americans more of less when it comes to ways to ensure a viable retirement. In reality, Oba...

AIG Criminals Seek to Extort More from Taxpayers

So you thought you'd heard the end of AIG, huh?  Not by a long shot. This useless company, with a very long list of employees belonging in prison, is still demanding the White House app...

It's All For a Good Cause

I ran across an interesting story some of you may already know about.  Have a look.  I find it odd how the United States justice system conveniently uses subjective forms of...

Let's Focus on Wall Street Executive Bonuses, So We'll Forget They Belong in Jail

Here's a pretty good article on the Wall Street crooks from Vanity Fair.  But don't rush to award Vanity Fair as an American "media Patriot."  Always remember that all mainstre......

The AUDACITY of Change (Part 2)

Let’s continue with the elements needed for America to mount a real and sustainable economic recovery.

The AUDACITY of Change (Part 1)

Ever since (finally) acknowledging the problems within the real estate and banking industries, several historic actions have been taken by Washington, Wall Street, the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Tre...

Do You have Any Sympathy for the Crooks That Robbed You?

The latest from the AIG continues now with another greedy attorney fighting for bonus money for AIG employees - the same people who helped collapse the global economy. 

Who REALLY Runs the Show?

If you think President Obama runs America, think again. Like many U.S. presidents before him, Obama is merely a puppet.  Larry Summers is making most of the decisions.  He's pulling Ob...

When Does it All End? The Abuse Continues.

Trillions of dollars for the bailouts haven’t satisfied the banks and automakers. They want more, and they’re spending your dollars to make sure they get it. According to the Associated Pr...

Obama's Change

Last Friday the 21st, the market staged a huge closing rally upon announcement of New York Federal Reserve President and member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Timothy Geithner as the next Secret...

A New Precedent for America: Financial Irresponsibility Pays

As a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding, banks are stepping up with further efforts to protect delinquent homeowners. To date, this represents the most radical effort to stop the avalanche of fore...

Off-Shore Drilling: Just Another Scam

It’s a game Washington plays. And they’ve become quite good at it. In fact, it’s a game where both parties are on the same team. Their opposition? The American people. So wh...

American Heroes Don't Last

Politicians use several means to hide the real problems from voters. One of their biggest partners in this deception is the media, which helps deliver messages they want the public to hear. When c...
