AVA Investment Analytics is a trusted source of insight for financial advisers, Wall Street firms,

fund managers, hedge funds and venture capital firms in addition to individual investors. 

Publishing World-Class Investment Research and Educating Investors for Two Decades.

Featuring Mike Stathis, our chief investment strategist and head of equities research

Mike Stathis is arguably the world's best stock market forecaster and securities analyst.

We know of no other analyst who has been so accurate who covers so many areas of research.

Mike previously worked at UBS and Bear Stearns. He has also worked in the venture capital industry.

Throughout his career, Mike has advised multi-billion dollar hedge funds, mutual funds, pension funds and endowments.

He has also advised fortune 100 corporate treasury departments and ultra wealthy investors.   

Mike Stathis, arguably the world's top investment analyst, has been banned by the Jewish-run media since 2006 simply because he's not Jewish. We've been fighting back exposing discrimination by the media, as well as the tactics used to mislead and defraud investors.

Mike is also the World's Leading Source exposing fraud, charlatans, & media manipulation.

Mike Stathis was the only person who forecast the bottom in both the U.S. real estate market

AND U.S. stock market before these markets collapsed. 

Mike Stathis predicted the 2008 financial crisis with more accuracy than anyone. 

We still back this claim by a $50,000 guarantee.  

Think we're exaggerating? LEARN HIS TRACK RECORD.  

See herehere, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

We are the only investment research firm in history to have backed our track record claims by $1 million.

Mike Stathis was the ONLY person in the world to recommend in a book that investors should short subprime mortgage stocks

in addition to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac two years before the financial crisis. 

He is the only person in the world who predicted the details of the financial crisis in advance, AND turned bullish

at the market bottom (March 9, 2009) enabling his clients to make HUGE gains.  

Soon after, the stock market collapsed, financials collapsed, while oil and gold soared. 

Mike was the only person in the world to expose Bank of America's buyout of Merrill Lynch.

in the fall of 2008 as a hidden bailout just days after the deal was announced. See here.

Stathis also detailed how free trade was destroying American living standards in his 2006 book, America's Financial Apocalypse.

Ten years later, the White House would use this book as a reference on US trade policy.  

Mike was the ONLY person that predicted the stock market bottom even before the decline began when he wrote the possibility of  Dow 6,500 in his 2006 book America's Financial Apocalypse.  He also followed up with these warnings in 2008.

On March 9, 2009 with the Dow at 6,500, Mike issued his first market buy recommendation since warning investors of the collapse. 

Only later would investors realize the 6,500 mark was the bottom. See here

On August 2008, Mike warned about an earnings collapse by Q4 2008.  See here.   

A couple of months later, he warned again about the Dow collapsing to 6,500.  See here

Mike was the only analyst to predict that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would be bailed out by taxpayers.

He made these forecasts in his 2006 banned book America's Financial Apocalypse.  

He even instructed investors HOW and WHEN to short Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in addition to the subprimes, banks and homebuilders in his 2007 book.

No one else made these recommendations which led to astounding profits. Yet, he remains banned by all media, while con artists are promoted as experts.

Mike Stathis was the only person to expose the fraud behind the seizure of Washington Mutual by the OTC.

See here for his complaint to the SEC. 

Not long after he filed the report the OTC implicated Mike in white powder mailings to the Federal Reserve.

He was interrogated by the federal agents which caused him to delay release of the report by a year.  

In 2010, Mike was contacted by the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC). 

Once he told investigators why the crisis happened, the FCIC dropped him from testifying before Congress. 

All of this, yet Mike was completely black-balled by ALL MEDIA. Ask yourself why. 

And then consider who the media promotes as "experts." 

Are you starting to see how things work?  

Do you want to know when the next recession or bear market is likely to appear?   

Mike Stathis is the world's most qualified and credible person to answer this.

Subscribe to our research to access world-class insights and guidance.

You're also going to learn from one of the world's top investment minds. 

Without our research there's a good chance you're going to get slaughtered. 

Unlike the broken clock, one-trick ponies promoted in the media, Mike Stathis has been accurately forecasting the stock market ever since he predicted the 2008 financial crisis and stock market collapse. 

PROVIDING The World's BEST Investment Research & EDUCATION CONTENT

OUR World-Class Insights Providing You With A Competitive Advantage


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Mike Stathis'
Intelligent Investor
Gain the ultimate competitive advantage by subscribing to the Market Forecasting Research from the ONLY PERSON to have predicted the financial crisis who also recommended buying stocks when the market hit its exact bottom.
Each Monthly Publication Includes:
US Stock Market Forecasts
Emerging Market Forecasts
Recommended List of 10 - 15 Securities
Analysis of Each Security
Global Macro Economics Analysis
Investment Strategies
Risk Management Guidance
Invaluable Educational Content
Each monthly research report has two parts.
Part 1 contains Securities Analysis Research published in written format unless otherwise specified.
Part 2 contains the Market Forecasting research published in video format unless otherwise specified.
Mike Stathis'
Market Forecaster
Stock market forecasts from one of the world's best forecasters
This monthly publication is intended for index fund investors and other less active investors who want to utilize our market forecasting guidance in order to optimize their investment performance.
US Market Forecasts
Dow Jones Industrial Average
S&P 500 Index
NASDAQ Composite Index
Emerging Market Forecasts:
China ( represented by FXI )
India ( represented by IFN )
Brazil ( represented by EWZ )
Gain the ultimate competitive advantage by subscribing to the Market Forecasting Research from the ONLY PERSON to have predicted the financial crisis who also recommended buying stocks when the market hit its exact bottom.
Each monthly research report is published in video format unless otherwise specified.
Mike Stathis'
Dividend Gems
This publication is intended for investors seeking to manage a portfolio of dividend securities . Each issue contains our recommended securities list along with securities ratings, sector analysis, securities analysis and guidance, and a one page summary of the recommended list.
Each Monthly Issue Includes:
Recommended List (40-50 securities)
Component Ratings For Each Security
Summary Page With Guidance For Each Security
Dividend Capture Strategies
Trading Strategies
Risk Management
Each monthly research report is published in written format unless otherwise specified.
On occassion supplementary videos are provided at our discretion.
AVA Investment Analytics
CCPM Forecaster
This monthly publication is meant for investors who trade commodities, currencies, or precious metals. It can also utilized by those seeking to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the capital markets.
CRB Index
Soy beans
WTI Crude
Brent Crude
Natural Gas
USD vs Euro
USD vs Yen
USD vs Franc
USD vs Real
Precious Metals:
Each monthly research report is published in written format unless otherwise specified.
On occassion supplementary videos are provided at our discretion.
AVA Investment Analytics
Trader's Edge
Live Trading Guidance with one of the World’s Leading Investment Minds
Live assistance with securities analysis, trade setup, management and hedging for most US listed securities, commodities, foreign currencies and precious metals.
This service can assist with:
Swing Trades
Intermediate Term Trades
Trade Setup & Management
Risk Management
Dividend Capture Strategies
Trading Earnings Calls
Options Strategies
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Each session is broadcast by live video streaming in order to maximize the interaction.
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AVA Investment Analytics
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Recently published articles

Expert Who Predicted 2008 Financial Crisis, Mike Stathis Analyzes 2023 Banking Crisis

On March 20, 2023, Mike Stathis gave a 90-minute webinar presentation detailing the current banking crisis, its causes, solutions and risks...

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Who Hijacked and Shutdown the Occupy Wall Street Movement (OWS)?

After watching the video below, you might wish to check the previously published presentation for additional insight into answering this cri...

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US Economic Analysis, Market Forecast and Guidance Excerpts from November 2018

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Do You Remember the Aftermath of the European Sovereign Debt Crisis?

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Stathis Predicted Deflation in the EU in 2010

Do you remember back in 2010 and 2011 when every gold-pumping con man and their minions were claiming that commodities would soar? Do you...

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Global Economics: European Union Brief Comments

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Good News in Europe, or a Head Fake?

Recently, Europe reported some upbeat economic numbers, prompting many analysts to take a more optimistic stance on the region. Specifical...

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Opening Statement from the December 2012 Intelligent Investor (Part 4)

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Brazil's Next President Is Jewish And Why It Matters

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Stunning Revelations from Brazil

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Harry Dent, Wall Street Investment Bible and Brazilian Real Estate

In the 50 minute audio below, Mike first discusses how Harry Dent, Peter Schiff and others in that realm claim to be analysts, economists an...

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The Takedown of Argentina by the Jewish Mafia

 In this video, Mike summarizes the situation in Argentina in a short video.   As always, you aren't going to get this insightf...

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Venezuela & Gold. Critical Lessons for Gold Bugs

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Does the Dollar Risk Losing its World Reserve Currency Status?

The following webinar presentation is available to Members and Clients.  

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Opening Statement from the May 2022 Intelligent Investor (part 1)

Opening Statement from the May 2022 Intelligent Investor (part 1) Originally published on May 4, 2022 Oil and Gas Although crude oil pr...

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Opening Statement from the September 2021 Intelligent Investor (part 1)

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Opening Statement from the May 2022 Dividend Gems

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Opening Statement from the April 2022 Intelligent Investor (part 1)

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Opening Statement from the April 2022 Dividend Gems

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Dividend Gems Has Destroyed the S&P 500 Performance Since the Beginning of 2022

We normally don't compare the performance of the securities on the Dividend Gems Recommended List versus the S&P 500 Index because Divid...

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Opening Statement from the March 2022 Dividend Gems

Opening Statement from the March 2022 Dividend Gems Originally published on March 20, 2022 Russia Invades Ukraine On February 24 Russia...

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Opening Statement from the February 2022 Intelligent Investor (part 1)

Opening Statement from the February 2022 Intelligent Investor (part 1) Originally published on February 9, 2022   Overview The big...

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Peter Schiff Gets Robert Kiyosaki to Pitch His Gold Fund

Who would you go to if you had no conscious or morals and wanted to pitch a terrible product to people? You'd probably want to find another...

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Two Images Illustrate Why Gold is Owned by Dummies

Over the past decade, I've debunked every single myth pumped out by the gold and silver "experts" (i.e. pumpers) explaining why gold and sil...

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Gold and Deflation (part 2)

The following audio was misplaced when first recorded in 2015 but is now being released. It's a followup to the first audio with the same ti...

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Lost Audio Archives: Gold is NOT Insurance They are Lying to You

The following audio was created sometime in 2014 or 2015. 

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Everyone Pushing Junior Mining Stocks is a Scam Artist

I explain the details how these scam artists are fleecing their cult members in the audios below. 

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Mike Stathis' CCPM Forecaster Leads to Huge Profits in Gold AGAIN

Did you jump into gold once it broke $1300? Did you ride the trade up past $1500? Subscribers to the CCPM Forecaster were instructed to.&...

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October 2023 CCPM Forecaster Sample (next 30 minutes)

Below is the next 30 minutes of the October CCPM Forecaster.    This segment covers Rice, Milk, Coffee, Sugar, Soybeans, Corn, Wh...

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October 2023 CCPM Forecaster Sample (first 24 minutes)

Below is the first 24 minutes of the October CCPM Forecaster.   The CCPM Forecaster is available as a spectacular discount of 50%...

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September CCPM Forecaster for Members and Clients

Below is the September 2023 CCPM Forecaster for Members and Clients.  The CCPM Forecaster is available as a spectacular discount of 50...

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OPEC+ Members Cut Oil Production by 1.15 Million Barrels Per Day

In the CCPM Forecaster, we always remind traders of the need to monitor news that can impact commodities pricing.   We normally d...

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Opening Statement from the September 2022 CCPM Forecaster

Opening Statement from the September 2022 CCPM Forecaster Originally published on September 4, 2022 Overview Pricing of most commoditie...

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Opening Statement from the May 2022 CCPM Forecaster

Opening Statement from the May 2022 CCPM Forecaster Originally published on May 1, 2022 (pre-market release)   US Economy Desp...

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Lessons on Short-Term Trading

We have released an instructional video where Mike Stathis shows traders some insider tips on short-term trading. In the presentation, Mik...

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How to Set Limit Orders and Determine Stop Loss Pricing

We have just released a 30-minute video presentation where Mike goes through and shows you how to set limit orders and determine pricing for...

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Update on Video Presentation: 60 Stocks Poised for HUGE Moves

At the end of May, we released a 6-hour, presenation dividend into 9 different videos discussing the technical and fundamental aspects for 6...

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Mike Stathis Successfully Predicts Another Bankruptcy: Rite Aid (RAD)

Several months ago during one of the Securities Analysis & Trading Webinar sessions, Mike stated with certainty that Rite Aid (RAD)...

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Mike Stathis Has Been Recommending Nvidia (NVDA) Since May 2009

Those who are unfamiliar with me can find out more about my credentials, my background, as well as my investment research track record here,...

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Mike Stathis Predicted Another Bankruptcy: Bed, Bath & Beyond (BBBY)

Those who are unfamiliar with me can find out more about my credentials, my background, as well as my investment research track record here,...

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Can You Beat the S&P 500 Index? You Can If You Have Access to Our Research

If anyone claims that no one can beat the S&P 500, you should tell them they haven't seen Mike Stathis' investment research.[1] Here we...

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September 2024 Research Release Schedule

Below is a tentative release schedule for our monthly research publications. Our research publications track record may be examined her...

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July 2024 Research Release Schedule

Below is a tentative release schedule for our monthly research publications. Our research publications track record may be examined her...

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June 2024 Research Release Schedule

Below is a tentative release schedule for our monthly research publications. Our research publications track record may be examined her...

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May 2024 Research Release Schedule

Below is a tentative release schedule for our monthly research publications. Our research publications track record may be examined her...

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March 2024 Research Release Schedule

Below is a tentative release schedule for our monthly research publications. Our research publications track record may be examined her...

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February 2024 Research Release Schedule

Below is a tentative release schedule for our monthly research publications. Our research publications track record may be examined her...

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December 2023 Research Release Schedule

Below is a tentative release schedule for our monthly research publications. Our research publications track record may be examined her...

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November 2023 Research Release Schedule

Below is a tentative release schedule for our monthly research publications. Our research publications track record may be examined her...

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Mutual Fund Disasters (Part 3)

Part 1 (Overview) Part 2  

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Mutual Fund Disasters (Part 2)

Previously, we summarized some important pieces published on mutual funds a few years ago. See here. Here, we continue with an in-depth l...

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Mutual Fund Disasters: David Tice and His Prudent Bear Fund

Want to save tens of thousands of dollars? In this article, I tie in numerous aspects of erroneous and deceptive marketing by the mutual f...

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Mutual Fund Disasters: Harry Dent the Fund Manager

Seizing upon his media “celebrity,” (which essentially means you have sheep lining up for your perceived expertise, created sole...

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A Look at Harry Dent's Track Record

Update on Dent (April 25, 2015): Check out this new video on Dent, showing his terrible track record Broken Clock Moron Of The M...

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Target-Date Funds: Another Dangerous Investment Epiphany

You may have heard of one of the newer (marketing) "innovations" developed by the mutual fund industry called target-date funds. They w...

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More Useless Trash From the Financial Media (Part 2)

Continuing from Part 1 Contrary to the claim that Federated’s Prudent Bear Fund holds more short than long stock positions, if you ch...

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Mike Stathis Exposes Real Estate Myths and Scams

I began my mission helping investors steer clear of Wall Street because I learned firsthand how the game was played after having worked in t...

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America's Financial Apocalypse (2006) Chapter 10 Finally Released

For those who don't already realize it, Mike Stathis was the only person in the world who truly predicted the details of the real estate col...

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Housing Market Analysis from August 2012 Intelligent Investor

We have released an excerpt from the August 2012 Housing Market Analysis contained in the Intelligent Investor.

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The Future of the U.S. Real Estate Market (Part 3)

Compared to the U.S., housing finance in Canada is less subsidized by the government. In fact, the Canadian government’s housing finan...

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The Future of the U.S. Real Estate Market (Part 2)

Taken from the January 2012 Intelligent Investor   This is a continuation from Part 1 of this 3-part series. Click here to read...

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The Future of the U.S. Real Estate Market (Intro)

Taken from the January 2012 Intelligent Investor   Overview Home ownership has been a vital component of Washington’s economic...

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Another Jewish Consumer Finance Parasite Sally Krawcheck Promotes Weird Feminist Ideas

The video below shows how a parasite seeks to cater to feminists in order to siphon money from their pockets all while promoting the more to...

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Mike Stathis Reveals How Federal Tax Protesters are Stooges of the Elites

Mike Stathis reveals the realities behind the federal income tax and how wealthy individuals have duped the masses to dig their own grave wh...

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Amazon is Now Scamazon

In this video, I show specifically how Amazon is scamming its customers. 

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Are Online Bank Accounts Really Guaranteed?

For many years, banks have offered a slew of incentives to get you to shift to online banking. They’ve gone to extremes to transform y...

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Exposing the Realities Behind Family Limited Partnerships

A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of publishing the only guest piece on this website since it was launched nearly two years ago. It...

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Unique Investment Education - Typical Monthly Forecasting Education

This video except demonstrates how educational each presentation is. You won't get this level of insight anywhere else in the world, guarant...

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Learning How to Distinguish Between an Investment vs a Trading Opportunity

The ability to understand what you are dealing with is one of the most important considerations we face through life, regardless whether we...

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Mike's Single Best Investment Tip

This might be the single best piece of advice for investors.

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How to Make Investment/Trading Decisions

We just released an audio presentation covering one of the securities in the Intelligent Investor recommended list.    

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More Evidence that Mike Stathis is the World's Leading Investment Analyst

The investment landscape is a bloodbath. So you'd better be armed with the best and most insightful research possible. The following is ju...

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The Death of Labor Unions in America

Taken from March 2013 Vol 46, Intelligent Investor (Part 4) According to data collected from the Current Population Survey, and reporte...

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America's Eroding Job Quality

Taken from September 2012 Vol 40, Intelligent Investor The U.S workforce is significantly older and better educated than in it was during...

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Is the US Labor Market Showing Signs of Recovery?

Realistically speaking, the jobs data has not been particularly encouraging. One of the least discussed statistics in the labor market has b...

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January 2013 Dividend Gems Opening Statement

Last Friday the Labor Department reported that non-farm payrolls grew by 155,000 jobs last month, slightly below November's level. Last Tues...

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Where is Gold Headed? Exposing Fear-Mongering, Broken Clock, Crystal Ball Clowns & Con Artists

The following audio discussion by Mike Stathis was originally released in 2015.  Similar to most of Mike's audios and videos this one...

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Investment Education - Mike Explains How to Utilize Market Forecasting

The following video below contains excerpts from a previous market forecasting presentation (the market forecasts are not included in this v...

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Blast from the Past: Death of America (2013)

In this article, you are going to see what has happened to America, what the future holds and who is responsible for the nation's decline.&n...

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Who is the World's Leading Investment Analyst?

Mike Stathis doesn't claim to be perfect, but we have litle doubt he's the best. And his track record confirms this. 

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Only Scam Artists and Idiots Tell You to Buy Gold Instead of Stocks

Unfortunately, most people have forgotten how critical it is to know the credibility and reliability of the sources they choose to follow....

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How Open Borders, Minimum Wage, Affirmative Action, Declining Living Standards and Free Trade Are Linked

The establishment doesn't want Americans to know what Mike Stathis discusses in the following video, which is why he was black-balled by all...

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Mike Stathis Foresaw the Problems With US Trade Policy Back in 2006

By now if you're reading this then you probably already realize the fact that Mike Stathis holds not only the leading track record on the ec...

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Free Trade and Globalization: The Biggest Secret You're Not Being Told

As one of the world's foremost experts on trade, Mike Stathis has exposed realities about so-called free trade and globalization you will no...

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Trump's Trade Plan Guarantees More Outsourcing of American Jobs (More Evidence)

In the past we have pointed out many realities about Donald Trump.  See here, here and here. Recently, it was even...

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How Is America's Open Borders Policy Linked to Minimum Wage, Affirmative Action and Free Trade?

See Also:  Free Trade And The Suicide Of A Superpower (Part 1) Free Trade And The Suicide Of A Superpower (Part 2) Free Trade And...

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Fake News Blog Zero Hedge Still Promoting Fear-Mongering Con Artists (like Doug Casey)

Today we look at the promotion of fear-mongering con man Doug Casey by the fake news blog known as Zero Hedge.  This exercise is being...

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YouTube Scam Ads: Jewish Crypto Con Man James Altucher is at it Again

You probably don't remember James Altucher's days when he was rubbing shoulders with Jim Cramer at his copywriting sweat shop, The Street.&n...

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Who Killed Michael Jackson, Why, and When Did His Troubles Begin?

Those who are unfamiliar with me can find out more about my credentials, my background, as well as my investment research track record here,...

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The Boston Blackout of 2023 - Porter Stansberry's Latest Fear-Mongering Scam

Unfortunately, most people have forgotten how critical it is to know the credibility and reliability of the sources they choose to follow....

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Mike Stathis Reveals How Jewish Media Makes Experts Out of Bozos and Con Artists (first published in 2015)

I first began my mission helping investors steer clear of Wall Street because I learned first hand how the game was played after having work...

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Opening Statement from the February 2022 Dividend Gems

Opening Statement from the February 2022 Dividend Gems Originally published on February 20, 2022 Interest rates Investors are now betti...

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MEMBER SPECIAL ACCESS: 2023 Securities Analysis and Trading Webinar Session 12 Excerpts, June 7, 2023, 9am EST

We are providing Members and Clients with access to excerpts from Session 12 of the 2023 Securities Analysis & Trading Webinar Series.&n...

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Subscribers to one or more of our monthly research publications receive complimentary Membership. Membership provides access to all restricted content and includes a variety of topics focused on helping investors think more clearly so they can make better decisions. See here for Member Benefits.

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A Look at Harry Dent's Track Record

Update on Dent (April 25, 2015): Check out this new video on Dent, showing his terrible track record Broken Clock Moron Of The M...

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Payback is a BITCH

NOTE: Mike Stathis predicted the precise details of the financial crisis in his 2006 book, America's Financial Apocalypse. The Jewish...

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The Plain Truth

I Repeat… I continue to be amazed by so many out there, from the pundits with their agendas to the so-called experts who zoom in on...

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Mike Stathis' Track Record on the 2008 Financial Crisis

Mike Stathis' 2008 Financial Crisis Track Record is Unmatched As the only investment expert who predicted the financial apocalypse in detai...

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The Rape of Greece by Jewish Bankers

For background info see The Solution to Greece's Sovereign Debt Crisis   After suffering through nearly five years of a very severe r...

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Dismantling John Williams' Hyperinflation Predictions

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The Embarrassing Track Record of Robert Prechter (Part 1)

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Mike Stathis is Offering a $100,000 Reward

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Market Guidance: Past, Present and Future

Despite the strong closing bounce off the new intraday low of around 7400 reached on Friday, it’s likely the Dow has further downside....

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Blast from the Past - Mike Stathis Predicted the Real Estate Derivatives Meltdown in 2006

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Mutual Fund Disasters: Harry Dent the Fund Manager

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Get Ready for the Earnings Meltdown

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Stay Clear of Traditional Asset Classes

With rare exception, investors should stay clear of traditional asset classes. If you haven’t already done so, you’d be wise to...

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Stathis Nails the Stock Market Correction AGAIN, Top to Bottom

Last month we posted some brief excerpts from our January 2014 80-min, 2-video presentation on the US Stock Market Forecast and Analysi...

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More Details on the Extension of Our $1,000,000 Challenge

UPDATE (April 2, 2021): since 2011 we have been offering to award the first person who was able to demonstrate that another financial profes...

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How Jim Cramer, CNBC and Other Jewish Con Men Screw the Sheep

Jim Cramer has been manipulating securities and misleading the sheep who watch CNBC for many years. Yet, no one calls him out on his se...

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Bailouts Disguised as Buyouts

  Bank of America’s buyout of Merrill Lynch seemed laughable to me - that is until I realized the full picture. With a $50 bil...

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The Case for Market Timing

To those of you who say it's impossible to time or forecast the market; to those of you who keep wasting your time reading and watching the...

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Top Six Questions to Ask BEFORE You Trust Investment "Experts"

Before you even think about listening to what anyone has to say about investments, including subscribing to an investment newsletter, you ne...

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The Big Secret About Oil

Each day we continue to feel the damaging effects of high oil prices. And while oil has recently corrected down by close to 30% from record...

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The Truth about Jim Cramer and CNBC (Part 1)

I first began my mission helping investors steer clear of Wall Street because I learned first hand how the game was played after having work...

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Understanding the Proper Use of Gold and Silver

For a couple of years now, many investors have been bombarded with claims of hyperinflation and a Zimbabwe-like fate for the U.S. dollar. Th...

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Don't Bet on Hyperinflation

For several months now, I’ve heard all of this talk of hyperinflation. I’m sure you have too. I’ve seen that word so many...

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Mike Stathis Was the Only Person to Have Nailed the First Rate Hike

As subscribers of the Intelligent Investor and Market Forecaster are aware, AVA Investment Analytics Chief Investment Strategist, Mike...

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Fool's Gold (Part 2)

In part 1 of this article, I laid out some common sense explanations why gold is best utilized for short-term trading. Furthermore, I emphas...

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Mike Stathis' Near-Perfect Market Forecasting Record

Surely by now many of you recall that Mike Stathis, our Chief Investment Strategist had warned of a Dow 6500 in the 2006 release of America&...

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Manipulation of Gold and Silver Prices

Many of you know where I stand on gold. Despite having forecast gold to rise to very high prices in America's Financial Apocalypse, the fact...

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Guess Who Nailed the Most Recent Gold Trade AGAIN

That's right. Once again, Mike Stathis nailed the gold trade.

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Our Interest Rate Forecasts Have Yielded HUGE Gains

As a result of Stathis' accurate interest rate forecasts, his institutional clients and others who might have access to interest rate swaps...

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Why Mutual Funds are the WORST Investment During Bear Markets (Part 1)

This article was modified from a portion of the The Wall Street Investment Bible. That’s right. This material is contained with t...

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Wall Street, the Media, the CIA and Facebook: Confluence of Fraud, Deceit and Espionage in the Decay of Society (Part 1)

In many ways, the social media craze really isn’t much different than its trash TV counterpart, which often features episodes from the...

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Fool's Gold (Part 3)

Hopefully, after having read Part 1 and Part 2, you now realize that gold certainly isn’t a hedge against inflation; quite the opposit...

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It's Time to Face the Facts (Part 1)

For anyone who believes any positive earnings reports from the banks, you probably also believe there will be a real recovery in the economy...

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Gold Charlatans Strike it Rich While their Sheep Get Fleeced (Part 1)

Gold bugs and dealers alike have pumped out so many misconceptions and flat out lies about gold, silver, and the economy that it would be im...

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Understanding Manipulation of Gold by the Media

While still working on Wall Street, I began recommending gold in late 2001 to my clients just when the bull market had commenced. As you mig...

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Deconstructing Meredith Whitney's Default Predictions

If I hired a full-time staff of 100 financial professionals specifically dedicated to the task of calling out all of the media’s so-ca...

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Dividend Gems Subscribers Treated to ANOTHER HUGE BUYOUT - Kraft

The streak of huge buyout deals continues for subscribers of Dividend Gems. Last year, Dividend Gems subscribers were rewarded with a simi...

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The Impressive Performance of Dividend Gems

We wanted to take this opportunity to remind you about our newest investment newsletter, Dividend Gems.

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Peter Schiff Has a Terrible Track Record But Gets Daily Air Time from the Media

The main stars of America's financial trash TV are broken clocks and contrarian indicators who deliver the same sales pitch day after day, w...

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Top 20 Gimmicks and Lies of Gold Charlatans - 100 pg e-book

Among his other amazing forecasts, Mike Stathis is the ONLY financial professional in the world to have timed the gold and silver bull...

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How the Jewish Media Steals from Gentiles

The Jewish mafia has designed countless ways to steal from gentiles. And they won’t hesitate using these methods on other Jews as long...

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How to Determine if Your Sources Can be Trusted

Before I begin, I will tell you this with complete confidence. If you see anyone in the media frequently, you won’t even need to waste...

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Video: Educating a Libertarian Hack from Harvard

Normally, these libertarian goofballs lack sufficient knowledge to put forth an argument in support of their pro-fascist views. By now you p...

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Debunking the Myth that China is Selling U.S. Treasury Securities

For a couple of years now, the extremists, gold bugs, perpetual doomers and others who know more about marketing than economics and investme...

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2013 Mid-Year Global Economic Analysis (Video Presentation)

You have probably heard what the clowns in the media have said about the economy.  Unfortunate...

The Most Comprehensive Global Economic Report in the World

We recently released what we believe is the single most comprehensive and insightful global economic...

60 Stocks Poised for HUGE Moves

You get nine (9) videos analyzing sixty (60) stocks Mike felt would make huge moves.   &nb...

Fundamental & Technical Analysis of Twenty Stocks (20) Trading over $100

We have just released twenty (20) videos, each covering the fundamental and technical analysis of a...

Economic Focus: Canada

In this report, we analyze Canada's economic health, its long-term fiscal challenges and examine whe...

UK Economic Analysis: Housing and Banking Risk

Just released for subscribers of the Intelligent Investor is a 30-minute video presentation discussi...
